Two Hasshoken Users VS Two Big Mom Officers

"Damn!...This creamy bastard keeps trapping me and burning me with that shit!" Ian's chest heaved as he gasped for breath, his hand trembling as he wiped the blood from his mouth. He straightened his back after that, cracking his knuckles as he glared at his opponent "Hahaha! This is the best…I've been itching for a fight like this for a long time!"

"Don't get full of yourself!" Smoothie's lips curled up into a malicious grin as she watched her brother, Opera, launch an attack on Ian. With a swift flick of his wrist, Opera summoned a massive wave of cream and molded it into sharp, spiky objects that glinted menacingly in the sunlight. The cream projectiles whizzed through the air and struck Ian.

*Bang* With a powerful swing from his metal bat, Ian proceeded to destroy them but not before the cream glued itself with his bat, trapping it.

"Fuck its stuck!" Ian desperately tried to retract his arm, but it was too late. The sweet, creamy substance had already seeped into his skin, causing an intense burning sensation that felt like his flesh was being consumed by flames. "AGGHHH!!"

Smoothie seized the moment to lunge at him, her blade tearing through the air and landing a vicious gash on his chest. But in a split second, Ian's eyes darted to the wound, and with swift reflexes, he used Rankyaku, slicing through the thick cream and leaping back with blinding speed, aided by Soru.

"Huff…Huff…This is going to leave a scar…" Ian said holding his bleeding chest in pain "*Smile*…That's it you fucking bitch…I'm smashing your head to pieces!".

"I'd like to see you try" Smoothie replied with a smirk.

"Be my guest!" Ian propelled himself into the air with a swift leap, unleashing Hasshoken from his feet. As he soared upwards, he employed the Geppo and Soru techniques to close the distance between himself and Smoothie in a flash. Without hesitation, he thrust his weapon forward and hurtled down towards his Smoothie.

"Dragon Thrashing!!" He hardened his metal bat with Haki while channeling his Hasshoken energy into it, unleashing a barrage of smacks with his bat at the same spot from multiple angles.

*BOOOM*-*BOOOOM*-*BOOOMIan's strikes reverberated through the air, each blow unleashing a thunderous shockwave. Smoothie's attempts to fend off the relentless assault with her sword were futile as Ian continued to rain down powerful blows. Despite her best efforts, she could not withstand the force of his strikes and was eventually slammed into the ground.

"Got you!" Ian leapt forward, landing on Smoothie's heaving chest, she was at least three times his size. He hardened his left arm with Haki and Tekkai, preparing to unleash a barrage of powerful blows. Before he could strike, a colossal, Haki-coated cream fist slammed into him, sending him hurtling several meters away.


"Man, you're so persistent, I should probably finish you off first" Ian slowly and calmly rose to his feet, his eyes locked on his opponent. However, to his surprise, before he could make another move, a figure suddenly materialized out of thin air.

"Military Head!!" Don Chinjao materialized behind Opera and unleashed a devastating blow, slamming his Haki-coated forehead into the pirate's back. The impact reverberated through his body, unleashing a potent shockwave that sent Opera hurtling through the air, his trajectory halted only by a massive boulder that cracked and crumbled under his weight.

"Whot the hell?!--Don Chinjao?!" Smoothie was shocked seeing the appearance of a powerful opponent like him out of nowhere.

"Hey, don't interfere in other people's fights old man!" Ian's annoyance boiled over as he glared at Don Chinjao, who responded with his signature laugh.

"Hiyahohoho!!...You seemed to be in trouble, so I came to land you a hand!" Chinjao replied casually, shifting his gaze back at Opera "I'll take care of him while you dea-huh?" Before Chinjao could finish his sentence, Ian already went charging at Smoothie "Young ones these days"

"Cream Monster!!" By producing a large amount of cream, Opera formed multiple tentacles out of it, giving him the appearance of a Kraken. He then attacked Chinjao with the mass of cream, trying to burn him with the cream's sugar.

When Chinjao saw that, he quickly released a shockwave from his feet to propel himself into the air, avoiding Opera's cream before he came flying down at him "Eight Impacts Fist Secret Technique…Drill Dragon Drill Nail!!"

Chinjao proceeded to use a secret Hasshoken technique, the same one he used to split open layers of ice that not even fire or axes could breach, all thanks to Ashen who brough back his drill shaped head. Chinjao hardened his head with Haki and headbutted Opera.

The latter quickly created a large cream Haki-coated fist and struck Chinjao back.

*BOOOOM*-*Lightning*-*Lightning* The collision between Chinjao and Opera sent explosive shockwaves that reverberated through the air. Initially, the two seemed to be on equal footing, but as Chinjao began to exert more pressure, he unleashed a colossal burst of Conqueror's Haki. With renewed vigor, he overpowered Opera after a few tense seconds, shattering his cream fist and crushing him with a mighty force that tore open the ground before him.

"AARRGGHH!!!---" Opera couldn't handle the force of the attack and was knocked out immediately.

Meanwhile Ian was exchanging blows with Smoothie. Ian used combinations of Hasshoken and Rokushiki to create variety of different attack, making it hard for Smoothie to predict his moves and counter them.

"Tch…Take this!" Smoothie quickly sent a wide flying sword slash towards Ian, the latter hardened his bat and proceeded to deflect her attack but not before he found Smoothie right beside him, ready to strike him down again.

Smoothie held her massive sword with both hands and thrusted it at Ian, the latter used his metal bat to block it, but he was quickly overpowered. When it comes to pure strength, Smoothie is far superior than him, with her huge body and extreme height, almost five meters tall. And as a child of Big Mom, she must have inherited a portion of her monstrous strength.

Although she has her advantage of devil fruit power, Ian still tops her when it comes to Haki, speed and experience, with a lot of martial arts in his arsenal.

*BOOOM* Smoothie's attack caused the ground beneath Ian to crack from the sheer force, before he was sent flying back a few meters.

"Haaaa!...I'm pumped!" Ian said, resting his metal bat on his shoulder while slowly walking back towards Smoothie, he cracked a wicked smile before he grasped his metal bat with both hands and started spinning with it strong enough to create a small tornado.

"Savage Tornado!!"

*BAM*-*BAM* Ian channeled his Haki and Hasshoken energy into his bat as well, causing shockwaves with every strike. Smoothie used her sword to deflect his attacks before she jumped back.

"Play time is over!" Smoothie declared as she quickly jumped at a few dozens of Ashen's and her subordinates who were fighting near them, and proceeded to drain liquid from them using her devil fruit power, and then absorbed it into her body. Allowing her and her weapon to grow to gigantic size "Juicy Giant!"

"Holy fuck!...She became huge as fuck!" Ian exclaimed in surprise, he proceeded to thrust his bat on the ground while resting both his hands on it, before his spoke with confidence "Very well then…Bring it on! I will never reach the pinnacle of martial arts without crushing opponents like you!"

"Hmph…You think you can anger an emperor and get away with it, you punk?!" Smoothie shouted in anger as she swung her gigantic sword downwards at Ian.

"You think you can anger Ian Inaki and get away with it?!--*Swoosh*" Ian quickly used Soru and Geppo to avoid her attack before he flew behind her back.

*BANG* Ian delivered a crushing blow to her head, causing her to plummet face-first onto the unforgiving ground. He descended upon her with incredible speed, his muscles bulging with raw power. He then channeled his energy into his metal bat, imbuing it with a layer of Haki. As he focused his Hasshoken energy into the weapon, a vibrant green aura enveloped it.

"Dragon Slayer!!"

*BOOOOM* The attack was strong enough to shatter the ground, while inflicting a massive damage to Smoothie who started bleeding heavily from her head, she tried to get on her feet again but not before Ian smashed her head down again.

"Hahaha! Hey Bonita...You see this metal bat here, it's the same one Ashen used to smash your brothers heads to pieces" Ian stated with a wide grin, while showing his bat to her "And she is awesome, so since I'm good guy I can't let your brothers waiting. They must be missing you, so I'll send you to meet them again…"

"In hell!"



Sorry guys I might not be able to update the next four or five days, I have some things in hands.