Little Garden

"I know exactly who could help us in this war!" Ashen declared while smiling excitedly.

"Who could be strong enough to do that?" Moria asked curiously.

"*Smile*…The giants" Ashen said before he got on his feet and proceeded to explain further "Big Mom and the giants have a really bad history, if I we could take advantage of that, we can convince them to join us to bring her down. As they say, the enemy of your enemy is your friend"

"Are you serious?! Don't tell me we're going to Elbaf?!" Moria asked in shock.

"Elbaf? If I'm not wrong isn't that the island of Giants?" Franky asked.

"There is an island of giants? you've got to be shitting me!...There is no way we miss that, I want to fight a giant!" Ian said in excitement.

"Yeap, but before that there is somewhere else I need to go to. Anyway, you won't be coming with me…Urouge, Enel you're going back home" Ashen said as he proceeded to explain his plan to them "You guys are going to hide in the sky island while I'm going back to Paradise"

"What, why would you do that?!" Calvin was surprised at Ashen's decision "No, more importantly you said 'I' not we, don't tell me you're planning to go alone?" Calvin asked seriously.

"Yes, there is two giants residing in an island back there, if I can convince them, then that would be pretty much it" Ashen said then added "if we all go back, we will bring too much attention. Remember we're not a group of rookies anymore, if the marines find out we are in Paradise they won't stay calm, so I'm going to take a small boat, quickly get the job done and comeback"

"At least, let me come with you" Calvin said with a frown.

"No, you're the Vice Captain, it's your responsibility to take care of the crew while I'm absent…Anyway, we will use the Den Den Mushi to contact each other if anything happens"

"Should we inform the Happo Navy about the incoming war?" Enel asked.

"Yes, inform our allies so they also watch their backs and prepare for the conflict" Ashen said before he put away his captain's coat "Prepare the boat and supplies, I'll be moving out immediately"

[Totto Land, Whole Cake Island],

Inside the three-layered massive castle of Big Mom, the Whole Cake Chateau, gathered the Big Mom children and officers after hearing the news about the capturing of the hostages that were supposed to be freed by Ashen after the deal was done.

"DAAAMN YOU!! ASHEEEEN!!!" Big Mom screamed madly while releasing her Conqueror's Haki. Her children were looking at her in fear while sweating nervously, except Katakuri who was rather very mad about the news.

"That little shit, thinks he can humiliate us like this and get away with it…Unforgivable!" Cracker said in anger.

"The marines are transporting them back to Paradise…They are going to Impel Down damn it!" Compote stated.

"Then we should rescue-" Smoothie was interrupted by Big Mom.

"We are going after that brat!!...I'm going to kill you in the most painful way, just wait for me ASHEN!!" Big Mom said with a mad facial expression.

Katakuri proceeded to turn back and walk away after that "Let's not waste anytime then and prepare the fleet. This is an all-out war, the objective is…To annihilate the Ashen Pirates"

"Captain, are you seriously going to sail the Grand Line with a boat?!...That's a suicide!" Ken said as he was trying to convince Ashen otherwise "I know that you're very strong, but if you accidentally fall into the sea, it's game over for you"

"I know, but…If I can't even do that then I might as well throw myself into the sea in the first place" Ashen said casually as he was checking the supplies on the boat. The boat is very small, it can only accommodate up to four or five people max, but its advantage is that it can be powered by Ashen's devil fruit, meaning that he could use his fire as a fuel to move the boat. Ashen requested Franky to build it specifically for him "Alright you guys be careful on your way up there. I don't want my lovely ship to be destroyed"

"You should be worrying about us instead!" Diana replied with an annoyed expression.

"Anyway, I see you guys in a few weeks…Or months, who knows" Ashen said before he put on his black hat and proceeded to release intense flames from his feet to move the boat "Hehe…Feels pretty good"

After Ashen left Hachinosu, he used one of the Eternal Poses that he had on him to sail towards Risky Red Island, one of the first three island of the New World. It's also where ships can be coated to go down to Fish-Man Island for those who are going back to Paradise.

It took him a week to reach it, they weren't any obstacles on his journey other than the occasional sea kings and storms, but thanks to his boat he was able to quickly escape those or change direction most of the time.

After that he stayed for three days in Risky Red to coat his boat before he made his journey to Fish-Man Island. This time it wasn't as dangerous as the first time, since he was able to use his Conqueror's Haki to tame one of the sea kings to pull the boat directedly to it.

A few days later he was already back in Paradise. Without wasting any time, he resupplied and made his way towards Little Garden where the two giants Dorry and Brogy are currently residing and having their hundred-years duel.

[Paradise, Little Garden],

"Finally reached it…That was a hell of a journey!" Ashen said while looking at the prehistoric island in front of him before an enormous fish showed up, it resembles a typical white-red colored goldfish, with protruding eye sockets and a wide mouth that has a set of large teeth.

*SPLASH*-*SPLASH* just a small movement from it was enough to create massive waves.

"That's…Island Eater" Ashen stated while recalling his knowledge about the Little Garden Arc from the manga, as he calmly looked at the massive fish "*Smile*…You want to pick a fight with me, huh?" Ashen said with a grin as he slowly unsheathed Shusui.

"Demonic One Sword Style!..." Ashen's arm and sword turned pitch black as the Island Eater started swimming towards his direction.

*SWOOSH* he proceeded to quickly jump into the air, channeling his flames into his sword, creating a fiery blade before he descended towards the Island Eater at a high speed, while spinning his sword into the air in a circular motion, leaving a trail of flames behind them while creating a fiery vortex that engulfs everything in its path.

*SWOOSH* In a split second, Ashen disappeared and reappeared behind the Island Eater.

*SPLASH*-*BOOOM* It only took a second after that before the giant fish was cut in half and the flames swallowed him.

"…Oni's Inferno Cascade!"

"Zehaha! What a pathetic little fish!" Ashen proceeded to fly back to his boat and sailed towards the island. He made it inside through a river before he docked his boat somewhere and finally landed.

"Now, time to find those giants"