“The Brokenhearted"

Rowoon ran after Bianca. She was so angry that Rowoon think about her like that too. Rowoon pulled her. He said to her, "Why are you overreacting?" Bianca was disappointed after hearing that. She was talking to herself that how can he understands her as he had never gone through this. He didn't know how it feels when someone made fun of someone's dream.

Rowoon was still holding her. Her eyes were sad. Her heart was beating slowly. Everything was stopped for a moment. Rowoon wasn't letting her go. It was the first misunderstanding between them. She started to cry. Rowoon put his arms around her. He whispered in her ear, "What's wrong?" as he knew that it wasn't about that laugh only.

She didn't even have anyone to share about her daily hurdles. There was a time when she desperately want someone with her but there wasn't anyone. She lost herself long ago. Till now she was living like a dead person. Living outside and having a bright smile on her face.

She wanted to be happy and live to her fullest but people around her won't let her do that. They made her hate herself. She starts telling Rowoon about her life. "I always wanted to be loved by someone. My parents were always busy. My siblings were consistently involved in themselves. I was always alone. It was fine but you know what weakens the person most? Trying their best but not receiving the affection that they want or deserve. " she said in a heartbroken voice.

Rowoon asked her why she listens to people when she knows herself better. "It's easy to say" replied Bianca. "Words stuck inside one's head create the deepest wounds in the heart that won't ever be healed. Sometimes I wanted to run away but I was tied by ropes. There was a hand on my face that stopped my screams. " said Bianca.

She put her head on Rowoon's shoulder and sighed. She said, "People said to me, You don't have good looks and you aren't good at studies, etc. What made you feel worst is when your parents said things like that to you. You should work harder, Oh I wish I had an intelligent daughter like her. You are selfish you only cared about yourself and I wish you weren't my daughter. These types of words cut you inside you start to bleed but who cared about you? ..... no one"

Rowoon was feeling heartache after listening to her. He didn't undergo it but was feeling the pain in her eyes and voice. He lifted her head as she was looking down. Placing his hands on her cheek softly he kissed her. It was a kiss full of feelings. They were passionately doing it until they were out of breath.

On the other side, Rosé and San were cleaning the room and talking. Rosé asked San about his family. He said, "I was a wedlock child. My dad was from a middle-class family and my mom was rich. My mom is a famous singer I can't tell you her name. My mom abundant me when I was born. I lived with my grandmother. My father was a music songwriter. My mom was afraid that marrying my father and being my mom will affect her career so she just ran away."

"On some occasions, I like to be with my mom. My father took me to her concerts so that I can saw her from a far distance. I hate her. I start living happily with my grandparents. They cared about me. They were old but they always took me to picnics. My grandpa was unable to walk properly because he had pain in his back but I still remembered when I was a little kid he gave me piggyback rides."

"They anyhow aimed their best to make me happy and they were successful so many times but at night I missed my parents. Sometimes I wonder how it feels like to be with your both parents. I imagined my mom screaming at me and then my father protecting me but now after my grandparents died I moved on. He was smiling."

The room was cleaned. Rosé sat beside San. She said, "It's okay my parents are your parents now." He smiled and gazed at her. He asked, "Why". "Because we love each other and we will going to mar....."(~⁠ ⁠•́⁠ ⁠ₒ⁠ ⁠•̀⁠ ⁠~⁠ ) said Rosé and was stopped after realizing what she said. "You are so cute," said San while pinching her cheeks feebly.

Rosé was blushing. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) San wanted to annoy her more so he said, "You already made up your mind that we will marry each other. You naughty girl" Rosé was turning red until he said "What if I won't marry you?" with an evil smile. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆ Rosè clinched the pillow and then smashed it on San's head. After that, she started to run and San was behind her. They were giggling.

When Rosé was going up on the bed San hold her by her waist then she hold her hands. He was upon her and suddenly someone opened the door. It was Rowoon and Bianca. They were shocked to look at them like that. Rosé pushed the San. He fell so hard from the bed. She was hesitating and saying " Don't get the wrong idea we were playing and it accidentally happened".

Rowoon and Bianca were smiling. Rowoon helped San in standing up. He put his arm around San's neck and whispered in his ears.

" Aren't you going so fast?" San glanced at him and then blushed. As circumstances were awkward for Rosé she asked Bianca about preparing something to eat.

As they walked into the kitchen Rosé took a deep breath. They started to search for ingredients but there was nothing as the villa was locked for so long. Rowoon came down and went to the hall. He grabbed a shopper and gave it to Rosé. He told her that the ingredients were inside it as her aunt gave him some but he forgot to give them. Bianca said "It's okay" and Rowoon went upstairs again.

Rosé asked Bianca if she know how to cook. She said, "yes don't worry I know a little bit". She said I know how to make desserts but I can't cook a proper meal. Bianca told her that good she can make something sweet while she was making fried rice and fried chicken.

The girls began to work. Rowoon and San were cleaning the store room as they decided to spend some days together here again. While cleaning Rowoon found a diary of his father. San was looking at Rowoon's family album. Rowoon started reading the diary and he found something shocking while on another side San saw sometime strange in Rowoon's mom's picture.

What they found exactly? What if San saw something related to his mom's past and what if Rowoon saw something that will hurt him more? (⁠(⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;)⁠)

Amidst the unfolding of tangled hearts,

Amidst misunderstandings that tear apart,

Two souls entwined in moments shared,

A dance of emotions laid bare, declared.

Bianca, veiled in her silent sorrow,

Aching from wounds hidden, hard to borrow,

Yearning for love, left in solitude,

Lost in her struggles, her inner interlude.

Rowoon, extending a tender hand,

Seeking to understand, to help her stand,

His warmth embracing her silent cries,

His heart unraveling her soul's tied ties.

San, amidst his own past's shade,

Recalling a history, love betrayed,

His laughter veiling tales untold,

Innocent joys mingling with tales so cold.

Rosé, with playfulness so bright,

In her innocence, an unexpected plight,

With San, a game of words and jest,

Their hearts revealing the unexpressed.

Amid playful chases and joyful laughter,

In the villa, mysteries after,

Diaries and pictures, secrets unfold,

Tales of the past, waiting to be told.

In shadows and whispers, in joy and fear,

Hearts entwined, moments dear,

The untold stories, mysteries unravel,

In a poetic dance, where destinies travel.

Stay connected,

we will meet in the next chapter again.

Thank you for understanding!💕