Chapter Five: A Search for the Sorcerer

The Creature struck back at Bearclaw but Bearclaw stood his ground even though he was pushed even farther than the creature when Bearclaw hurt him. Thunderstep, Deerhunter, Moonwing, and Strongsoul's mate and jumped on top of the creature and slashed at it. Bloodmoon darted and slashed her claws at the barrier breaker. Adrenaline blocking the pain, Blazefur lunged at the creature's underside, knowing that

no matter the animal, it was a significant weak point. Back in Bearclaw's cave, Fernspice was mixing herbs preparing to help the warriors when they returned. The Barrier Breaker was weakened and decided to back down. It looked back at the wolves and ran. "I have a feeling that it will be back." Bearclaw panted. Bearclaw was so tired he had never felt as much pain as he did today. He took a few steps and then dropped to the ground barely breathing. Strongsoul and her mate helped up bear claw "Oh um, allow me to introduce myself, he barked, I am Dragonscale," He barked, nuzzling Strongsoul. Fernspice looked at the warriors as

they entered the cave. She had all her herbs prepared. "Bring me Bearclaw." She said flicking her tail. Falcon and Red dragged Bear to Fernspice. Bearclaw was barely moving. He couldn't even speak. Adderpup padded in "What happened," she asked as something suddenly swept her away from the den. Rosepup yelped in fear. "ADDER!" Bloodmoon quickly turned. Adderpup was gone. "Oh -bleep-," Strongsoul barked. "You need to find the sorcerer." Fernspice said treating Bearclaw. "But he's scary," Strongsoul barked. "Of course he is," growled Iceheart, "But if we don't find him, the barrier will shatter! AND THEN WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Silence filled the camp. The wolves in Bearclaw's cave huddled. Blazefur even thought he saw a peak of fear in Bearclaws' eyes. Silversea paced. "It's Winter, it's cold, the barrier is fallin', what else will go wrong?" The wolves were weakened and only few could still fight. They needed to assemble a small group of to go and look for the sorcerer, who created the barrier in the first place. Iriscloud gave herself a few quick licks. "I'm

going to gather a team. Who's coming with me?" "NOT ME," Strongsoul snapped. "I will go though," said Blazefur. Iriscloud nodded. "Anyone else willing to come?" Ironclaw stood. "Blurfoot and I will go search for Adder." Blazefur winced at the pain that the adrenaline was no longer blocking. "I will come too," he barked, "But first can I get a bandage? Fernspice?" The wolves set out in their parties, to go get done what needed to. Iriscloud, Blazefur, Blurfoot, and Ironclaw went on a the path to find the Sorcerer inside the broken barrier. They were prepared for a trip that could take days.


Adder struggled against the creatures grasp but managed to run and collapse in camp horribly wounded.

Back with Iriscloud's search crew...

"I brought food," said Blazefur, "are you hungry?" "I guess." Iriscloud replied with uncertainty. "The wizard isn't too far, though. I can smell him, faintly."  "I hear fire spells to," he mumbled, handing Iris a rabbit. "Thank you," said Iris. "Im worried for strong," said Blazefur, "she's been so stressed." Iriscloud looked up and barked. "It's like what Iceheart said, We're all going to die if the barrier shatters!" "I'm pretty concerned myself," said Blazefur, "but I have faith in the sorcerer. He protected us then, so he'll protect us now." All of a sudden, they hear a rustle, and out from some bushes, comes..."Lunarpaw? What are you doing here? I thought you died!!" "Oh, thank Moon Pack," Lunarpaw barked happily, "it's been so long since I've seen you Blazefur!" Lunarpaw ran to his old friend, Blazefur and rested his nuzzle on his shoulder. "Frankly, I'm surprised you made it this long," said Blazefur.

Meanwhile with the search party...

Thunderstep had caught up with them a few seconds after they left. Ironclaw sniffed the air in hopes of catching Adderpup's scent. Blurfoot stepped up next to Ironclaw. "Perhaps we should try checking camp."  "Good idea" Ironclaw replied. Thunder nodded. "Wolves may have goneback." Back at camp, the wolves searched everywhere. "Adderpup? Are you here? Where are you," Thunderstep called. Suddenly, Adderpup burst out of the bushes. "Adderpup! There you are," Said Blurfoot giving Adder a gentle nuzzle. Adderpup wagged her tail. "Come on," said Thunder, "let's get you back to the others."

Back at the sorcerer search...again...

"Well Lunar you need to stay at camp next time. I CANNOT lose another wolf," Blazefur growled. "We've already lost Adder--," Iriscloud began. Blazefur flicked his head to Iris. "I KNOW," he snapped. Iris stepped back.