A Furious President

Rong Yue and Wu Hao said nothing more as they started with the test. Since it was going to be international and with a lot of applicants, the exam was computer based. However, the teachers had opted for just setting the computer timer while allowing them to use the written one they had done. 

Out of the two hours they had allocated, Rong Yue had finished in thirty minutes and sat back on her seat while Wu Hao finished his tests in an hour.

"Too hard?" the teacher that had scolded them earlier said with a scoff as he walked forward and took their papers. 

Unlike the final examinations, this was a competition that tested all areas and so the man made copies quickly and passed the papers to all the teachers that had set the questions in there. 

"I find it a lot simpler than the ones you would usually set, I found just one section tricky." Wu Hao confessed as he dragged his chair closer to Rong Yue.