“The tale of love"

Bianca was looking for Zosia but she was nowhere to be found. She was so worried for her. She noticed the door of her doll house opened when she was about to close it she saw Zosia sleeping inside on the bed peacefully. She called her name so loudly that she woke up immediately with a tense face.

Zosia came out and asked her why she was screaming. Bianca wasn't saying anything she was looking at her intensely. Zosia said if it's nothing serious then I am going to sleep. Abruptly Bianca said her name "Zuri" to check her reaction. She starts trembling and asked her how she knew that name.

Bianca told her everything then she raised the question that Is she Rowoon's mother? Zosia nodded. Zosia began to tell her about everything. She said "I am a rose fairy. I had a pair of wings too. One day I was playing around and a handsome boy came. I hide. That boy sat beside me and shared with me his pains. He didn't know that someone was listening to him"

"He started to come daily. I had sympathy for him as he saw his mother get beaten daily. His family was rich they had everything but they didn't know what love was. He was lonely I wanted to comfort him. I went to one of the elder fairies and asked her to make me human. She gave me some pills."

She said to me that if the human knows that you are a fairy when you are in front of him as a human then you can't be a fairy again. I agreed and happily fly toward my home. When it was time for a boy to come I changed myself into a human and sat beside the rose plant. The boy came I acted as if I was sleeping."

"The boy came closer my heart was beating fast but he checked if I was breathing or not. I opened my eyes and he got scared. He asked my name I told him Zosia and he told me his name was Aaron. After that day we start meeting daily. I don't know when the feeling of sympathy changed into love. We both fell in love with each other."

"One day our queen found out about our love. We weren't allowed to meet humans. She gave me the last warning to not meet with him again. Aaron came every day and search for me. I saw everything. We both miss each other and used to cry a lot. Unexpectedly Aaron came at night time and he was holding a knife with him."

"Before meeting with Zosia he used to share everything with the rose. He told the rose that everyone left him now it was time to end the pain. He asked the rose to witness his death. I transform myself into a human and came in front of him. He hugged me and asked me not to go anywhere."

"I told him everything about me. I forgot what the elder fairy said. I was in human form and I told him that I was a fairy. When he left I tried to change myself but I can't. The Queen came and she said I was not allowed in our kingdom anymore."

"I didn't know what to do or where to go. I sat there all night the next day when Aaron came I told him everything. He was sad too. He took me to his home. I meet with his mother. She was sweet and humble and if we talk about his father he got his second family and he was happy with them"

"After a few months, we got married everything was going well. I wasn't regretting being human. We were living an ideal life. It was one year since we were together. Unfortunately, Aaron's mother passed away. He was depressed. He locked himself in the room. "

"I tried my best to make him normal but I failed. I wasn't feeling good. I was about to faint but Aaron helped me. We went to the doctor and found that Rowoon was going to come. This news gave him a second life to Aaron was so happy. Time passed and our daughter was born too. We decided to give Rowoon a surprise on his birthday."

"We were going to the villa but we got into an accident. According to the legend if any fairy was about to die even if she wasn't a fairy anymore but still someone from the fairyland remembered her name will be granted one wish to save one person's life. "

" I lost my all family everyone was dead. I made a wish for Rowoon. That's why he is alive. The Queen came she liked me. I was like her daughter she gave me a second chance but I lost my love and daughter." Bianca was crying after hearing such a painful story.

"I know you love my son. I am happy for you. Make sure to take care of him. Don't tell him anything that I have told you just now."' said the Zosia. Bianca asked her why she didn't go with Rowoon when he also visited her. She told her that I can't spend more than one day at any of my family members' places."

"It hurts to see him crying. That's why I decided to go with you but look how I was destinated to be close to my son." Bianca's cell phone was ringing. It was Rowoon's call. He asked her to come out. As she saw from the window she found him standing and waiting for her.

She came out and asked Rowoon to come inside as it was so cold. Rowoon came inside. Lily was sitting on the sofa watching tv. Bianca asked her to bring some drinks and snacks. Rowoon and Bianca went upstairs. When Rowoon saw the pot he asked her where she got it. She told her the correct location.

Rowoon was moving toward the pot what if he will see Zosia? How Bianca will protect her?

In a world where tales intertwine,

A fairy's heart, a human's twine.

Zosia, once a fairy so fair,

Changed herself with loving care.

Her path entwined with a mortal's fate,

Love and sorrow, a destined state.

A tale of love, of loss profound,

A heart that echoed without a sound.

Her love, Aaron, a soul so dear,

Their love forbidden, crystal clear.

In human form, their hearts entwined,

Their love, a tale of dreams confined.

But fate's cruel hand dealt a blow,

A tragic twist, a heartache's woe.

An accident, a destiny cruel,

Shattered dreams, a shattered jewel.

Zosia, in love's bittersweet tinge,

Made a wish to life's cruel hinge.

For Rowoon's life, her love's own son,

A sacrifice, a life undone.

Now hidden in a pot so small,

Her secret life, known to none at all.

A mother's love, a silent plea,

A whispered bond for eternity.

Yet, Rowoon's steps draw near this place,

A fragile secret, a hidden trace.

Bianca's heart holds a truth untold,

A story wrapped, a fairy's hold.

In whispers of love and secrets concealed,

A fairy's tale that fate has sealed.

Zosia's fate, a fragile thread,

Entwined with love, with tears she shed.

As Rowoon nears, fate looms nigh,

A mother's love, a silent sigh.

Protect the secret, guard the lore,

Love's delicate dance, forevermore.