Chapter Six: Strong's Pups

"Mother!" Strongsoul trotted over to Iceheart with a big smile.  Falcon flicked her tail curiously. "What," barked Iceheart. "You won't believe what Fernspice just told me! She said I'm carrying pups!" "She...said...WHAT," Iceheart barked loudly. "It's true! Great Moon Pack! I can't wait to see the look on Robinsoul's face!" Strongsoul dashed to the end of the barrier, where she met her sister. "Robinsoul," Strongsoul called, "I have great news!" Robinsoul walked to the edge of his barrier. "Sister! I heard! Your Medicine Wolf told me! But...umm... don't you think that you shouldn't really be running around, since your bearing pups?"  "Well.." Strongsoul paused and thought. Her sister was right. "I guess you're right. After all, I only have a couple days left." Robinsoul smiled gently as she walked through the cracked barrier. "Until then I will stay with you."  "Come with me," barked Strongsoul. Robinsoul followed Strongsoul to the cave, walking by her side to protect from incoming enemies. At the cave, all the wolves growled at the sight of Robinsoul. "Relax," said  Strongsoul,"This is my sister. She was just renamed Robinsoul." Iceheart stared in disbelief. She could have sworn that night that Hawk had killed her pup. But thank Moon Pack she had been safe. That night, Ironclaw walked around camp. Being as worried as he was, he stayed up all night, patrolling to the edge. Bloodmoon, who was often Night patrol sat at the entrance and sighed, wishing something would happen. Bearclaw woke up in his cave, to the faint sound of Strongsoul's wincing. "No,no,no,"

Lunarpaw's paniced voice echoed, "They were supposed to be born tommorow!" Bearclaw came to his senses, only to realize...what had been made out of his cave.

"WHY THE *BLEEP* IS MY *BLEEP* CAVE COVERED IN *BLEEP* MEDICAL SUPPLIES!?!?! AND WHAT THE *BLEEP* IS THAT COMING OUT OF STRONGSOUL'S *BLEEP*?" "IT'S A PUP TICK BRAIN," barked Lunarpaw. Iceheart huddled in the corner."Great Moon Pack the bear is mad," she whimpered. Fernspice's pups peeked in curiously. "That must have been how mother felt," Duskfur mumured. "Nuh-uh,"murmured Braveheart, "She said--" "She said it was worse than dying," murmured Oakpaw. "It's all about death with you," Braveheart growled quietly. Strongsoul howled in pain. (Duskfur: O_O) "Strongoul's tail is bleeding," Oakpfur whispered loudy. "No duh," whispered Braveheart.

Strongsoul looked down at her four pups, happy tears rolling down her face. Each pup with their own unique fur. Oakfur joined Rosepup by her side, staring in awe at Strongsoul's newborn pups. "What will you name them," asked Rosepup. "I don't know. What do you think?" "I thought I should name the spotted one Spottedpup, the splotchy brown one should be Mudpup, and this one should be named Birchpup. Ooh, I think this orange one should be named Pumpkin!" Pumpkin? Strongsoul laughed. "Pumpkin? Why not Carrotpup?" Rosepup thought for a few moments. "I guess Carrotpup is okay." Falcon dashed into the cave quickly "Starpup has been pup-napped by a fox!" Silversea dropped her ears. She had just started to relax. Oakfur sighed, gave a flick of his tail, and barked for his brothers.  "ANY help is appreciated." Oakfur cleared his throat. Dragon got up. "I'm going to help find Star with BlazeFur." Dragonscales licked Strongsoul's head and Strongsoul nuzzled him. "Stay safe."  Dragonscales stood beside Oakfur. But what they didn't know, was that the fox wasn't a fox at all. It was a wolf. "That pack won't be mine til all the pups are gone," he growled sinking claws further into Starpup. "They don't even respect the ancient pack rules!" But what he didn't know, was that every wolf had ignored the ancient pack rules for moons. He had been gone for quite a long while. Suddenly a a dark wolf appeared. "You can stop searching for the pathetic pup she's good as dead now," he said, eyes burning as he then pinned down Rose "This doesn't follow ancient Pack rules and I'll make sure you all follow them by me taking control! The law says to kill the young if there are any. So I'll go ahead and do that AND best the alphas in combat so I can rule like law says." Strongsoul, Lunarpaw, Robinsoul and Bearclaw growled in defense, using themselves as a shield around the pups. Wolves suddenly began to wag their tails. Fernspice, however, hid. "You dare try to take me place," Lilith growled in a cold voice. Lilith looked at Robinsoul, her best fighter, who had been defending her sister's pups. Her sister's pups...

"Take your pup back to camp, Lilith. I'll try to keep these rogues as I can. Hurry!" Lilith looked at her sister, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Robinfur, no." "GO!" Lilith slowly picked up the pup, and dashed back to camp. "Where's Robinfur," asked Eclipse. Lilith ignored the question, taking her pup to the medical cave. "I'm sorry Lilith, but the pup has suffered too many injuries," said Ruby, "she couldn't make it." And at that moment, a few Leaf Pack wolves brought in Robinfur with fear. They bowed their heads before Eclipse with tears streaming down their faces. Lilith froze in fear. "No..."

The dark wolf laughed. "This is your hero? Look at her! She's too scared to land a paw!" Lilith walked up to Robinfur. "Take the pups back to camp," she whispered.  Lilith watched Strongsoul, Lunarpaw, Robinsoul and Bearclaw take up the pups and take them to camp. Quickly, before the dark wolf could make his move, Lilith jumped on top. Jabbing her claws into his sides. All of a sudden, Blazefur leaped on the wolf from behind. "You have no right to speak of the ancient laws! Your pack decided that was how they wanted things, and left before the meeting ever ended!" Blazefur jabbed his claws into the black wolves neck, causing it to partially bleed out. The wolf howled and leaped back biting Lilith's neck and turning to claw a part of Blazefur's leg open. Ironclaw, who was at camp, perked his ears up and looked at the Nursery. He listened to see what was going on and he started walking toward it "....Something isn't right." There inside the nursery he saw a black wolf trying attack Strongsoul's pups. The wolf had bulging legs fit for its strength and teeth like a vampire. Ironclaw saw the wolf and yelled. "H-Hey you! Get away from those pups!" Robinsoul and Strongsoul looked around. He was close. This was not good. Bloodmoon skitted right in front of the wolf. In anger and defense her eyes turned blood red making the wolf yelp. He then got back together and jumped on her pinned her and dug his claws deep into her leg which made her bleed out than he spun around to take care of Ironclaw. But Blazefur lashed back on its eye, with claws and teeth. He constantly stabbed into the wolves neck again, hoping it would bleed out and die. He fought back lashing at him when he knocked him out and dragged him to a cliff but then he slipped and that was the end. Blazefur was exasperated from all the battling he had done recently. Bloodmoon, feeling no pain got up. And her wounds had already healed. Fernspice watched in horror and amazement. "Moon Pack gift." "Yes, it is" Starpup and other ghosts appeared "Moon Pack's blessings are bestowed upon the pack!" Silversea looked at Starpup. "Starpup! You're okay!" "I'm a ghost Silversea" she said amused "Does the sparkling fur not give it away?! Otherwise I'm happy in Moon shocked. Owltalon heard commotion in the medicine den and stared at the ghosts he couldn't talk he was so shocked. Silversea's eyes widened with awe. 'I knew Moon Pack was on our side!' she thought to herself. Owltalon was still staring "Earth to Owltalon" Aqualeaf said waving her paw frantically in front of her brother. Bearclaw was still in the medical den to but he was asleep. IronClaw had originally went to go see what was causing all the commotion. But since the wolf that killed Starpup left, Bearclaw just couldn't wait for Ironclaw anymore so he fell asleep.