Lunch Party

Just like he had promised, Sun Yan came back an hour into the party still dressed in his uniform. All the times that Rong Yue had met him, he always had a restrained aura around him. 

But in the uniform that had become like a second skin to Sun Yan, the fierceness that he had on the battlefield was all unleashed in that uniform and he didn't even notice as he came into the garden where everyone was sitting around and chatting. 

They had eventually allowed the kids to separate and relate with Rong Yue and her friends, although Rong Yue noticed that either Sun Li was around her or one of her two brothers, making any conversation with any of Sun Li's male cousins very short and irrelevant.

"You four should showcase your special skills to entertain us!" one of the cousins suggested loudly. 

"What do you mean? We are the guests and the ones being celebrated, you should be the one showing us your skills to entertain us." Sun Li shot back immediately.