“The dead student"

San and Rosé we're out in the garden. San tried to clear the misunderstanding he told her that it was a joke. Rosé knew that they were just kidding but she was just playing hard with San. In the dining room, Rowoon told Bianca about the letter and album they found in the storeroom while cleaning.

Bianca ignored the album part and asked Rowoon about the details of the letter. They were sitting in front of each other but for reading the letter and clear doubts about it they sat beside each other. Bianca asked Rowoon about how his uncle and aunt treated him. He told her that they love her, especially his uncle never talked with him rudely.

No matter how much things were worst between my father and uncle he always cared about me. Bianca said to Rowoon "As it's our last year of school, I suggest you visit the company whenever you get time so that you can find out about the truth." Rowoon nodded.

Rosé and San sat at the table and they start eating everyone was hungry. The food was delicious and the boys appreciate the girls. When they finished eating San said, "we will do the dishes." He hit Rowoon with his shoulder and he also agreed with him.

Girls went upstairs while they clean the table. Rowoon asked San about what was that. He replied "Girls like guys who helped them and cared about them. Let's impress them more. Don't worry I will give you some tips too." Rowoon glared at him. San was smiling then he said nothing comes for free so you have to do dishes because I don't know how to do it." ლ⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠ლ⁠)

Rowoon made fun of him. He said Let's impress these girls" in a funny tone. San rolled his eyes and they both went into the kitchen. Rowoon said, Let's make a deal. San asked what kind of deal. Rowoon replied I am cleaning them with a liquid dishwasher and you have to clean them with water. San looked at him and said you have your father's gene in your DNA I am sure you will become a successful businessman like him. Rowoon said he is my father so definitely, I have his gene, you idiot brat. 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ

They were having fun while doing the dishes. They got close to each other. San got a best friend and little brother and the same goes for Rowoon. On the other hand, Rosè and Bianca were fighting over whose bf is the best. They started a pillow fight and the whole room was a big mess. After doing the dishes when they came upstairs they were shocked by the condition of the room.

They asked them why they were fighting. Rosé whispered in Bianca's ear that "Do let them know that we were fighting over them." Bianca agreed with her and said we were just playing. The boys were eyeing each other. They said okay then we also want to join. San grabbed the pillow and hit Rowoon and that's how they play with each other. Childish but it was the best moment for everyone.

Sadly it was now time to go home. While they were preparing to leave they all received the text same time. It was from their school group. Their Principal shared the schedule of their final assessments. Everyone's happiness fades away after checking the syllabus and schedule. Bianca seems so tense. Exams were her biggest fear and she had a reason to hate them.

Rowoon's driver dropped everyone off. When Bianca entered her room Zosia asked her about how was her day. She told her every single thing. After hearing about the letter Zosia recalled her memory that on the day of the incident, she clearly remembered that Rowoon's father was writing a letter to someone which means he knew that he will be going to die.

Bianca was stressing about exams. Her mom enters the room. Zosia hide. Her mom screamed, "Now study hard we got your schedule don't embarrass in front of everyone like last time." Bianca was crying. She tried to talk with her but she said "You are weak! why are you crying when we just want you to do what is good for you."

Her mom angrily walked out and closed the door rudely. Zosia came out and comforts her. Bianca starts telling her everything. "I have been trying my best. Since I was little my parents are putting pressure on me. I like to study it's not that I didn't score well. I achieve good marks as an average student. They thought I didn't study but I did. They want me to do everything according to them. They choose my subjects as if they are going to study them. They always compared me with others. They don't believe in me. They made me hate everything. They don't know how it feels when your parents are saying rude stuff to you. It's alright if they have plans for me they should respect opinions too."

"I can endure everything but it hurts when they said, We wish that we have a daughter like her and we wish you weren't our daughter." Zosia was feeling sad for her. Zosia was comforting her and she said, "You know what exams are not a big deal. It's just our system. You think you are in prison but in reality, you are a prisoner in your mind. Just free yourself."

"It's not stress that killed us. It's just our reaction to do it. Stop torturing yourself you know how good you are. It's hard but not impossible. It's our mind that traps us. This little struggle today will give you a lot of benefits tomorrow. Don't study for grades just study for your knowledge. It's okay to face failure. While inventing something precious a scientist faced failure hundreds of times but he didn't give up until he finally succeed. Trust yourself. Just give your hundred percent even if you face failure after that you will be relaxed because you have worked hard. I believe in you"

After hearing those words Bianca was feeling kind of better. "I believe in you" that's what she always wanted to hear. She received a text from Rosé. When she read it she rushes out of the room and went out of home as she opened the main door she saw Rowoon standing there. They both went to Rosé's home immediately.

In the tapestry of life, chapters unfurl,

With threads of love, and moments that swirl.

In the villa's abode, friendships are forged,

Secrets found, and memories forged.

The group, entwined in bonds so strong,

Laughs and plays, righting every wrong.

Through dishes and pillow fights, joy's embrace,

Moments woven, leaving a lasting trace.

Amidst their laughter, exams arrive,

Bianca's fear, a painful drive.

Struggling with pressure, in her heart's core,

Parents' harsh words, a burden to endure.

In her distress, a comforting hand,

Zosia's wisdom, like golden sand.

Words of solace, a beacon bright,

Unshackling thoughts, guiding through the night.

Amidst the struggle, a guiding light,

"Believe in yourself," a voice so right.

Zosia's words, a soothing balm,

Empowering hope, like a healing calm.

In friendship's embrace, Bianca finds release,

A message arrives, bidding her to cease.

Rushing to Rosé's, finding solace anew,

Rowoon's presence, a chapter to ensue.

The tale continues, a story yet untold,

In the symphony of lives, a narrative bold.

With each turn of phrase, emotions take flight,

In the next chapter, new adventures ignite.

End of the chapter (ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)

We will meet next chp❤️

Take care✨