Urouge and Yamamoto VS Cracker

In the midst of the chaotic battle, Urouge and Yamamoto found themselves pitted against the formidable foe, Cracker.

"What a tough armor" Urouge exclaimed while standing next to Yamamoto, his body was twice his normal size as he utilized his devil fruit to convert the damage he received to physical power.

"It would be troublesome if he creates more of these biscuit soldiers" Yamamoto's eyes fixated on the towering figure before them, a massive warrior sculpted entirely out of biscuits. The intricacy and detail of the baked creation were astounding, making it difficult to believe it wasn't a living, breathing human being. It loomed over them, dwarfing their size with ease.

"I'll distract him while you try to crush him with your club" Urouge took a deep breath, steeling himself for the fight ahead. With a fierce glint in his eyes, he crouched low and prepared to spring into action.

Urouge launched himself at the enemy with a high speed, his massive pillar held firmly in his grasp. With a mighty horizontal swing, he unleashed a devastating blow that left a powerful gust of wind in its wake.

*SWOOSH*-*BAM* The biscuit soldier quickly used two of his arms and blocked Urouge attack with his swords, but the impact still pushed him back a little bit. But before he regained his composure Yamamoto quickly used Soru and Geppo to close the distance, appearing above him, attacking him in an instant.

"Titanic Smash!!"

He used his devil fruit power to enlarge his kanabo until it was almost as big as the biscuit soldier, before he imbued it with Haki and then he swung it in a downward motion with all his might, causing the soldier to crush down at its weight.

*BOOOOM* While the biscuit soldier was trying to get on his feet again Urouge quickly jumped in the air and smashed his Haki-coated pillar at his back, causing him to throw a mouthful of blood, before Yamamoto attacked him again.

This time instead of enlarging his kanabo, he jumped high in the air and stretched it at the direction of the biscuit soldier, thrusting it at his back and creating a large hole in his stomach.

"Did we git him?" Urouge questioned while gazing at the destroyed biscuit soldier, both him and Yamamoto weren't surprise at the sight since Ashen already told them about Cracker's devil fruit, so they were still in guard.

"…" There was a moment of silence before a figure appeared out of nowhere. A tall muscular man, 307 cm, almost as tall as Yamamoto, he has a short purple hair and a very large scar that covers his right eye, and he has small wrinkles around both eyes.

"You did a good job breaking…my armor!" Cracker's twisted grin stretched across his face as he took slow, purposeful steps towards his armor. With each step, the metal plates clanked beneath his boots. He climbed up onto the top of his creation, looking down at his opponents with a menacing gaze.

"So that's him" Urouge said as he observed Cracker while still on guard.

"Is he finally going to get serious?" Yamamoto questioned while resting his kanabo on his shoulder.

"Hehe…I ate the Bisu Bisu no Mi and became a biscuit man" Cracker stated before he added "I can generate and manipulate an endless amount of biscuits" he said before he slowly jumped off of his destroyed armor.

"It's just like what Ashen said…he's very stupid" Yamamoto commented, as he wondered why Cracker is giving them information about his power.

"Or maybe overconfident that he can defeat us even after knowing the information" Urouge added.

"*CLAP*-*CLAP*…I start off by conjuring biscuits and crush them into super-fine crumbs in order to shape them into anything…Crush Biscuit!" Cracker stated as he started clapping with his hands, before a large warrior made out of the biscuit started shaping.

"There you go! The face of a tough warrior!" after a few seconds, the large warrior finally came to life "Biscuit Hei!"

"*CLAP*-*CLAP*…It will also multiply as I clap my hands! That's how my dreamlike biscuit works!" Cracker stated with a wicked grin, before four more biscuit soldier appeared behind him "Hehehe…Learning that there are people you can't beat no matter how hard you try…I'll teach you that lesson!"

"Enough with the useless talk…If I lose here, I won't be able to face brother Ashen after this!" Yamamoto declared as he reached out for his pocket and brought something.

"Hmm? Are you planning to clean your teeth in the middle of the fight?" Urouge asked, looking at Yamamoto who was holding a pack of teeth-cleaning twigs in his hand.

"Hahaha! These are my spears!" Yamamoto said with a look of excitement in his face, before grabbed one of the twigs and used his power to enlarge it many times, until it became a massive spear, and proceeded to coated with Haki and then hurled it at one of crackers soldiers.

*BAAM* The spear was strong enough to push the soldier back. Yamamoto didn't stop there and proceeded to use the same attacks several times, until the five biscuit soldiers encircled them.

"*Smile*…You've come a long way. I remember you being a weak brat a few years back!" Urouge said with a grin, before the biscuit soldiers rained them down with attacks.

*SWOOSH*-*SWOOSH*-*SWOOSH* Using their swords, the soldiers sent multiple thrusting attacks at an incredible speed from every angle, forcing Urouge and Yamamoto to use their Observation Haki to dodge. Though Urouge deliberately let some attacks hit him in order to convert them into physical strength, making him grow in size even further until he was the same height as the soldiers.

"You gave me a good beating. I'll make sure to pay you back!" Urouge said with a smile as he grabbed one of the soldiers by the shoulder and flexed his muscles while hardening his arm with Haki, before he proceeded to punch the soldier as hard as he could, sending him crashing into a boulder.

*SPLASH* Urouge was quickly attacked by the other soldiers, who used their sword to slash him with high speed, inflicting a lot of injuries on him until Yamamoto showed up to support him.

"Meteor Rain!" Yamamoto quickly grabbed a few rocks nearby and threw them into the sky one after the other, enlarging them mid-air, before they came crashing down at the soldiers.

*BOOM*-*BOOM*-*BOOM* The soldiers used their swords to quickly destroy them, but not before Yamamoto showed up near them. With a powerful thrust, he increased the length of his club sending one of the soldier flying towards Urouge who used the momentum to punch him, creating a large hole in his chest.

"Don't forget about me" Cracker whispered in Yamamoto's ear as his sword stabbed his back, leaving a large open cut in his left abdomen. The later collapsed on his knee, holding his stomach in pain while trying to stop the bleeding.

"Hehe! Did you really think you could win that easily?" Cracker gripped his sword tightly and tried to decapitate Yamamoto.


"Tch…He ran away"

After that, both Urouge and Yamamoto kept fighting Cracker and his army of biscuit soldier, the latter kept creating new soldiers every time they were destroyed, making Urouge and Yamamoto's efforts for nothing and only a waste of energy, until they decided that one of them should distract them while the other one deal with Cracker directly.

Unfortunately, Yamamoto can't hold on for much longer because the stab he suffered from Cracker earlier was weakening him as he lost so much blood, but to everyone's surprise another person showed up for their help.

"*SCREECH*-*SCREECH*" A deafening screech was heard across the battlefield, as a giant Quetzalcoatlus soared over the battlefield.

"Amber?" Yamamoto commented, as he observed the giant bird flying towards their direction, before it came down at a high speed and grabbed one of the soldiers with its sharp talon and threw him away.

"*SCREECH*" Amber quickly flew back again but this time she used her powerful beak to attack another biscuit soldier, Yamamoto quickly supported her as they both held them off, giving Urouge the opportunity to fight Cracker directly.

"Damn it! Who the hell is that?!" Cracker shouted in anger as he looked at Amber joining the fight.

"You can't hide behind your soldiers forever!" Urouge declared as he jumped at the distracted Cracker and sent a powerful punch.

"Tch…I have no choice then" Cracker used his Observation Haki to dodge Urouge attack and slashed his arm.

"I'll take that!…Inga Zarachi!" Urouge proceeded to grow in size even further, towering over most people in battlefield, before he hardened both his arms in Haki and unleashed a barrage of devastating punches at Cracker.

The latter tried to block them using his sword, but Urouge enlarged form gave him a massive boost of power, easily able to crush Cracker under his fists.

"AGH!!--" Cracker looked Shaken after that attack, so Urouge proceeded to go for the finisher. He flexed his muscles as hard as he can while coating his fist with Haki, before he jumped in the air and used the moment as he was flying down to punch Cracker.


*BOOOOM* The ground was destroyed under the power of Urouge fist, as Cracker immediately lost conscious and collapsed on the ground.

[Sweet Commander Charlotte Cracker VS Urouge and Yamamoto]


[Urouge and Yamamoto]