You must be punished

Dirga told Furqan, "You stay here and come with me tonight." They were on the terrace. After the wedding, Dirga asked to take their family out to dinner as a small thanksgiving event.

Kiyai Ridwan's family also agreed. They were all getting ready, so Dirga and Furqan waited on the terrace and talked.

"I don't want to, ugh. What am I doing here? You like splitting durians, but I sleep alone. I should go home, hug my wife, and who knows, even though it's not Friday night, I might get a share."

Dirga smacked the shoulder of his friend. "I'm not going to cut durian tonight," she told him after her graduation ceremony.

"What? Hahaha, that means you're going to hang." Furqan held his stomach, which hurt from laughing so hard. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad for his best friend.

"If that's the case, it's going to be hard to get something good, even if you're patient," Furqan said in a thick Makassar accent.

Dirga was quiet and didn't answer Furqan's words. At first, he wanted to get married because of his strong desire. He was afraid that if he didn't, he would fall into the black valley. He was a normal man of a fairly productive age. Some people even said that 40 and up was the second puberty, and he didn't want to go through that. and tell the wrong people about it.

After he got married, that desire went away and was replaced by fear and doubt. He was afraid that he would hurt Amel, and when he found out the truth, he didn't trust Aisyah because she was so much younger.

Dirga took a deep breath, and as soon as he did, his chest tightened, as if a big rock were pressing down on it. He took a few deep breaths and let them out to help him get more air.

"Are you sick? Egh, don't die yet, you just got married!" Again, Furqan played a joke on Dirga, which made the man angry.

Soon after, everything was done. It looked like Mr. Imran, Kiyai Ridwan, and Mrs. Hafidzah had left, but Aisyah had not.

Mr. Imran asked, "Where is Aisha, ma'am?"

Mrs. Hafidzah said, "Still dressing up, sir."

"Then, let's go first. Dirga and Aisyah will come after us. Furqan, come with us. Where does Dirga eat?" Kiyai Ridwan was the first to act.

"Oh, I already made a reservation at the Harris Hotel, so I'll just tell the front desk clerk right away," said Dirga.

"Okay, let's go first, and the new bride can come after us," Kiyai Ridwan said again and again.

In the end, they went first. Furqan whispered, "You can, take a small piece while you are both here," and then ran after Kiyai Ridwan's family. Dirga just shook his head when he saw his friend do something crazy.

Ten minutes after they left, Aisyah still hadn't come out of the room. Dirga kept looking inside, but the girl he was waiting for didn't show up.

Dirga finally went into Aisyah's room because she was afraid they would have to wait too long. The boy had seen the girl go into her room.

"Hahahaha, calm down. I'll definitely go to the school's prom night. Mom and Dad won't be able to stop me." When he heard Aisyah's voice calling, Dirga didn't answer the door. It turned out that the girl's room door wasn't shut all the way, so Dirga could see Aisyah through the gap.

The girl seemed to be sitting on the edge of the bed, and Dirga couldn't tell if she was talking to a boy or a girl on the phone.

He was interested and wanted to know more about what Aisyah had said to her interlocutor.

"Don't worry, I already told you that my parents' business is done. If I want to go to promnight with Kevin, I just need you to help me find him."


"Ish, he told you it was impossible, so you told him the answer. If he wants to pick me up, he'll do it at your house, so don't worry too much."


"Yeah, we'll probably go shopping together tomorrow for a Sunday night party. Don't worry, Mom and Dad will let us."


Dirga knocked on the door because he was sick of hearing his second wife talk to other people.

"Assalamualaikum, it's been a while."

Aisyah looked scared, and she stood up right away, but she almost fell when she stepped on the edge of her own robe.

She yelled out, "Astaghfirullah!"

Dirga bit his lip to keep from laughing. He was happy to see that his wife was almost hurt, for some reason.

Aisyah went straight to the door as soon as she was able to stand on her own. They looked at each other for a moment. Dirga was surprised when he got that close to his wife. He had just realized that his second wife is very pretty, especially when she wears a little bit of makeup.

"Uncle, what's wrong?" Aisyah asked as if she didn't know anything wrong. Dirga doesn't want to make a big deal out of what he just heard. He needs to know more before he can decide what to do. Even though she was the granddaughter of a cleric, he had to realize that his second wife was an eighteen-year-old girl who had a private life like most children.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Aisha asked the same question again. Dirga stuttered because he had just come out of a daydream.

"Oh, has it been a long time? People have all been waiting."

"This is now finished." Aisyah went back to her room, got a sling bag, and went back outside to meet Dirga. She said in a casual way, "I'm ready."

Dirga nodded, and since Aisyah had locked her room door, he went first.

"Uncle, where are Mom, Dad, and Grandpa?" She was surprised to see that the living room was empty, so she asked.

"They've already been there, so it's just us who will go next, because you've been in the room for too long."

"What? Should we go on our own?" asked Aisyah, she looked a little taken aback.

"Yes, but why?" Dirga asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Come on, they've been waiting for a long time." Dirga grabbed Aisyah's hand and didn't give the girl a chance to say no.

They got in the car and drove quickly to the Harris hotel, where the rest of the group was waiting.

The road was pretty quiet, which helped them get there faster. Aisyah came in with them. "I'm sorry it took so long, but Aisyah was in the bathroom," Dirga said as soon as he sat down. Aisyah didn't dare look at her parents, so she just looked down.

"That's fine, we just got here too."

Not long after Dirga's food came, they all sat down to eat together like a big family.

Kiyai Ridwan and Mr. Imran seemed serious when they were talking to Dirga and Furqan, while Mrs. Hafidzah was still serious about eating. Aisyah looked at her phone every so often and saw every message that came in. Dirga's eyes sometimes looked at what his wife was doing without him realizing it.

"Dir, after we ate, we went home first, right? You guys have room here, I brought your car, and I'll pick you up tomorrow!"

"Hiccup, hiccup." Dirga coughed as Furqan told the story. As far as he could remember, he had never booked a room at the hotel. He had only made a dinner reservation, and he did that right before he got married.

"Yes, son. Your grandfather and father have a recitation tomorrow morning, so we can't stay here. If you could rent us a room next time, we'd appreciate it." Kiyai Ridwan also remembered to thank him, and Dirga could only nod in response.

After eating, they said goodbye and went home. On the way, they saw Mrs. Hafidzah giving advice to Aisyah, which Mr. Imran and Kiyai Ridwan continued. Dirga and Furqan could only watch from a distance.

After eating, they said goodbye and went home. On the way, they saw Mrs. Hafidzah giving advice to Aisyah, which Mr. Imran and Kiyai Ridwan continued. Dirga and Furqan could only watch from a distance.

"You're crazy! You can't rent a hotel room in my name!" The man was about to get angry when Mr. Imran walked up to Dirga.

"Take Aisyah and teach her to be a devoted wife. Remember that a wife's happiness depends on how her husband treats her," said Mr. Imran.

"Yes, papa." Mr. Imran patted his son-in-law on the shoulder. Even though they were only a few years apart, Dirga felt a little weird calling Mr. Imran "Daddy." But he didn't know any other polite nicknames besides that one.

After they broke up, Aisyah and Dirga lived in the lobby. The man walked up to their room after they were out of sight.

"You're crazy! You can't rent a hotel room in my name!" The man was about to get angry when Mr. Imran walked up to Dirga.

"Take Aisyah and teach her to be a devoted wife. Remember that a wife's happiness depends on how her husband treats her," said Mr. Imran.

"Yes, papa." Mr. Imran patted his son-in-law on the shoulder. Even though they were only a few years apart, Dirga felt a little weird calling Mr. Imran "Daddy." But he didn't know any other polite nicknames besides that one.

After they broke up, Aisyah and Dirga lived in the lobby. The man walked up to their room after they were out of sight.

"We'll be home early tomorrow, and then we'll go look for a house." Dirga kept walking until he got to the elevator. When he got there, he turned around because he hadn't heard his wife's footsteps or her answer.

Dirga rubbed his head, and it seemed like he had been talking to himself. He went straight to the lobby to find Aisyah, but she was no longer there. Dirga looked around and saw that his wife was running out of the hotel.

He cursed, "You crazy girl!" and then ran after Aisyah.

When Dirga saw a taxi stopped not far from Aisyah, he ran faster.

"Put it on!" In shock, Aisyah pushed Dirga's hand away. The man grabbed his wife's wrist out of nowhere from behind.

When Aisyah found out that the man holding her hand was her husband's Dirga, she yelled, "Astaghfirullah! Uncle surprised me!"

Dirga asked with a raspy voice, "Where are you going?"

Aisyah looked down and didn't know what to say. She had planned to run away and stay the night at her best friend Mala's house.

"Ugh, that's me, um..."

Dirga moved forward, so Aisyah stopped talking. Dirga's shoulder was now touching Aisyah, and the man bowed his head to the taxi window.

"Sir, the taxi order was canceled, and this is to make up for it." Dirga gave the taxi driver a hundred thousand bills, which he took with a smile.

Dirga got up right away and pulled Aisyah's hand to get her to follow her.

"Om, I'm sorry, I, um, I just..."

"Don't make excuses, you did wrong, you need to be punished!" Dirga said this to Aisyah as she pulled her hand to go back to the hotel with her.

"In—law?" Aisyah asked, and her pale face, which had been red and tense before, and cold hands made Dirga feel the changes in his wife's body.

"Yes, in-law, you must serve me tonight!"