“A soft guy turns into an aggressive guy"

Rosé's mom started to speak. Everyone was listening to her. She said, "I had a really bad day, I was exhausted and I was walking while lost in my thoughts unaware of the bike coming towards me. There was a sound as someone got into an accident. I rushed towards him. I saw his face. His head was bleeding. He was mumbling something then his eyes were closed. I got scared there was no one to help me. I can't leave him alone there. As he was in my arms I looked a deep sorrow in his eyes before fainting.

I call on the helpline thankfully help arrive. I went to the hospital with him. Luckily, everything was well. He was still unconscious. I wanted to inform his family but he had nothing with him that day. I didn't have anything to contact them about. I called my aunt and told her everything. My aunty was so sweet and kind. She asked me to stay with the guy until he woke up.

I was setting beside him. He looked like he was in deep sleep. He was looking so unreal, a tall handsome guy. I was wondering what made him turn into that. As glancing at him I didn't know when my fingertips started to side hairs from his face. Suddenly he opened his eyes. I took my hands off as I was so embarrassed. For a moment he looked at me without saying anything. He was looking at me with expressions as if he was reading my mind. I asked him as if he was fine. He replied in a deep voice, "Yes! I am thanks to you." I said, "that's good then please give me your family's contact information so that I can inform them."

He screamed at me, "I don't want them to know! I don't want to see them for a while." My heartbeat was damn fast. I was scared. His voice was already so deep as the ocean as someone turned a beautiful kid story into a horror story with just his voice and talking in a shouting way was making him sound more intense. I calmed down myself. I told him that I cleared the hospital expenses now as he is already awakened and had to leave. I stood up and I was about to turn. A strong hand grabbed my arm. I looked at him he was looking at me. His eyes were telling me to stay. He was the first person whom I was able to read. I wanted to hear it from him. He didn't say anything at all. I freed myself and moved a bit. His voice came into my ears. "Please stay with me." It felt like I must be imagining things because how can a rude, arrogant, and cruel guy be asking me to stay? Rosé's dad taunts, "Ooooo so that was what you were thinking about me." Mommy giggled and said, "yes. as it was past dear now you are the sweetness of my life."

The children looked at each other and smirked. Then Rosé shouted, "Yaaa mom continue naa please." Then she continued " There was a voice inside me that was telling me to stay. I sat beside him. Staying with him made me forget about the rest of the world. We both were looking at each other then he broke the silence. " Take me out. I want some fresh air" I have a thought in my mind that I am not his servant. I said in a low voice but it was clear to hear that " I know you aren't my servant but still all of this happened with me because I was saving a dumb careless girl." He can't hear my thoughts can he?" I thought. His last word made me angry. He was so rude and thankless.

I helped him to sit in a wheelchair. Unexpectedly my feet got stuck in his and I fell on him. Eyes in eyes, my hands on his shoulders, the rest of myself on his leg, and his arms around me as I was sitting in his arms. I can sense his heartbeat and he can sense mine. We lost ourselves and just looked at each other. We didn't hear a knock on the door and a nurse came in after seeing us she said, " I'll come back later." Her voice made us come to our senses. I suddenly stood up and said sorry.

There was a devilish smile on his face. We went out for some fresh air. I was walking and pushing his wheelchair. After a while he asked me to sit for a minute I sat on a bench and he was beside me in a wheelchair. He was looking at me and it was making me embarrassed. I was trying to avoid eye contact but he put his hand on my face and turned towards me. He said, "Don't be scared I won't do anything to you. I am not even in the position of doing any harm to you." Those words from him felt different as if I was with an entirely different person now.

He gently brushes my hair and said, " I can read you. You are interesting and I want your permission to read you further." I was astonished I was nothing in front of him. How can he say that to a dumb weird bookworm girl? I wanted to stay silent but words came from my mouth, " Tell me your story because I want to listen to you" Inside I was cursing myself what the heck had I just said? He looked at me and forcefully grabbed me towards him. He rudely said, " No one ever dared to say things like that to me. How dare you ask me about my life. Devil only listens to others he never tells his past to anyone." I was speechless a soft guy whom I was with a while ago turned into an aggressive person in front of me.

Without even a second I stood and walked away from him. I didn't even say anything to him and walked away. I walked home with thoughts about why he behaved like that. What the hell do I think I am to ship myself with him? Why did he say those words to me first? Why I am feeling strange after meeting with him?

Now Rosé's dad will continue his past and that's how mom ends the sentence.




In the hush of the night, a tale begins to unfurl,

Two souls entwined in a world's whirl,

Her kindness, his mystique, an unforeseen spark,

A collision of hearts amid shadows dark.

A chance encounter, an accident's wake,

Bound by fate, their destinies at stake,

Beneath the moon's glow, a silent plea,

In her arms, he found solace, so free.

Unraveling layers, a moment's embrace,

Their gaze locked, time in that space,

A narrative woven, emotions untold,

In that fleeting connection, stories unfold.

From carelessness born, a crude facade,

To a plea for her presence, oh so raw,

Their encounter, a symphony of intrigue,

Echoes of silence, a bond unique.

Yet in an instant, a change profound,

From gentle moments to harsh sound,

The warmth turned cold, a sudden rift,

Leaving her bewildered, spirits adrift.

Through fleeting words and a devil's guise,

A story laced with truth and disguised lies,

In his eyes, a world she could not tame,

A turbulent past, shrouded in flame.

With a cryptic invitation to delve within,

She dared to tread where none had been,

A vulnerability masked, yet fiercely shown,

In this enigma, seeds of curiosity sown.

A push, a pull, emotions entwined,

A fleeting connection, the soul to bind,

A tale of contrasts, in this intricate dance,

Where light meets dark in a fateful chance.

As Rosé's mother's words fade in the air,

Their story lingers, a riddle so rare,

A whispered chapter, a saga's start,

In the depths of their souls, entwined hearts.

That's it ^^

Thank you as always 💜

Bye-bye, Tc✨