Chapter 7: Sweet Dreams and Kraft Work

Previously on JoJo system in scp universe,

We just learn that our protagonist Daiten Futeki has ate the flesh of SCP-682 and has gained its powers.

"Which means-" He hold a shaver and scratch his hand drawing blood, but instead of healing slowly like it normally would, the blood completely disappeared leaving nothing behind. "I got SCP-682's powers now."

He has been learning Hamon by his instructors, Zeppeli and Lisa Lisa.

Those methods included prolonged swimming by diving deep down into the ocean, balancing atop on one finger, lifting some heavy stones with one hand, meditating inside a river with a boulder on my lap, running away from said boulders while maintaining my breathing and many many more.

He also fought with Malik and his army of zombies and won.

"Well too bad. Take this SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVE!" He shouted, pummeling both of his fists into Malik over and over again.

He later found out that Abby was pierced by the stand arrow and hasn't woken up since.

"Ooh, pretty!" She puts her hand a little bit too close to the tip and it scratched her hand.

On the flip side, Noriaki Kakyoin has officially arrived at the SCP universe.

'But more importantly...' He walked out of the alleyway and into the bustling streets of New York City. 'Where the heck am I?' He thought as his appearance was fully known.

Let's see what happens now with our protagonist,

Present time Daiten's pov

"Abby! Abby! Come on please wake up." I said trying to wake her up.

'Why not try CPR?' Lord Blackwood suggested.

"Oh god damn it. Why didn't I think of that?" I said attempting to do CPR on her.

You see, Daiten and his friends have experience of doing CPR, it's just that whenever Daiten attempted to do CPR on Kokoro, Chusei always teases them on taking their first kiss, which resulted in them trying to kill him.

I placed my ear on Abby's chest to listen for anything, a breath or heartbeat. But it was silent. I checked her pulse as well and immediately started performing CPR.

"Come on Abby, come on Abby, you can't die please wake up." I said pumping her chest and pressed my lips against hers as I forced air into Abby's lungs.

It took a while but Abby eventually woke up with her injury was already healed by her regeneration.

"Ow, umm what happened?" She asked while shaking her head.

'You fall unconscious, you made us very worried. What do you have to say for yourself?' Lord Blackwood said sternly.

"I-I'm sorry!" Abby said tears coming out of her eyes.

"Hey hey, I think Abby learned her lesson right. Don't go touching stuff you're not supposed to touch okay?" I said with a comforting tone.

"O-okay." She whispered.

But that was when a purple-like gas spread out from her body.

"N-nani!" I said surprised as the purple gas is starting to spread.

'T-there's purple gas coming out of her body!' Lord Blackwood exclaimed as he struggles to crawl away from the gas.

"Huh? What's going on?" She said as she saw the purple gas and tried to stop it by waving her hands, but that only makes the gas spread even further.

"Cough, cough, Abby stop this at once! You need to control your ability Abby! Control it! You... You... You..." I tried to say more but I suddenly felt like I had to sleep while Lord Blackwood already fall asleep.

Abby looked around and saw that me and Lord Blackwood were knocked out by the gas.

"P-papa! Mr Blackwood!" She yelled running over to our bodies and tried to wake us up by shaking our bodies but it didn't work.

"Papa! Papa! Wake up! Please wake up!" She said as she tried to shook me awake but it was in vain.

She tried various methods to wake us up, one of those methods include pinching my ear, kicking me, tickling me and so on.

She cried as the purple gas was still around the room and now it was spreading across the house.

Then she remembered my words about controlling it. So she concentrated with all of her might and the purple gas began to slowly disappear.

'Alright, now that the gas is gone, how do I wake them up?' She wondered.

Then she tried the nickname she gave me before she called me papa.

"Mister Daiten, wake up!" She said and she even slapped me and it even made me twitch but that also didn't work.

Just when she was about to give up hope, she remembered his full name.

"Please call me Daiten Futeki, not 'mister' okay?"

"Daiten Futeki, WAKE UP!" She slapped me once again and I immediately woke up.

"Ahhhh!! I will not play rock paper scissors with your snot on your finger!!" I yelled now awake and startling Abby.

"P-papa, are you awake?" Abby stuttered.

"Yeah, I'm awake." After I said that Abby rushed towards and hugged me.

"Papa! Papa! You're awake!"

I was stunned for a moment before I hugged her back. "It's okay Abby. I'm not going anywhere, no need to worry about anything okay?"


We hugged for a minute before we split apart and looked back to see Lord Blackwood snoring.

"Now time to wake him up I guess."

Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Abby and Chibi Daiten waking Chibi Lord Blackwood up.

It's been a few minutes ever since Abby awakened her stand and I decided to tell her and Lord Blackwood the truth about the arrow.

"Sigh, alright now that that situation is over, we have to do something about this." I said confusing the two of them.

'Huh, what are you talking about?' Lord Blackwood asked.

"Um papa, am I okay? Am I gonna be alright?" Abby asked.

"Yes Abby, you're gonna be okay, you just awakened your stand that's all." I said confusing them even more.

'Huh, stand? What does that mean?'

"Yare Yare Daze," I muttered. I grab my hat and adjusted it a bit. "Let me tell you a story of the arrow, the stand arrow." I told them holding the arrow.

"Approximately 50,000 years ago, a meteorite crash-landed on Earth around an underpopulated region of what is now known as Cape York, Greenland. It is theorized that the meteorite sought out Earth through the will of its many strong spirits, rather than striking the planet by chance." I begin now catching the two's attention.

"In 1978, a mineral excavation team uncovered an unknown virus within the rocks of the surrounding area and determined that it had been lying dormant inside the meteorite that hit Earth long ago. Despite extensive research, government doctors were unable to determine the alien virus' purpose outside the total elimination of human life. Akin to the theory of evolution, it was discovered that certain people possessed a quality that would enable them to survive when exposed to the virus, as well as grant them supernatural abilities, known as Stands." I said as Lord Blackwood is now paying close attention to it and Abby while she doesn't know much of it, she listened to the story.

"Several hundred years before the discovery of the virus, a man who wished to acquire the power of the gods took the rocks and fashioned them into arrowheads. The arrows allowed the wielder to unlock Stand abilities in those who had the potential to awaken one, essentially acting as the aforementioned trigger." I stated confusing Lord Blackwood.

"If all you say is true, then why did the arrow can awaken this so called 'Stand abilities' ?" Lord Blackwood asked.

"The reason the arrows can awaken Stand abilities is because the meteorite the arrows were made from was host to an alien virus. The virus is a merciless one, with most people who contract it dying." I explained shocking the two of them.

"However, a small number of people possess an abstract trait that allows them to survive, and as if to reward this trait, the individual's Stand is manifested." I said causing Abby to sighed in relief.

"This process has been described as being similar to natural selection, the evolutionary process in which some creatures better adapt to their circumstances than others and thus survive more easily." I point out while Lord Blackwood nodded at that.

"On the other hand, the arrow normally only seek out (and pierce) those who can handle the strain to begin with." I said causing Abby to raise her hand.

"Um papa, what do you mean by the arrow normally seek out those who can handle the strain to begin with?" Abby asked.

"It means that the arrow is alive and it is drawn to those that have sufficient spiritual strength like you." I said causing her to ask "What is spiritual strength?"

"Spiritual Strength is the character strength of spirituality involves our capacity to dig deep and find the greater meaning in life, to align ourselves with a purpose that extends beyond ourselves, to find relationship and unity with something greater such as nature, God, or the transcendent."

"However, if a target that was pierced by the stand arrow lacks sufficient spiritual strength, they will die if the wound is fatal." I said scaring them.

"Moreover, people who have stands are automatically drawn to one another, it's kinda like people's gravitational pull. It draws a person with a stand to one another. If you want the simple reason, it's fate." I explained shocking the two of them.

'S-so that means Abby is a stand user?'

"Yes, and it would appears that it is a powerful one, mostly because she's the daughter of the Scarlet King." I whispered the last part.

We both turned to see Abby with her stand out, the purple gas is at her side, not even spreading anywhere because now she has full control over her stand.

And it would seems that there are yellow eyes glowing in the middle of the gas.

"Well then, I think we should give it a name." I said.

"A name?" Abby asked.

"Yeah, a name. We have to give it a name since it's a part of you now. How about... Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams... I like it."

[Name: Sweet Dreams]

[User: Abby Johnson]

[Grade: SSR]

[Appearance: Sweet Dreams is a formless gas-like cloud that surrounds Abby and it has two glowing eyes that seems to stare at your soul.]

[Namesake: Don Gibson- Sweet Dreams]

[Type: Long Range, Artificial Non-Humanoid ]

[Stats: Power: E, Speed: C, Range: A, Durability: A, Precision: B, Growth potential: D]

[Abilities: Sleep Pheromones]

'What, her stand's grade is SSR?! It must be really powerful If she has a stand as powerful as that.' I thought as Abby recalled her stand.

"So papa, what's my stand ability?"

"Hmm, I think its Narcoleptic Pheromone Secretion due to the fact that you can make us sleep by inhaling its gas." I said making her confused.

"In another words its Sleep Pheromones." I reclarified making Abby nodded at that.

"And you said my full name before waking me up right?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah I did, if you hadn't told me Mr Blackwood's full name, I wouldn't be able to wake him up."

"Hmm, if that's true then you are the only one who can wake us up or maybe I can wake someone if I say their full name." I muttered

"Now, I think it's time we should start your training, now don't think it's gonna be an easy one because it will be very tough. Do you think you can handle it?" I said seriously making Abby nod with determination on her face.

"I'm ready."

"Good, your training starts... now!"

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Daiten making Chibi Abby study.

It's been a day ever since Abby had her stand and since then, I've been training her body, mind and stand in order for her to protect herself from others If I'm not around.

I made her learn some basic mathematics, to which she struggled because she's three and she had a hard time figuring out what's 6x3.

I also made her train her body by running around the house a few times before calling for a break.

Lord Blackwood also joined in by teaching some basic history from the 1990's, which she actually excelled that.

And most importantly, I taught Abby a secret technique that is beneficial to her survival.

"The secret technique is running away?!" She said confused as to why is that a secret technique.

"Yes, the Joestar Secret Technique has been passed down to it's family members whether they like it or not. I just happen to know about it when I was passing by." I said.

"But we're not going to talk about that, what we are going to do is to talk about is what you should do when you encounter a bad guy." I said making her nod.

"Alright, so when ever a guy or a person you don't like tries to make a move on ylu, you punch them like this!" I punched forward hitting nothing but air.

"So you mean like this? Hyaaahh!" She let out a battle cry and punched me in the balls.

I flinched back and I fall down in pain while silently spewing curses at my luck.

"Y-yeah... just like that..."

I also taught Abby the basics of stands, like only stand users can see other's stands and can only be hurt by other's stands. I also told Abby that although stands and can only be hurt by other's stands, she is not so she should be very careful when she's up against them. What I didn't told her is she won't even be harmed in the first place because of her anomalous ability.

Furthermore, Lord Blackwood also trains himself by reading books of the 20th century and 'Exercising'.

He was standing on a dumbbell and tried to lift it with his upper body but it didn't even budge, mostly because he's a slug and not a human.

'Gugggh! Come on, why won't you move! I'm sure I'm strong enough to lift this thing. Huggghh!'

Anyways while Abby and Lord Blackwood are busy doing their stuff, I was busy testing my newfound powers of [Kraft Work]

[Name: Kraft Work]

[User: Daiten Futeki]

[Grade: SR]

[Appearance: Kraft Work appears almost robotic, with smooth, streamlined armor. It has a spike on each side of its head, bared teeth, and eyes patterned with vertical lines. It also features striated muscles, possibly as a reference to its ability.]

[Namesake: Kraftwerk (German electronic band)]

[Type: Close-Range, Artificial Humanoid]

[Stats: Power: E, Speed: E, Range: E, Durability: E, Precision: E, Growth potential: E]

[Abilities: Kinetic energy manipulation]

You see what I really wanted to improve was not only [Kraft Work] stats but also its ability: Kinetic energy manipulation.

Kinetic energy is the energy of an object or a system's particles in motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes.

And [Kraft Work] has the ability to manipulate that very same energy with ease, making it the most versatile stand I had.

"Alright, let's see what I can do with this ability." I said while throwing a handful of stones into the air in the middle of a forest.

"[Kraft Work] Position Lock!" I shouted as [Kraft work] lock the stones in mid air as their kinetic energy was taken away by it.

[Position Lock.] It's a ability that I can use to freeze the kinetic energy of all motion, and suspend a being or object in mid air.

"Nice, now that I can do that let's see if I can do this!" I said while [Kraft Work] repeatedly touches a stone multiple times before firing it and it shoot at the trunk of a tree. "Alright it worked!"

[Kinetic Energy Accumulation] I can store and accumulate kinetic force from any source. It can be energy dealt from rapid mobility, impact absorption, force of motion and the like. Unleashing it all at once upon the point of release, resulting in incredibly devastating bursts of raw destructive power at the moment of contact.

"Hmm, now that I can lock objects, and release them, let's see If I can lock myself." I muttered as Kraft Work uses its ability and locked myself.

'Huh, it seems it didn't work oh well, w-wait a minute!' I tried to my legs but I can't move, I tried to clench my hands but it also didn't work, I can't even blink my eyes.

'Oh no! It worked and I've locked myself!' I can't even talk or breathe as I have no control of anything.

'Kraft Work, undo the ability!' [Kraft Work] nodded and I can fully move again.

'Huff Huff, okay, NEVER do that again unless I have absolute mastery over it.' I thought with sweat dripping down on my face.

"Let's see what else I can try."

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Daiten experimenting with [Kraft Work]

Its already afternoon and I have been experimenting with [Kraft Work] and I figured out some skills that will be beneficial to my survival against the SCPs.

For example, I can punch a tree in half with only [Concussive Force.]

[Concussive Force] I can deliver an impact of concussive force, whether directly or remotely, which I can knock a target's back and cause internal and external damage. I can achieve this either by direct physical force, solid matter, pulse of energy or any other way that causes damage by collision.

I can also absorb and produce kinetic energy from the trees and they stopped moving because of the ability: [Hyperkinetic Exertion.]

[Hyperkinetic Exertion] I can produce enormous amounts of kinetic energy from any physical movement beyond the natural. For example, a normal human punching something will equal over 400 joules of kinetic energy. With hyperkinetic exertion, I can punch with significantly higher kinetic energy levels than possible.

I also tried to use the ability: [Friction Manipulation] and let's just say it didn't work out well for me.

'Flashback, 1 hour ago'

"Alright, let's try this ability." I declared with [Kraft Work] at the ready.

I also wear a tracksuit and some sneakers to be prepared.

I took a deep breath and started to run and run and run until I began running at full speed.

"Nice, now let's try and push it to the limit." I said before using [Friction Manipulation] to make me run even faster.

[Friction Manipulation] I can manipulate, generate and otherwise control friction, the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other, whether the contact causes the movement to stop (sticking the targets together) or continue.

"Hahahahahaha! This is amazing!" I shouted as I keep running and running with no desire to stop.

Along the way, I pass by a speed detector and I could have sworn I saw a guy looked at me with a shocked look before reaching to his walkie-talkie.

'Uh oh!' I looked back at the guy before I accidentally tripped on a bump and I was sent tumbling through the street before crashing onto a nearby building.

"Oh shiiiiitttt!!"

Guard's pov,

Sigh, just another ordinary day working for the SCP Foundation, I thought it would be full of action or thrilling espionage and to think that I had enrolled in undercover training, hoping I would be sent on missions like stealthy infiltrating other organisations like the Serpent's Hand or the Global Occult Coalition.

Instead, those idiots at High Command assigned me to deep cover, which was the Foundation's way of saying 'Stay put and keep your eyes peeled just in case you spot something bizarre.'

I had been stationed in New York City, and was forced to work as a sheriff in a small hut to maintain cover, a waste of my time and reconnaissance training if I say so myself.

I really wanted to be on the front lines, and I find it personally insulted that the Foundation saw it fit to waste an asset like me, while I should have been part of one of their Mobile Task Forces.

"Argh, this is so boring!" I shouted as I saw something coming this way or someone.

"What the-" I felt a breeze as I saw a human like figure just ran past me.

I just sat there shocked as I checked the speed detector and was surprised to see that it was broken.

"Dennis, if a car passed the speed limit, you are supposed to arrest them" A bored Foundation operator replied over the radio as I contacted them.

"No, it's not a car, it's a human! He just ran by and broke the speed detector!" I yelled at the operator

"Wait what do you mean by that?"

"I mean he just ran passed me and his speed broke the speed detector. He has to be an unidentified SCP!"

"Hold on, one moment." The operator replied as the walkie-talkie went silent for a moment. "Alright, a mobile task force team is already on your way and you will give them the report before joining them."

"Thank you." I said before heading to my police car and started to drive in hopes of containing this SCP.

Back with Daiten's pov,

"Ugh." I groaned trying to get my bearings as I looked around left and right for anything as to where am I.

Huh, it seems that I'm haven't left New York City yet, that's good. I said as I was now realised that I'm near a building and there were now police cars arriving at the scene.

"Stop! You are under arrest for property damage!" A policeman shouted and unlike the last time with the intruders, he's the real deal and I am surrounded by multiple policemen with their guns trained on me.

I slowly get up, without raising my head, and tossed a smoke bomb at them.

"Ah! It's a bomb! Get down!" He yelled and the rest of the policemen get down as the smokebomb activated and started releasing smoke into the air making them cough.

'Sigh, well it's time to run away... again.'

I said as I quickly left the scene.

Back at the house,

'Daiten, what have you done!?' Lord Blackwood yelled as the TV was on and it was and a news reporter was reporting of a strange incident about a man who crashed into a wall and quickly disappeared and it showed a blurry individual on the screen.

"Okay, I was testing my stand abilities and I didn't expect that this would happened, and besides I didn't kill anyone right?" I replied.

'No, but you should be careful and you could hurt someone.'

"Papa, are you a bad guy now?" Abby asked.

"No abby, I'm not. I just need to lay low for now in case I may be." I said as I go to my room to check [Kraft Work] stats and any other abilities I have.

[Name: Kraft Work]

[User: Daiten Futeki]

[Grade: SR]

[Appearance: Kraft Work appears almost robotic, with smooth, streamlined armor. It has a spike on each side of its head, bared teeth, and eyes patterned with vertical lines. It also features striated muscles, possibly as a reference to its ability.]

[Namesake: Kraftwerk (German electronic band)]

[Type: Close-Range, Artificial Humanoid]

[Stats: Power: A, Speed: A, Range: D, Durability: A, Precision: C, Growth potential: A]


[A new skill has been made due to constant use X2!]

[Sword Mastery, Lv-1]

[Allows user to freely handle swords.]

[5% more damage when using swords]

[Firearm Mastery, Lv-1]

[Allows user to freely use firearms and for better aiming and faster reload time with all firearms.]

[10% Increase in attack damage with a firearm.]

[5% Increase in attack speed with a firearm.]

[10% Better aiming with a firearm.]


[For enduring an attack, you have gained a skill X2]

[Poison Resistance Lv-1]

[Reduces Incoming Damage from any kind of poison and by 1% per level]

[Sleep suppression Lv-1]

[Suppress the need for rest/sleep for long periods of time.]

[+10% resistance to any sleep based powers.]


[Physical Endurance has leveled up!]

Huh, [Sword mastery] and [Gun mastery] seems useful and I kinda get the [Poison resistance] because of Malik, but Sleep Suppression, I guess is because of Abby's [Sweet Dreams].

I sighed and lied down on my bed.

'Hope the SCP Foundation didn't caught my face, because I really don't want to change my appearance every time I leave the house.'

In a SCP Research Facility, third persons pov,

"Alright guys, so what do we got here?" Carson said as he, Lawrence, Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck are at a SCP Research Facility and they are looking at a table that is covered with research papers and notes and at the center of the table, there was a blurry picture of a man who crashed into a building.

"This is the full report of what transpired in the past few hours and I would suggest that you stop messing around with the rubix's cube." Dr Collingwood said as Carson hid his rubix cube behind his back.

"W-what rubix's cube? I didn't have one."

"Ugh, can we please get on with the matter. An undercover agent named Agent Dennis has reported that a man was spotted running through the street before he tripped and crashed into the building." Dr buck said as the looked at the photograph.

"Well he sure must have been working out, either that or he's a SCP." Carson remarked making the others groan.

"Yes he is, and the fact that he escaped easily must mean that he's the one who infiltrated the St. Patrick's Cathedral." Dr Buck theorized.

"Maybe, or he could be another SCP, maybe the one who infiltrated the church was a skilled assassin." Lawrence pitched in his theory.

"No, that's impossible. No ordinary person, skilled assassin or not was able to beat SCP-682 unconscious." Dr Collingwood shot down that theory.

"Well, whatever's the case. What do we do now? We've already administered amnestics to the police. There must be something we could do?" Carson asked.

"Maybe we could do a city-wide search of the intruder, he must be in the middle of the city and we can have all available personnel to go undercover and look for anyone who is suspicious, maybe then we can find the SCP." Dr Collingwood said.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold up! Maybe he can be reasoned with right?" Carson intervened.

"Well, that's only if we can find him first, now I'll go ahead and submit it to Director Zolgomax." Dr Buck said as she took the papers before leaving, not knowing that she left the photograph behind.

"Huh?" Carson picked up the photo and examined it closely. "Hey, don't you think this guy is a bit small?"

"Wait let me see that." Lawrence quickly snatched the picture and looked at it. "You're right, he does look a little small."

"It's probably just the helicopter footage, sometimes it does that to people." Dr Collingwood reassured them before she left the room, leaving Lawrence and Carson with the photo, wondering if he really is an adult or a teenager.

Okay back to Daiten,

"Sigh, why do I agreed to do this." I said walking down the aisle to pick groceries for us.

You see, now that I'm wanted by the police and the SCP Foundation, I had to shapeshift my appearance when I leave and we ran out of food so I have to go to the grocery store to get some food.

Right now, I am wearing a red shirt, grey jacket, a pair of shoes and I had brown hair and my eyes are now black.

'Bump' I bumped into someone and we both dropped our food.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" / "No it's okay." We both picked up our food before I get a look at him.

He looks a lot like Noriaki Kakyoin, but that can't be, he died during the final battle against DIO.

"Um, are you alright?" The lookalike said.


Name: Noriaki Kakyoin


Level- 25 Exp-0/15000



Race: Human

Stands: [Hierophant Green]


VIT- 16






MONEY- 135$

[Noriaki Kakyoin is a highschool student and he was part of the Stardust Crusaders until the final battle with DIO. He was badly wounded with a hole being punched through his chest. But he was still able to figure out DIO's stand ability, being the ability to stop time due to him seemingly snapping all the tendrils apart at once. He was later transported to this world and had no idea of what happened to him.]

My eyes widened at his stats. There's no doubt about it, he really is Noriaki Kakyoin.


And that was my first encounter with a stand user other than myself.