“The Murderer "

While cleaning the storage room both San and Rowoon found something strange. Rowoon was reading something with serious shocking impressions until San called him and asked him to look at the picture. In that picture, his mother was sitting on the ground among flowers seems like that picture was taken in the garden.

The strange thing about that picture was around her mother some shining things were floating in the air. It was so glittery that can't be possible to see around a normal person. Bianca entered the room while they were looking at the picture. She asked Rowoon if he brought eggs in the ingredients and he replied yes, they are inside the car in the box.

She was about to return but she saw that picture. She didn't want them to figure out that she know something about it. She went out of the room and overheard their conversation. Rowoon was saying "Maybe it is because of editing" and San was completely denying it because the glittering lights were looking so realistic and also his mother was looking at them too as if she can also see that.

Bianca was fearful that what if they find out about the reality? She was still standing there until she heard Rowoon saying that " Look at here my father wrote something odd as if he already knew that something will be going to happen to him." Bianca suddenly bragged inside and snatched the diary from him. She starts reading it.

" My dear precious son, I am sure that you will find this diary one day. I know I won't be around you because something will already happen to me. You have to be careful. You will never know who is your enemy sometimes someone whom you trust the most stabs your back. The world is cruel and people are greedy for money. They choose money over blood relations. Things have never been good between your grandparents. I was the elder child I was my father's favorite. Your uncle is my stepbrother. His mother married my dad for money. Things have been worst in our families just for being the real heir of KA- Tech company. I never wanted to be a CEO but dad put It as a condition while I was asking him about marrying your mom. If I am not around and you are grown up then start a proper investigation about it. I want to see you as my successor. Search and punish the real culprit. Working hard and taking over the company it's my last wish. Take care of your sister and mom. Dad always loves you. I know I never spend time with you properly but I am lucky to have a son like you." ~ Your dad, Aaron.

Bianca was upset after reading it. "It seems like your family stabbed your father in back. Someone in your family is responsible for the accident that day" Rowoon was angry after hearing it he went into the balcony to take some fresh air. Bianca wanted to be there with him but Rosé was calling her. She asked San to be with Rowoon and went downstairs.

San went to him. He was sobbing. Looking down and tears were coming out none stop. San hugged him. As he also needed someone so he hugged him back tightly. Not the same as him but San also suffered a lot. He knew how much it hurts. Rowoon was still crying San put his hands on his cheeks. He was still looking down. He told Rowoon to be strong because he has to find the real murderer of his family and also he has to take over the company to fulfill his father's last wish.

He confided some of his past to Rowoon to make him feel a little bit better. He told him to trust him. He will be with him and helping him out till the end. Rowoon was feeling blessed to have a friend like him. As San was the older one in the squad, He asked him if he can call him brother.

"I always wanted a little brother or someone whom I can call my family. I would happily make you my little brother," responded San. San said, "let's play until the food is prepared". They went outside in the garden. It was snowing. They were walking and San was teasing Rowoon with Bianca's name. He started to run behind him to catch him.

They were laughing and playing San started to walk backward unexpectedly a rock came under his feet and he fell. Rowoon also fell on him as he was running behind him. It was a bromance movement. Eyes in each other's eyes and heavily breathing. Rosé was shouting and running towards them. They quickly stood up. Rosé came to them and said angrily looking at them "Food is ready!". San put his arm around Rowoons neck to tease Rosé more. Rowoon whispered "What if she gets the wrong idea?" "That's exactly what I want " replied San. They went inside laughingly.

Rosé grabbed the chair out from the table madly and hit the bottom. San and Rowoon were laughing crazily. Bianca asked them "what happened and why all of you are acting weird?" Rosé starts explaining everything " I went out to call them for eating but! what I saw was a beautiful lovers moment. Two guys looking into each other eyes and resting on each other! Ahhhhhhhh, Why I witnessed that so embarrassing? "

San tapped Rowoon's feet under the table. "I wanted to tell you Rosé about it..... Mmmmm.... how should I put it....ssshhh" San said. " Actually what?" screamed the Rosé. "I like men and Rowoon is completely my type!" answered the San. Bianca got it that he was just messing with Rosé so she didn't say anything. "Rowoon is it true?" Rosé asked. "Yes, even I like him too," Rowoon said while acting shy in front of her.

Rosê clenched the glass full of water on the table and throw it on Rowoon's face as if Rowoon was her husband's second wife. She was jealous. It was so a funny moment. Bianca asked them to stop it while laughing. Rosé stood up and went outside in the garden she was exhausted San went behind her to clear everything. Inside Rowoon and Bianca, were laughing like crazy people.

What will be going to happen? How Rowoon will find the real murderer? Will San clear the misunderstanding of Rosé?

In the villa's echoing halls, truths unfurl,

Revealing hidden secrets that life did hurl.

Rows of photos, a room filled with past,

Hold mysteries and stories, meant to last.

Rowoon and San, in that storied room,

Encountered a picture, a mystical bloom.

With his mother amidst flowers, a curious sight,

Glittering lights, casting an unusual light.

Bianca's fear, hearing secrets unfold,

She held her silence, her secrets untold.

In that moment, revelations soar,

As Rowoon's father's words implore.

A legacy tied to a corporate realm,

A sinister plot, his life's overwhelm.

Betrayal seeps into the family's core,

Secrets buried deep, demanding more.

Tears flow, heartbreak in the air,

San embraces Rowoon's burdened despair.

A bond of brothers, amidst the strife,

Support and strength through the darkest life.

In snow-filled gardens, laughter rings,

Yet, misunderstandings take their stings.

A moment's fall, a lighthearted jest,

The squad entwined in friendship's zest.

Rosé's outburst, emotions amiss,

San rushes to clear the brimming abyss.

Laughter echoes within villa's keep,

Mysteries deepen, secrets they keep.

In this tangled web of love and lore,

Their destinies entwined, seeking more.

Each step, a clue, each heart a plea,

In the dance of life, what will be?

Mystery shrouds in each twilight's hue,

As friendships evolve, and love breaks through.

Rowoon's quest for truth, San's mending tale,

In this intricate drama, what will prevail?

The unfolding saga, a tapestry spun,

Bearing witness to lives on the run.

In the villa's walls, secrets reside,

A story yet untold, waiting to be untied.

Keep reading!

Thank you💖