Road Poneglyph

(Updated pictures of the MC)





*BANG* Ashen kept smashing Perospero with the metal bat until his head and brain shattered into little pieces with nothing left.

"Phew!...Oh my goodness, Look at this!...Hahaha!" Ashen said as he slowly walked towards the Den Den Mushi and showed the bloody metal bat to Big Mom, it still had some pieces of Perospero's head sticked in it "Take a look at this Big Mom…This was your fault you know, don't blame me. Blame your bad luck for crossing paths with me"

"…P-Perospero…" Big Mom was speechless while looking at it, before she burst out of anger "Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! I will kill you. Do you hear?! I will follow you to the end of the earth and kill you, YOU CURSED LITTLE BRAT!!"

"It seems that you still don't understand your situation here-" While Ashen was speaking, he was interrupted when Oven got on his feet and tried to punch him, before Calvin got him back in line.

"…That, Hoho my…THAT, is a no no. The whole thing, not one bit of that shit flies here!" Ashen shouted in anger before he approached them again.

"Hoi, stop it!" Big Mom screamed behind the Den Den Mushi.

"Anyway, that's not how it works…You see Big Mom, when I say I want your Road Poneglyphe or I'll bash your kids skulls, I fucking mean it…Looking at you and your children's attitude just now, shows me that you still don't get it. How serious I am"

"I always payback people, no matter who you fucking are, pirates, emperors, marines, world government, EVEN THE GOD DAMN KING OF THE WORLD!...I always payback, no exceptions"

"Now I don't know what kind of lying prick you've been dealing with until now, but I'm a man of my word. So…Back to it!" Ashen said with a smile before he quickly turned back and smashed Daifuku's head.





"DAIFUKUU!!!" Oven cried loudly seeing his twin brother's head getting smash to pieces because of him.

"M-M-M….M-MAMA…I-I'M S-SORRY…AGHH!!" Ashen bashed Daifuku's head so hard that his left eye popped out while blood was dripping all over his face.

"Buddy you're still there? I don't know it seems that you're trying to speak, but you just took a hell of a beating, your eyeball popped out" Ashen said while mocking Daifuku who was struggling to breath "And it is gross as shit!"

"You're going to wish for death when I catch you. Do you hear me, I'll make you wish for death!...ASHEEEENNNN!!!!" Big Mom screamed madly behind the Den Den Mushi.

"Ow, I could see this is hard on you Big Mom…Seeing your kids that you spent years raising them, getting their heads smashed by a bat, and a stranger that you though was an, 'Insignificant ant' most be really hard on you" Ashen said while trying to act like he was touched.

"I'm sorry, I truly am…But I did say it, no exception!" Ashen said in jovial manner, before he turned back and continued beating Daifuku until there was nothing left of his head.





"*BANG*…Huff…Huff…You bunch of pussies…*BANG*…I'm just getting started"

After Ashen finished with Daifuku, he immediately turned to Big Mom "Now, let's get down to business!" He said before one of his men brought him a chair, and he proceeded to sit in front of the Den Den Mushi "I'm going to keep this short, you got one week to bring me a copy of your Poneglyphe"

"Screw you!!!"

"Ouch…I'm not a wizard or a magician, but you just lost two of your top officers. So, I suggest you start changing your attitude before you lose more" Ashen said then added "Do not test my patient, you shitty fucking overgrown ugly no neck old bitch" he said with a threatening tone of voice.

Big Mom was looking at Ashen with mad expressions, but she tried to calm herself down to negotiate with him "How do I know you're not going to kill them after I give it to you?"

"You don't, but you know how serious I am, right?...Or do you want me to prove it to you? How serious I am, AGAIN"

"You better start running away after that, because I won't rest up or sleep until I catch you brat!" Big Mom threatened Ashen while greeting her teeth from frustration.

"Awesome, ah and don't even think about giving me a fake one, I have someone with me who could read it…A scholar, a survivor from Ohara. Little ten years old demon" Ashen said then added "Also, don't try to come here by yourself or send those sweet generals…One officer, one ship, do you understand? Well then, have a good day!" Ashen said with a friendly smile before he shut down the Den Den Mushi.

A few days later, the sea near Hachinosu,

Two ships were stopping next to each other, one of them is The Sword of Xebec and the other one belongs to Big Mom Pirates.

"Did you bring my stuff?" Ashen said with his arms crossed, while calmly gazing at Charlotte Mont-d'Or who looked at him with hostility from the other ship.

"…Did you bring my brother and sisters?" He said while greeting his teeth from anger.

"Of course!" Ashen gave signal, and his crew brought them. Oven, Amande, Custard and Angel were all chained and cuffed with sea stone, while Perospero and Daifuku's dead bodies were clean and shrouded "I also brough the dead one, so you could give them a proper burial"

After that, both parties proceeded with the deal, exchanging Big Mom's children for a copy of the Road Poneglyphe.

"It really is the real one, Zehahahaha!...Subarashi! I have one now, three more to go" Ashen said excitedly before he folded it and turned back and ordered his crew to sail back to the island.

"You're not going to kill us?!" Charlotte Mont-d'Or asked him, looking surprised at his actions as he was ready for something like that to happen.

"Even in this fucked up world, there has to be a moral code, or else what's the difference between us and animals?" Ashen said, then added "I already told you people, I'm a man of my word"

Ashen's ship sailed away after that.

"This sounds fishy" Mont-d'Or exclaimed before he ordered his men to sail away from the island.

When Ashen and his crew arrived back at the island, Calvin proceeded to hand him a blue snail.

"It's time to let him know" Ashen declared as he proceeded to call someone through the Den Den Mushi.

"Purupurupuru… Purupurupuru… Purupuru--Brother"

"Julius, it's me…They are coming towards you" Ashen informed his brother.

"So, everything went according to your plan, huh?" Julius calmly asked.

"Yep, the old hag fell for it, but it's just a matter of time before she comes for my ass though"

"Sigh…Hope you know what you're doing" Julius said sighing helplessly "Be safe brother, I'll call you later after I finish this matter" he said.

"Make sure to capture every last one of them…*Gatcha*" Ashen said before he finished the call.

After that, Julius proceeded to inform his superior Vice Admiral Tokikake about the situation. The plan is to capture the surviving Big Mom children after Ashen release them.

"Charlotte Mont d'Or!... Calmly turn yourself in along with the other Big Mom officers, or we will sink your ship!" Julius declared through the speaker while five marine ships surrounded them.

"Damn it! I knew that bastard was up to something!" Mont d'Or cursed out loudly.

"That fucker didn't uncuff us for a reason, I should have known he was up for something" Oven said, he became enraged when he saw the situation there were in "He keeps humiliating us every time, I won't forgive him as long as I live!...I will definitely avenge you Daifuku, Perospero!"

"Hahaha…I can't imagine Big Mom's face when she finds out!" Ashen was laughing loudly while sitting in his room on top of the skull building, he was surrounded by his crew while his pet tiger was sitting beside him "But she can't say anything about it, as I did my part of the deal. I released them, I never said that I'll make sure they return back safe to Totto Land"

"Growl…" The tiger growled as Ashen started patting his head.

"But what should we do now, she will definitely be coming after us with her army" Enel asked.

"You're right but look at the bright side. We can now decide when and where we engage with her" Calvin stated.

"Yeah, we should probably leave Hachinosu for now" Ashen

"Where to?"

"I don't know you tell me…Which place is perfect to start a war with an emperor?"