We are in!

She looked at how he held her hands and back at him. How could she say no to him? He was always trying to cheer her up, "it is... it is just one night anyway. Okay, fine. But I'll not be drinking, remember that,"

"Yes! Yes! That's my Natalie," he screamed while falling into her shoulders.

"Geez, I can't breathe," he was literally screwing the life out of her.

"Sorry! I was just too excited. Now come on, get ready. Let's choose what you'll wear. I don't want you keeping me waiting when I come back to pick you tonight"

"If I didn't know you so well, I'd say you're a woman. My ears hurt," she said smacking his face and heading for her wardrobe to find what to wear. It's times like this that made her start hating her gender.

"How does this look?" she turned around holding a strapless peach dress down her chest. "Dresses are so not my thing!" She hunted through her teeth.

"Nope! Too exposing," he said sternly. "Choose something you're comfortable with. Anything is fine as long as it does not show off your beautiful body," he added.

Natalie felt a sudden pang of fury after he said those words. She could not explain if it was anger or the thought of men observing her and having wild thoughts about her with them. She, however decided to push the thoughts aside and tried to calm down while facing her wardrobe. She finally settled on wearing a white tank top and a ragged trouser to go with the white sneakers her little sister had bought for her the previous year with her allowance. They were the best of all her shoes. Well, not that she had a lot of them anyway. She headed on to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a bath for a fresh morning.

"So what will we be doing the whole day, huh?" Natalie asked David joining him in the couch. He was quite busy with his phone. She wondered how he was texting. "Let's see who we have here, new crush?" She teased him as she grabbed his phone to try and see who he was really engaged with on the phone. He stood up to try and grab the phone from her and there was the struggle between heights. She jumped several times and her slender body allowed her to move quicker than his big muscles. David hased her around the room in quest for his phone to no avail. Natalie suddenly tripped and her mind immediately began to imagine the impact she'd be facing when she finally bow in effortless refrain, to her forefathers. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her while she fell on a silky but firm surface.

"Really Nat, you getting clumsy again," he had held her by the waist as she leaned on him. She could feel his breath brush over her face as they looked at each other, intense air building up between them. He leaned towards her and feeling disgusted and understanding how it will end, Natalie detached herself from him.

"That's why you're my best friend, right. So I can lean on you, anytime." She said laughing off and giving his phone back to try and avoid a conversation that may arise from the awkward moment.

"Nat I..."

"Can you two come out for breakfast already. I'm starving here just waiting for you," Sandy shouted her head peeping through the bedroom door.

"Now that you've said it, my stomach's rumbling. I'll have to clean this room later," Natalie blabbered as if afraid to talk while heading to the door. "David, aren't you coming?" She asked when she noticed he was still standing puzzled.

"I can't miss food for anything," he said as he followed her towards the door.

They headed down the hallway to the kitchen table and walked in for delightful odorous pancakes.

Natalie headed to pick the pancakes. They looked so tasty. "Am so hungry right now,"

"Wait! Wait! Clean hands! A teacher forgetting what she taught her student, huh," she laughed as David joined her in mocking Natalie.

"You really can't blame her. I would act insane if I saw my favorite meal," he said laughing. "Completely insane," he added in between the laughter

"Thanks for spoiling my appetite little sister," Natalie irritably grunted while heading to the sink.

"I mean, I just took a bath, didn't I?" Natalie grumbed between gritted teeth while roughly washing her hands. It's as if he was rebelling against his own body.

"You missing out!" David shouted behind her. She knew they were just lying so they could mock her when she ran back to the table.

"I'm not falling for your tricks again. I hate you two!"

They spend the rest of the morning catching up and David left later on to finish up with things in his office.

"Make sure you're dressed before I come Nat, " he reminded her just like always.

"I'll try," she shouted behind him as she giggled and headed back to the house.

"You two are going out," Sandy asked the moment Natalie got into the house and she just nodded while she joined her to watch T.V.

"Why aren't the two of you even dating yet?" Natalie gave her a glare that sent her silent and facing the T.V. Sandy was always trying to pair her with guys and she kept wondering how the kid grew up to be so smart and mature in her young age.

Natalie headed on to clean her room which was in a mess from the papers she kept writing application letters and deeming them useless threw them away. Sandy did the dishes and the house became alive again.Natalie sat down on her computer to look for available jobs hoping she could get any but with her lack of experience, she was getting used to sending emails that were never returned. She had to try regardless. She sent four applications to companies hiring around the city.


David walked into his company and his secretary Linda, approached him with the details of a project presentation they were about to have with Austin's group of companies. He had been eyeing to be assigned the contract for long and he was just a step away from doing so yet he still could not let his guard down. He was against The Milestone Building techs as they were both craving for the project. It was a one-time project worth twenty million but for him, it was not about the money. It was about defeat. Victory.

David went into his office and sat behind his desk so he could go over the document he had ahead of the presentation he had in the afternoon. He deciphered his proximity in getting the contract. His hands itched. His heart flipped. His eyes were now waivering with unsure but determined victory.

"Hello sir! They're here," David could not help but flinch as his secretary came with the information. The confidence he had gathered was enough to make him ready to blow up the investors and the CEO of the Austin's group of companies.

He went into the meeting room accompanied by his secretary. Richard Wrestler, the CEO of Austin's group of companies sat at the center of the room. He emanated a call aura but David had no time to shrink but to shine. Richard was known for being strict. A perfectionist.

"Good afternoon! I am humble to be graced by your presence especially you, Mr.Austin." David greeted as his secretary was busy connecting his laptop to the projector. Richard only stared as if dumb but David understood his nature.

David presented his ideas of the Safer Haven House project idea he was confident has his memory rushed through the days he had met with Natalie the idea was not just his own and more than defeat he smiled at the dream. Her dream. The investors were not so into the idea but their faces could not hide the amazement they expressed in between David's words and the images that he presented. David finished the presentation yet Richard's face had no expression. He could not help but wonder if he would approve or brush off his idea.

Richard suddenly stood and walked up to him. The members in the meeting whispered to each other shocked by his reaction.

"Mr.Wilson, am impressed who knew you would come up with such a brilliant idea? " The members present clapped as if they have been waiting for such a signal. David was pleased but did not want to celebrate too soon. Richard Wrestler stretched his hand in greeting and David could no longer hide his excitement.

"Let's arrange a date for signing the contract. I hope for a better cooperation between us." They both shook their hands and the board members clapped as they were all in agreement.

Mr. Richard walked out of the room followed by the other members and David's secretary. He walked over to the window and observed the city below. He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"We are in!" David said coldly when the receiver end was connected.