Order Restoring

"Everyone! I found the lair of the Barrier Breaker," Shark barked. Kelpfoot looked at Lilith. He noticed her injuries. "Lilith, are you too injured to fight?" Lilith got to her paws. "Injured? Who said anything about me being injured?" Kelpfoot barked,"Will any other wolf join me in this fight?" "You have my Pack by your side," Lilith barked. Oakfur stood. "It's better than sitting on my furry tail all day." Others from Leaf Pack rose. This was the fight between packs, that would go down in history. "Lead the way," said Moonwing.

At the Barrier Breaker's lair...

It was eating Starpup... Wolves stared with their mouths dropped to the ground. Lilith shook her head slowly. May she hunt forever with Moon Pack... Blurfoot growled deeply. The Barrier Breaker jerked around. The wolves stood, waiting for Kelpfoot's howl to attack. Instead, Kelpfoot turned to Lilith. He nodded, signaling for her to give the order. Lilith gave a howl, signaling the wolves to attack. A few wolves attacked from the side. Others went to attack from behind. The rest lounged at it. The Barrier Breaker could not stand a chance. Lilith jumped onto its shoulders, digging her teeth and claws into its flesh. The Barrier Breaker roared in pain. If any living thing should cause fear in the packs, it had better be her. It wasn't long before Robinsoul was running their way. Robinsoul jumped onto the Barrier Breaker and scratched its face leaving it blinded. But wait, what was that noise? Even the Barrier Breaker itself froze to listen. The wolves looked around. Suddenly, the barrier shattered. The Barrier Breaker smirked. Was this his plan? It couldn't be... Wolves piled on top of the Barrier Breaker. Jabbing their claws and sinking their teeth into its flesh. Three packs against one Barrier Breaker. The strongest fighters Lilith, Robinsoul, and Bearclaw landed the final blow together. The wolves were victorious. But also very injured. The Packs came back to the medics gathered by Bearclaw's cave being prepared with herbs and cobwebs. The alphas motioned for their wolves to go first. They had to talk and make an agreement. "The barrier has shattered," Lilith Moonwing. "Our truce has come to an end," Kelpfoot barked. "But our packs have suffered too many injuries to fight," said Lilith actually being sensible for once, "If we fight once more, our wolves may die." "Lilith is right," said Pearlstar. Moonwing looked at her pack. She had lost wolves, as some of them were humans. And as the barrier fell, they became human again. Jessie and her friends hugged their friends, and said their goodbyes. Especially to Thunderstep. They would no longer be able to see them. Moonwing looked back to the alphas. "We'll hold our truce a little longer until our packs have recovered." "Agreed."


Strongsoul walked up to her sister. "Are you still going to stay in Fire Pack," she asked. Robinsoul nodded. "Mm-hm. But don't worry. I'll always think of you. And mom." Strongsoul slowly wagged her tail. Robinsoul nuzzled her sister. "By the way, what did you name your pups?" "I didn't. Rosepup did. She named them Spottedpup, Mudpup, Birchpup, and Pumpkin." Robinsoul laughed. "Pumpkin." "But I changed the name to Carrotpup," Strongsoul barked.

The Packs returned home. The alphas checked in on each other's packs every week to see how they were healing. Blazefur became tired of Kilo not being a good alpha. Kilo knew this. So when Blazefur challenged for the position, Kilo gave up. Moonwing continues to grieve over the ones she lost to the barrier shattering. A few humans however, due to their past life, remained in the forest and lived in the sorcerers' cabin. Moonwing often visits them. As for Bearclaw has returned home, yet he stays concerned about the Barrier Breaker's plan. Whatever it was. Robinsoul is the strongest wolf in Fire Pack history. She swears to her friends (and her sister) she would never fall in love. But...she does. And she has pups of her own with Badgerswipe (Lilith become overly protective over them). Lake Pack was relieved as order was finally restored between the packs. For Fernspice, after speaking to the other medics, finally let go of her past. She's happy now. And her pack prefers it to stay that way.