Hotel room


Aisyah's face was very shocked, and she stopped walking so she wouldn't follow Dirga.

"Uncle, we already made a deal, so don't just break it!" Aisyah changed into a mean girl all of a sudden. His eyes even bulged looking at Dirga.

Dirga said, "You started breaking the deal we made." The man stopped moving, too, because he now had to deal with Aisyah.

"Which rule did I not follow? I really don't think so!"

"Agreement number 3: Do what the husband wants and don't do what the husband says not to do." Dirga talked about what was in the agreement.

"So, where did I break it?" Aisyah asked as if she didn't get it.

"I want to spend the night here, but you want to leave. It means you broke the law and need to be punished for it."

"But right uncle didn't warn me in advance, that's not fair!" Aisha objected.

"Shut up and come with me now, or I'll kiss your lips in public, let's become famous!" Dirga threatened him, so the man took two steps forward until the distance between them was only as big as the palm of his hand.

Aisyah suddenly shut her mouth and looked left and right to see if anyone was watching them.

Dirga got even more excited when he saw Aisyah acting like that. He then took Aisyah's hand. The girl thought Dirga wanted to kiss her, so she kept her hand on her mouth. So it is clear that Dirga is forcing Aisyah.

No matter how strong Aisyah is, she can't compete with Dirga's strength. When the girl's hand was no longer in her mouth, Aisyah closed her eyes and let it go if Dirga wanted to kiss her.

One second, two seconds, and three seconds.

Aisyah frowned because she couldn't feel anything touching her lips. She slowly opened her eyes, her face was red, and she smiled shyly to show the dimples on her cheeks.

Dirga laughed when he saw how his young wife was acting.

"Oh, Allah! If I have to deal with this every day, I might die young." Dirga had an idea. Then he turned around, still holding Aisyah's hand in one hand.

Inevitably, the girl followed Dirga from behind and joined in. The people went back to the hotel.

"Allah. Please keep your servant safe tonight. I'm not ready, I'm a bad girl, I can't make my parents happy, and I don't really want to get married.

But, please Allah, there is a will. I'm sorry, your weak servant is sorry." Aisyah never stopped saying prayers in her heart so that she could stay away from the things she feared.

Dirga didn't let go of his wife's hand as they walked from the lobby to the hotel room. He didn't want Aisyah to try to run away again.

Dirga let go of Aisyah's hand when she got to the room and locked the door.

Aisyah stood there looking down. She didn't dare look at Dirga. With her hands, she twisted the ends of her headscarf, which was hanging down.

Dirga told him, "Take a shower and clean up. There are clothes in the closet."

Aisyah took a few nervous steps toward the closet. She was going to take the clothes that Dirga had asked for.

"The bathroom is that way, not that way."

"I, I want—want to get a—a change of clothes." said Aisyah's, answer was stuttering.

"No need, there are towels inside. After you shower, just change here."

"But ... ."

"Do it, it's a command!"

Aisyah stomped her foot so hard that she had to turn around and go to the bathroom. After Aisyah went into the bathroom and closed the door, Dirga looked at her without a smile.

Dirga smiled. He hadn't smiled at or hugged his wife yet because it was their first day as husband and wife. He wanted Aisyah to know that she is the leader of the family and should be respected.

He didn't want his second marriage to be like his first, where he gave in to everything Amel did in the beginning.

He says that his biggest mistake was not educating Amel well enough. Since he made the marriage the way it is now, he can't ask Amel to change the way he wants.

Now, Dirga doesn't want his marriage to Aisyah to end like it did with Amel. He doesn't love Aisyah as much as he loved Amel, but he will try to stay together and love Aisyah as much as he loved Amel.

Dirga woke up from his daydream when he saw Aisyah's tiny feet come out of the bathroom. He raised his head and saw Aisyah standing in front of the bathroom. But, afraid to go.

Dirga stood up and walked toward Aisyah. As Dirga got closer, the girl moved away.

"Change your clothes, because I want to take a shower too."

Aisyah let out a sigh of relief. She had been worried that she would have to change clothes in front of Dirga.

When Aisyah's shoulder accidentally touched Dirga's clothes, her body stiffened. When the man went into the bathroom and came back out, he felt like an electric current was running through his body again.

She went straight to the closet and opened the door. When she saw that there was only one sheet of a bright red, see-through nightgown inside, her face turned red. She was a woman who lifted and took off clothes.

"I'm dead!" She said that she was a woman and had never worn clothes like these before. She said that the only sexy clothes she had were a T-shirt and jeans that went below the knee. His parents never let him fill his closet with clothes with weird shapes.

Aisyah wants to wear her clothes again, but she has to wear them to work tomorrow, so she can't wear them to bed. After a long time of thinking about it, she finally put on the nightgown and looked in the mirror.

Aisyah's face is smiling because she likes the clothes. They are light and cool, which makes her feel good.

When the door opened, Aisyah was scared because she didn't want to be seen in those clothes. She looked down and saw a pair of prayer hijab on the table.

The girl ran to get the prayer hijab and put it on quickly.

Dirga shook her head when she saw how Aisyah was acting. She wore a white undershirt and knee-length shorts when she came out. He wears those clothes everywhere he goes, so if he has to stay somewhere overnight, he doesn't bother to look for something else to wear.

"What do you have in mind? Want to pray at night? "asked Dirga, which got Aisyah to turn around and face him.

Aisha nodded. "Yes, I want to first pray for forgiveness before I go to bed."

"Oh, yes, you pray first, and I'll do ablution first. Then we'll pray together."

Aisyah's face was getting paler as Dirga walked into the room. She remembered that his Ummi had told her before they left that she and Dirga would pray first before going to bed the first night.

"So—I, my virgin..." Aisyah shook her head. She didn't want to think about it any more, so she prayed right away.

Aisyah's parents taught her when she was young that she had to do ablution after every bath. She tried to keep doing it, and if it got canceled and she could still do it, she did it again. He was also taught to pray for forgiveness before going to bed. Since no one knows how old a person is, they could have died while sleeping.

Aisyah began praying, and she tried to be serious. The girl prayed for almost half an hour, and Dirga waited patiently. She even seemed interested in watching her wife spend time with God.

He had a smile on his face. This is what he always hoped for when he was at home: to see Amel pray on time and stay in his prostration for a long time.

Suddenly, his face looked sad, and he felt bad for comparing his first and second wives. He had to realize that Amel was not like Aisyah, that they were different, and that they had been raised differently.

He quickly put up his hand, prayed, and asked for forgiveness for comparing the two. He was also thankful that God had given him a second wife who was willing to worship.

When Aisyah was done praying, he asked Aisha to pray the Sunnah with him. Aisyah nodded, and the two of them began to pray again.

Dirga turned around after praying. Aisyah hesitated before taking Dirga's hand, and the girl kissed her husband's hand.

After Aisyah let go of Dirga's hand, the man pulled Aisyah toward him and kissed the girl on the forehead.

After the prayer, they both stood up, and Dirga opened the pants and shirt that had been used for prayer again. Aisyah, on the other hand, still wears the prayer veil.

Dirga asked Aisyah, "Are you going to sleep in your prayer hijab?" This made Aisyah nod.

"No, you can't wear the prayer hijab, and you can't wear it to sleep, either. Let's take it off and go to sleep."

Seeing Aisyah move, made Dirga approach Aisyah.

Dirga asked the girl, "Do you want to let go, or should I let go?" This made the girl feel confused.

He said, "I'll open it myself later!"

Dirga smiled and took a step back. Aisyah turned her back on Dirga and opened the prayer scarf she was wearing.

Even though Aisyah was wearing a nightgown, Dirga's eyes grew big when he saw her smooth, white back.

Dirga turned around, walked up to the table, and changed the light setting to dim. He then climbed into bed right away.

Aisyah turned around slowly, with her hands crossed over her chest. She was very embarrassed because this was the first time she was alone in a room with a man.

"Come on, sleep, it's getting late."

Aisyah moved closer to the bed. Her body was shaking so much that she didn't seem to be able to hold her own weight.

If she had never been told or taught about how important it is to respect her husband, she might have left Dirga alone tonight. She didn't have to be alone in such a nice hotel room.

Actually, he had felt regret since the beginning. She would not have said yes to the man in front of him if she had known the situation would be as awkward as it is now.

When she finally got to the bed, he slowly got up and sat on the end of it. Dirga then walked over to him. Then he put his arms around Aisyah.

"Uncle are we going to—first night, tonight?"