Just say Yes!

"I have a little something for you. Are you excited to see it?" The packet of chips really did make her mouth water and her little fingers were becoming insanely itchy to reach out for a handful of them but when she did, he held back her hand.

Oh no! He was at it again.

His sudden change of expression drained colour from her face. He had already pinned her down between his legs while she looked like a toy beneath him intimidated by his strong arms whose strength she always chose not to fight. His mouth ran down her neck while she screamed for him to stop.

Tears ran down for her ears yet he washed them off with his dirty stinking mouth. She could feel his crooked teeth gashing through her skin. Screaming was pointless from the walls of the house that made it impossible for anyone from outside to hear and all she could do was plead for mercy, for a less painful night.

"Oooow! Stop please! It's my first day of school tomorrow, I won't be able to walk to school please," the words came out faint though audible. She tried to kick him with her llegs but got hurt instead since his stacked muscles felt bricky for her little tender limbs.

"You're sweeter than your mother you know, I can't get enough of you" His words cracked her heart even more and the hate for the man grew deeper while her tolerance grew thinner.

His groans were irritable enough. She scornfully watched him while he took off his shorts and like everyday, she's panic stricken. The sudden thought of the pain and effortless fists she always threw at him built up a chaos that scattered her mind and drew up her anger. Then suddenly, there was a knock, another and another and the next moment she didn't feel heavy anymore.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She rapidly muttered thankful for the heavens as she made the sign of the cross while relieved, opened her eyes to thank her saviour.

" Rise and Shine, Natalie!" Sandy screamed shamelessly she swore she would've swallowed her if not for the sleep that still lingered around her stupid head. She had the same dream again for the third time in a row!

"Does it mean anything?" She uttered to herself. The little kid really looks like the younger…

"Ouch!" She was still so deep in thought when her sister threw a pillow at me.

"Do you have to always crack the walls just to wake me up! I've got ears, duh and last time I checked they're still working, normally." She angrily spoke to nobody in particular because Sandy was busy drawing the curtains open with her headphones on, making Natalie even angrier. Why was she even surprised? So typical of her!

"Who were you thanking in your sleep? Don't tell me you dreamt of a multi-million project because I need those manifestations coming lady," Sandy asked sitting on her bed while she took off the headphones and stared at her with a look that urged her to speak.

"I wish I had Sandy. I wish!" She muttered slumping on the chair beside the study table. Shewas so flustered with all the pending bills which increased since Sandy joined high school.

"Being an older sister is quite a rock, isn't it?" She thought devastatingly.

"Your manager called," Sandy finally spoke up gaining her attention.

She wondered why the manager would call her for anything. It's not like she was in the board or anything, "The hotel manager?" She asked since it was her day off and maybe he wanted her to still check in. She could really use the extra cash at the moment.

"No, the one from the café. He said the café is closing today, he has an emergency trip out of town."

"Oh no! What now? When is your next term starting?" She asked frustrated hoping she could get enough money to get her back to school again for the next term wishing it was not anytime soon.

"On the 23rd of this month. Let me prepare breakfast," she said as she stood and started pacing her fingers through the novels on the study table and finally chose one.

"That's three weeks from now," Natalie said almost in a whisper.

She turned around to leave but forgetting her headphones, came back to get them and finally disappeared behind the bedroom door.

Sandy had notice Natalie's sudden change of mood and decided to give her the space she thought she needed. Natalie walked towards the window and leaned forward to watch how busy the street had become. She had tried working in many of the jobs around but they all seemed to get tired of her lateness. Some said that she was too young to be doing menial jobs but should she die while sitting around? Juggling through several jobs had been the only way she'd known how to survive around the city. She would do what it took to make sure her sister made it to college and as long as they were together and had food on the table, she had no more wishes to ask for.

"Oh hey! How long have you been standing there?" Natalie asked as she turned around to see David glaring at her with arms on his chest.

"For quite sometime, ten minutes or so," David said giving her one of those looks that made her try to draw some map on her dirty floor. "Kidding, I actually just got here." He added making her sigh with relief.

"How are you doing?" He asked as he gave her a warm hug. Exactly what she needed at the moment.

"I'm coping, can't kill myself, can I?" She said as David pat her back and disengaged. He looked at her intensely and went back to lean against the study table. "What? Am I getting wrinkles or something?"

"Can't I look at you anymore. Now come on, I just missed you. I've been gone for almost two weeks. You didn't miss me?" He asked. She could sense frustration beneath his voice and how she loved the sight of it.

Looking at him again she could see a sparkle that was never there, his face looked bright and oh my, his jaw line seemed different. She observed his chin. He looked like he had had a haircut.

"Wait, no?" David said in a shattered voice. She didn't realize he was talking to her all that while when she suddenly blurted out without thinking.

She did say that out loud! "No, I didn't mean no like no, I was probably just too excited and I meant no, as in, no of course I missed you. I just can't believe it's been that long," she blurted out which made her look even more stupid. She was just met with his staring eyes. Feeling blushed, she just turned to the window and looked down at nothing in particular.

"You're so terrible at lying, you know that, right?" David spoke mockery clearly in his voice.

"Oh yes, and I hate how better you know me. So, what are you upto? You didn't wake up at my door just because you missed me now, did you?" She just hoped it was not one of those tricks he always pulled on her.

"Of course I missed you, that's the main reason am here," David spoke feigning purity as he went over to where she was. She was instead met her glares and knowing her, he knew she didn't believe him.

Okay, since you seem down lately, why don't we go out and have fun. Just for tonight. To try and forget everything, you know. Let's dance this night away," she watched his face too excited to literally spell out the fun they had been missing on for so long since everyone had been busy dealing with work and life but thinking of how much money she needed at the moment, she could not just go out to have fun, She needed money!

"No David, I don't think I'll have the head to just swing this night away. I'm trying to focus on what's important, like getting Sandy's fees for example," she swamped herself down on the couch just beside the window frustrated at how daring bad luck had become towards her.

He sat beside her and held her hands, "exactly why you should be taking a break Nat. You've been stressing yourself lately and this is just one night. Just say yes, please!"