“The painting"

Rowoon revealed to Bianca that he had a dream last night in which he saw memories of the day he and his family had been to the villa. He once more witnessed his family perish in front of him, yet there came an odd moment when he noticed something different.

He observed his mother extending her hand to him as she was bleeding. In actuality, Rowoon and his mother didn't experience anything similar on that day. His mother gave him a forehead kiss and handed him a ring. Rowoon's discovered the ring at the scene of the accident by himself.

It was a shiny and elegant silver ring. He placed it in his hands by himself before passing out. He had nothing else of his mother other than that ring. He went on to tell Bianca that his mother had asked him to pay a visit to the rose. He didn't understand what was meant when he thought her mother never had a rose plant.

Bianca was surprised. She wondered if the lady in her dream was Rowoon's mother. She wanted to confirm it, so she asked Rowoon to show her his mother's picture. Rowoon told her he will show it when school ends because he didn't have it with him at the time. Someone called their names.

It was Mr. Kris. He asked them why they were standing there when class was about to start. Then they were off to class. Rosè sat with San, so Rowoon and Bianca had to sit together. The class was over and now it was time for the mathematics class. Bianca was tired she didn't sleep properly last night. After twenty minutes she fell asleep. They were sitting at the last desk teacher didn't notice them.

Rowoon was looking at her. She was sleeping like a baby. The Sunlight was on her face. He sat closer to the desk to block the sunlight. He certainly can't take his eyes off her face. Rosé and San turned around. When they saw that Rowoon was looking at Bianca without caring about anything they giggled. Bianca unexpectedly starts behaving as if she is in pain. She closed her eyes tightly. Rowoon put his hand on Bianca's hand and she opened her eyes.

He asked her if she is fine. She said yes. The bell rang it was time for the break. They went to the cafeteria and took their food. They sat together at the table. While eating Rowoon invited everyone to his home after school. Everyone accepted his invitation. He was happy as it was after ages when someone is coming to his home.

After eating they went to the auditorium for the dance practice. Both the couples were performing nicely. While dancing San said "You are so gorgeous " in Rosé's ear. She smiled while blushing. All of the students there were glancing at them. Many of them were saying that both couples are dancing beautifully and no doubt they will going to hold first and second positions.

Another dance pair from the senior class was standing nearby and listening to them. When Rowoon, Bianca, Rosé, and San finished practicing they went to them and challenged them. They also asked them to back out at the start but when they didn't agree they challenge them. They didn't pay any attention to the senior pair because they were participating for fun, not for the positions and prizes.

Later taking all the classes they eventually go to Rowoon's place. He lived in such a wonderful house with his aunt and uncle. The servant opened the door and they all went in. In the lounge, his aunty was sitting when she saw Rowoon and his friends she welcomed them warmly and asked Rowoon why he didn't inform her that we are having some special guests today.

Rowoon told her it was a sudden plan. Bianca was looking at the picture that was hanging at some distance. She moved toward the picture as she came closer she saw it was the same stranger lady whom she saw in her dream last night. She asked Rowoon whose picture it was. He told her it was his mother's picture. He told her my mother was really beautiful. Her hair color was blonde, her eyes were green, and she was tall and smart. Her skin color was fair white. I used to think that my mother was a fairy.

The description that Rowoon gave exactly matched Zosia. Everything was the same except the height as Zosia was a tiny girl. His aunt said enough talking now take them to your room I will bring some snacks and drinks. Everyone went upstairs. When they entered Rowoon's bedroom they were quite shocked to see that everything was organized and kept in the proper place. His room was colossal.

Rowoon asked them to make themselves comfortable. They sat on the bed together. Bianca was now curious about Rowoon's mother. She asked Rowoon his mother's name. Rosé also asked Rowoon to tell them more about his mother. Rowoon tells them that his mother's name was Zuri. His parents never talked about how they met each other but they truly love each other.

My mother was so kind and humble. She was a writer. She wrote kids' stories. She was good at drawing. He stood up and took something out from the cupboard. It was a canvas. When he turned it around it was a drawing of a rose. Everyone praises her talent but Bianca was lost in her thoughts. That rose looks the same as the rose inside the rose pot she had in her room.

When she took that canvas in her hand she found something written on it. It was written in such messy handwriting. She asked Rowoon if he can read it. He said yes he can understand her mother's handwriting. She wrote Zosia. He told them his father called her mother Zosia. Bianca's eyes were open wide after hearing that. She excused everyone and went downstairs. Rowoon followed her and ask her what happened.

She said she suddenly remembered something important. She has to go home. Rowoon's aunt told the driver to drop her home. When she got home she directly went inside her room. She was looking for Zosia because she wanted to ask a lot of questions but she was not there.




In dreams of the past, a mother's embrace,

Mysteries unravel, in memories trace.

Rowoon recounts the dream's surreal sight,

A ring, a kiss, in the fading light.

Bianca's intrigue, the lady in her dream,

A resemblance found in a painting's gleam.

Rowoon's mother, a kindred soul so fair,

A writer, an artist, with love in the air.

To Rowoon's abode, a mansion grand,

Surprises awaited, room at his command.

A canvas unveiled, a rose drawn with care,

A name scrawled messy, sparking Bianca's stare.

Zosia's name written, a hidden link found,

Bianca's thoughts in a whirl, mysteries abound.

A sudden departure, a hasty retreat,

Zosia's absence, secrets to entreat.

In the quest for truth, in secrets kept tight,

What's Zosia's tale, hidden from sight?

Bianca's search, in a quest to unravel,

A fairy's secret, in the tale she'll travel.

What Zosia is hiding? Where did she go?

What's her secret?

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for understanding. Let's meet in the next chapter.

Thank you!

Take care.