“My Lucky Charm "

" I was regretting what I said to her, it wasn't her fault and I talked with her in such an ill-mannered way. I told the nurse to call my friend. After some time my friend came and he took me to his home. I didn't get any sleep at night I was just thinking about her. Most people stay away from me because everyone was scared of me." When Rosé's dad completed the sentence someone knocked on the door. It was Mr. Kris, their teacher. Everyone was staring at each other and wondered why he was there.

Rose's dad met with him frankly and introduced him as his friend the one he was talking about a few minutes ago. Rosé asked " Is he the one who took you to his home?" dad replied "yes". Mr. Kris laughed and said, "Oh so you were talking with my students about me behind my back." Rowoon was excited to know what happened next so he made everyone quiet and asked Rosé's dad to continue.

" Night ended fastly and sun arise. I went to the washroom and freshen up. I came near the window to side the curtains and then I saw.....

A beautiful girl standing and staring outside from the window next door. That girl was her. Yes, it was her. I thought what an incredible coincidence. I got ready quickly and went out. She was walking towards the bus stand. I rushed towards her and tried to talk with her but unfortunately, the bus arrived. I never used public transportation in my life before but just for her, I got on the bus for the first time. She was sitting in the second last seat. I stood right beside her. There was one empty seat but it was so far from her.

I gathered up the courage and speak to her. " I am so sorry for the last night. I know I shouldn't have done that. Please give me a chance." While passing snacks and drinks to Mr. Kris Rosé's mom speak, " I was wondering what's wrong with him because I heard that there were two words that he never said to anyone that were sorry and thank you but I received sorry from him. It was a big deal like I felt I meant something to him. I looked at him and said it's okay."

"On the bus, someone pushed me and I was about to fall but she gave me a hand. Her hands were on my shoulder and we were so close. My heart was about to burst and words came out of my mouth "You looked more gorgeous closely. Your facial features are extremely attractive." After I realized it she blush and I was feeling an awkward. The bus reached the school and we both got off from bus. There was some distance that we were supposed to cover by walking. We both were walking together. I wanted to hold hands with her but guess what a scary beast like me turned into a scared cat at that moment.

Sadly, We just walked and didn't talk. After the morning assembly, we went into the classroom it was the same day as usual but not for me. In the second last period, my mom came to school. She took me to an empty class and as always scolded me. I ignored her but that day it was too much. I wanted to run but I can't when she left I went directly to the rooftop."

Rosè's Mom said, " I fell in love with him. I knew that he loved me too after that morning moments. My eyes were searching for him. Mr kris was his best friend he was the only one who got along with him although he hurt his feelings and disrespect him many times. I asked Mr. Kris if he knows about him and he told me that he went upstairs." Mr. Kris said with a smiling face, " No he did that some time but I know he cared about me inside." Mom speak, " I also went to the rooftop but what I saw was giving me heartache. He was standing on the cliff and he was about to jump. I asked him to come down but he replied "No, I can't" with teary eyes. I screamed at him. I said harsh full things to him."

I said, "You are selfish. You only know how to hurt others. You are the devil. Everyone hates you but... I. I love you! I....I...care about you. I...I... don't know since when but I want you please.... came down I am begging you.... please." After hearing those words everything around me stops, my heart was bouncing. She was on her knees begging me to stop it. I came down and helped her to stand. She was trembling and crying. I said sorry to her. I said sorry so many times and wiped out her tears. She looked up at me and slapped me later she said, "Share your problems with me and we will overcome them together. Death is not the solution." I hugged her so tightly and she hugged me back. Since that day my life changed forever.

I enjoyed everything. There were some problems like my parents didn't agree with her and I left them for her but after some weeks they came back into my life and apologized for everything. I have everything now just because of that girl. She was lucky for me. I have a caring wife and beautiful daughter all thanks to her."

Bianca asked them If they have any regrets and dad replied, "Yes I have one regret. After getting married I started to manage my father's business. There was a person who helped me a lot. He was the owner of his own company but still he helped me out in every situation. We became best friends. Everything was going well but one day he came to me and asked me to take care of his son and wife I asked him why but he didn't reply and left. I thought he must be kidding but one night they were going somewhere in the car and he died with his family in a car accident. If I should have known something like that would have happened so I had done my best to protect him and his family." Rosè's mom put her hand on his shoulder and said " It wasn't your fault"

"His sister-in-law informed me about his accident and told me to never meet with them and cut off all the ties. I went to his home but they left that place. No one lived there. I tried to meet with his brother but he also ignored me as all of that happened because of me. That's the thing I regret the most" He went quiet after saying it...




Amidst the tangled webs of fate and chance,

A story unfolds, a captivating romance.

Two souls collided in a world of gray,

Tumultuous, yet yearning to find their way.

A tempest of emotions, a tale of remorse,

With love's tender touch, charting a new course.

He, a figure feared, with a heart unknown,

She, a beacon of kindness, a heart full-blown.

Their lives intertwined on a fateful day,

A heartfelt apology in the light's first ray.

An unexpected meeting, a bus ride's chance,

Stirred feelings anew in a hesitant dance.

Love bloomed amidst silence, unspoken words,

Two hearts in sync, their souls stirred.

A rooftop encounter, a moment of despair,

Her plea for his life, a love beyond compare.

Forgiveness sought in a heartfelt embrace,

A journey embarked, a newfound grace.

Yet, regrets linger, burdens unclaimed,

Echoes of a friend lost, a connection untamed.

In love's complex tale, regrets do dwell,

A past encounter, a story to tell.

Yet, amidst the sorrows, love's enduring flame,

Echoes through time, a heartfelt acclaim.

For in life's unfolding, through trials untold,

Love's steadfast warmth, a beauty to behold.

A narrative spun with regret and love's delight,

In each bittersweet moment, a story takes flight.




Thank you for reading ❣