Chapter 8: A duel of two Hierophants

Previously on jojo system in scp universe,

We just learn that our protagonist Daiten Futeki has encountered Abby's stand: Sweet dreams.

"Yeah, a name. We have to give it a name since it's a part of you now. How about... Sweet dreams."

He also experimented with his newly acquired stand: Kraft Work.

'Huff Huff, okay, NEVER do that again unless I have absolute mastery over it.' He thought with sweat dripping down on his face.

Furthermore, the SCP Foundation are now closing in on him.

"It's probably just the helicopter footage, sometimes it does that to people." Dr Collingwood reassured them before she left the room, leaving Lawrence and Carson with the photo, wondering if he really is an adult or a teenager.

And now, he has encountered Noriaki Kakyoin.


Let's see what happens between the two of them.

In present time, Daiten's pov

Fate, fate is the will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do.

It is also because of fate that stand users, for some reason seem to unknowingly drawn to one another, even if they don't know each other.

And now that's gonna happened to me to.



[Mission Alert!]

[Defeat Noriaki Kakyoin!]

[Bonus Objective]



[500 Exp]


[Decreased relationship with Noriaki Kakyoin]


'Ugh, really right now?!' I immediately pressed yes mentally before looking towards him.

He was on guard and he even brought out his stand.

"How do you know my name! Are you one of DIO's assassins?"

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold up now!" I brought out a small knife and hold it against his throat.

"I suggest you keep quiet about this, we'll do this outside." I whispered threatened to slit his throat.

I can see the hesitation in his eyes but he nodded, I slowly put the knife down and we walked away from the grocery store and into an alleyway.

"Alright, I know this is hard to believe but I'm not one of DIO's assassins. I'm just a guy who knows a lot of things, lots of things." I said but he didn't believed me.

"I don't believe you, I don't know what you did, but send me back to Egypt!" He yelled taking a fighting stance.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do anything." I said taking a defensive position.

"Yeah right, Hierophant Green!" He yelled making it used [Emerald Splash] on me.

"Shit, Harvest Wall!" I summoned [Harvest] and they all formed three barriers to protect me.

[Harvest Wall] It's a ability that [Harvest] use to protect me by forming three barriers to block the enemy's attacks. The number of walls is determined by me.

The emeralds hit a couple of harvests but it did not go through the first barrier, nor do I take any damage.

'Nani! He didn't take any damage.That's odd.' He thought to himself.

"Hey, pay attention!" I yelled at him with a ton of Harvest kicked some rocks at him.

He blocked the stones with [Hierophant Green] deflecting the stones but some struck his thigh.

"Tch." He grunted before he fired another emerald splash at me but it was proven futile as it only took down half of the first barrier of [Harvest Wall].

"You know it's useless right? You can't pass through this wall." I said but then I saw that he had a small smirk.

My ears picked up something and I dodged just as [Hierophant Green] hit the ground as to where I was standing on.

"I know, but that doesn't mean that I have run out of options." He said before rushing towards me.

I blocked some of his blows before he does a front kick.

I easily dodged it but that's when [Hierophant Green] used another Emerald Splash and I had to dodge by using my tail, revealing it in the process.

He gasped "You have a tail! Who are you? Or what are you?" He questioned.

"Sigh, listen I wasn't born with this, I just gained some of a reptile's powers, it's a long story." I said not wanting to dragged this fight any longer.

"I don't know what you are, but you are going to send me back to Egypt." Kakyoin stated as [Hierophant Green] unleashes another Emerald Splash at me.

I sighed before switching out Harvest with [Hierophant Green] and it deflected all of the emeralds with some going in random directions.

'Uh oh, I hope it doesn't hit someone.' I thought before I turned to Kakyoin who is just appeared to be stunned at seeing my [Hierophant Green].

Meanwhile, third person's pov

"Oh man, that was too easy!" James said as he is throwing a wallet up and down without a care in the world.

"I know right, that guy is so weak. He didn't even put up a fight." Mac said grinning.

"Uh guys, shouldn't we go apologize to him? He may need that money." Jacob said.

"Shut up Jacob!" Both James and Mac shouted at the same time.

"God, why do we bring this guy with us?" James asked Mac.

"Because he's our smart guy, we can't get into safes without him." Mac replied.

"But do we really have to bring him with us every time we go somewhere to rob people?"

"Uh, you guys know that I can hear everything you say right?" Jacob said staring at them but they shrugged, continuing on their way back to their base.

Then suddenly, Mac yelled out in pain as he felt something hit his back.

"Mac!" James and Jacob shouted as they rushed to help him, but not before they each felt something hit them, with Jacob getting one on the arm, and James getting one on the leg.

They all collapsed to the ground, not being to get up as someone caught up to them.

"Huff, Huff, Huff. There you guys are!" A guy shouted as he snatched his wallet from James's hand before stomping on it.

"That's for stealing my wallet! And this..." He said before he started to brutally kick all three of them over and over.

"Is for beating me up and left me!" He yelled before he spits on Mac's mohawk and walks away.

Okay back to Daiten,

"H-how do you have [Hierophant Green]? A-and how do you have two stands?! I thought only a person is supposed to have one!" Kakyoin said as he was flabbergasted at this revelation.

"Sigh, I told you that it's a long story," I shrugged not even caring that he flinched before he took a defensive stance.

"I don't know what you are, but I will find a way to get back to Egypt, even if I have to force you to send me b-"

"Jotaro doesn't exist in this universe!" I snapped, already grown tired of his nonsense.

"He isn't even alive! Neither of them are! You should be dead! And yet you're still alive! How is this possible?!" I shouted at him, leaving him a bit puzzled.

"W-what" ! He uttered but I had enough.

"If you don't wanna talk it out, then I'll just have to beat you up!" I declared, running towards him with my fist, getting ready to punch him.

" ... Stop." He uttered making me stop at the last second before my fist connected to his face, making his hair and his earrings flutter a bit.


"I...I surrender." He said putting his hands up.

I was confused, him surrendering was one thing, but with the look on his face tells me that he looked utterly defeated.

"W-why would you surrender?" I asked him.

"If what you said is true, if Jotaro and the others really didn't exist here, then there's no point of going back to Egypt, it would be a waste of my time." He said looking down.

Oh man, now I really screwed up big time, but still what really bothers me is that why he's in the SCP universe? Why is he still alive? There are so many questions yet so few answers.

"Um, I'm really sorry I said those things like that Kakyoin," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "But I guess now you're one of us now."

"Us? What do you mean?"

"Come with me, let's talk somewhere where there are no prying ears." I said as me as I left the alleyway.

Kakyoin was hesitant to say the least, but then again I was the only stand user he encountered ever since he's been here so he quickly followed me.

Unbeknownst to us, someone quickly ran away from the alleyway, afraid to get caught.

Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Kakyoin with his Hierophant Green shouting "Emerald Splash!"

"Well here we are." I said as we both looked at the house as it was enveloped in Sweet Dream's purple gas.

"Uh, why is it covered in purple gas?" Kakyoin asked as he looked at the bizarre sight of my defense mechanism.

"Oh, that is just the security system that I had. It will prevent any non-stand users or stand users that tries to break into the house, give me a moment." I told him before pulling out a walkie talkie from my inventory.

"Hey lord Blackwood, I'm back. You can tell Abby to stop her ability now." I said and a few minutes later the cloud slowly disappeared and we entered the house.

"Huh, it's not so bad." He commented as he stared at the living room.

"Meh, it's not much but hey, it's the cheapest one they had, so I take what I can get." I said before changing back to my original appearance.

"W-what! How did you..." Kakyoin tried to ask but I cut him off. "We'll talk about this later."

"Okay, and why is there so many weapons in that closet?" He asked as he pointed to the weapons supply closet.

"Oh those, they're just the ones I stole from a bad guy's church. It's not a big deal." I said nonchalantly as I head to the kitchen.

"Uh okay?" He said now having doubts about his decision, but that was when Lord Blackwood and Abby come barging in.

"Papa!" Abby shouted in joy as she hugged my leg, not noticing that Kakyoin looked a bit uneasy as he looked at the child.

"Hey Abby, did you want something?"

"I want a cookie!"

"No Abby, what did I say? No cookies until you done your homework. You did do it right?"

She nodded. "Yup I did."

"Okay." I commanded Harvest to take out a cookie jar and unscrew the lid.

"Here you go." I handed her a cookie.

She cheered as she took it and started to eat it cutely, and that was when she saw Kakyoin on the far side of the room.

"Papa, who is he?" She asked me.

"Oh, he's just a friend. Kakyoin, this is Abby, the one who is responsible for creating the purple clouds." I introduced the two of them.

"Wait you can see them? Gasp, are you a stand user?" She pointed at him.

"Yes I am." He said but she didn't understood at what he said.

"Papa? What did he say?"

'I think he said it in what's the word? Japanese? Let me translate it.' Lord Blackwood interjected and translated to her, which completely weirded Kakyoin out.

"Oh, nice to meet you mister." She held a hand for him to shake.

"Y-yeah nice to meet you too." He also shook her hand but instead, he used Hierophant Green to shake her hand.

That was bizarre to say the least, could it be that Kakyoin is affected by Abby's ability?

"Hey abby, why don't you go talk to Lord Blackwood for a while?" Me and Kakyoin have some business to talk about. I said, wanted to keep her distracted.

"Okay!" She smiles and picks Lord Blackwood up and leaves, leaving me alone with Kakyoin who appears to be clutching a chair.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing it's just... that girl, I don't know what came over me but I feel like I need to stay from her. And what was that slug, did it just talk in my mind? Is the slug a stand user? What is going on?" He asked me.

"Sigh, sit down and I'll explain everything." I told him as he sits on a chair and I told him everything about this world and where I came from.

Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Daiten telling Chibi Kakyoin everything.

"Wait so you're telling me that this SCP universe is that there are a lot of those SCPs that are in various SCP containment sites and none of them have stands?" He finally asked as he was still taking all of this in.

"Yup, now don't think that they're weak, their far from it. Some of the keter class SCPs can take down your universe without breaking a sweat." I said knowing full well that I'm right.

"Now are you really telling me the truth? That you come from a universe that mine and this universe is considered fiction in yours?" He asked.

"Yup." I said popping the P.

"What about the girl, Abby and that slug that has a human name? Are they SCPs too? Or are they stand users?" He asked about my two companions.

"Well, Abby is an SCP and a stand user, she accidentally became one because of my carelessness. And Lord Blackwood, well he is an SCP but not even I know about his real origins." i said.

He nodded, already know about the stand arrow because of me.

"Then, how did you get two stands? Especially mine?"

"Well actually I have five," I said shocking him even more. "And before you ask, I have a special ability that let's me have more than one stand, please don't ask about it. I'm not really sure that I can trust you." I said making Kakyoin nod, it was natural for them to not trust each other after they just met.

"So now that I've told you everything, can you tell me why are you still alive? You were supposed to have a hole in your chest bleeding out." I said making Kakyoin flinch.

"I'm... not sure. I was at the battle with DIO, and he used his stand to send me to that water tank, I know that I can't survived with an injury like that, but the next thing I know, I'm in a dumpster bin. What I'm guessing is that maybe I have been transported to this universe by someone." Kakyoin theorized.

"That... actually makes sense." I said surprised. "But wait if you're here, then perhaps that the other stand users from your universe will be transported here too."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean think about it, you were supposed to die in the battle of DIO, and yet you're here alive and well, that makes me question that if other stand users may come here as well, like Avdol, Iggy, Narancia, and maybe more. "

"Who's Narancia?"

"A stand user, but a good person at heart. Now then," I placed my hands on the table, hoping he would accept my offer. "Do you want to join me?"

He seems surprised as to what he just heard. "I'm sorry, you want me to join you?"

"Yes," I started to explain why I want him to join me. "You see, ever since I found out that I have been transported to this universe, no thanks to my old man who deliberately didn't tell me where am I going. I started to make some plans and one of them is having allies, allies such as you." I pointed to Kakyoin.

"Me? Why me?"

"Well, you're smart, intelligent and have experience of dealing with stand users, and you're pretty strong willed, plus someone's gotta take care of Abby, and Lord Blackwood is just... unsuited for the job, so will you join me?" I asked him as I raised my hand for a handshake as my heteromorphic eyes are staring at his lavender ones.

"I... I" He stuttered but then a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

'Wait if what he's saying is true, that I was supposed to die, then does that mean that Avdol and Iggy could be alive and in this universe.' He then imagined the good times he had with his friends, that brought a spark of hope inside of him.

'And perhaps I can find out the secret of his power.' He stared at me before he finally makes his decision.

"I accept." He said as he shook my hand.


[Mission Alert!]

[Defeat Noriaki Kakyoin!]

[Bonus Objective]

[Convince Noriaki Kakyoin to join your group.]


[500 Exp]

"Great!" I said, ignoring the screen. "Now that you accepted my offer, it's time for you to learn Hamon."

"What's Hamon?"

"Oh just something that may be useful for us, now prepare for the most intense training that you ever have." I said before letting out an 'evil' laugh.

Kakyoin was now regretting that he should have declined my offer.

Meanwhile in Mexico, third person's pov

"Alright guys, let's see what this is about." Lawrence said as he, Carson along with another guy as they were on a plane that was arriving to their location

"So what's the big deal here? I never really paid too much attention during the briefing, mind telling me what is this about?" Carson asked.

"Sigh, we're here because one of the researchers found something bizarre," Lawrence said while giving the two a file to the both of them. "He said that something just appeared in this area, and he refused to further investigate."

"So instead he called the big guns huh?" Carson said, "You know, everytime we do this sort of thing, something has to gone wrong, I mean they send a newbie with us professionals." He bumped a guy who has blond hair and was wearing the same gear as Lawrence and Carson.

"H-hey knock it off!" The newbie said.

"Carson, can we please focus on the mission?" Lawrence pleaded. Hey new guy, what's your name?

"Um, d-drake sir." Drake replied.

"Alright drake you better prepare yourself, because we've arrived." They looked out the window and saw they arrived at a SCP containment facility in the middle of a desert.

A few minutes later,

"Oh you must be the MTF team that the SCP Foundation sent," An old researcher greeted the trio. "My name is Dr Morliva and I'm so glad that you guys are here."

"Yeah yeah we get it doc, so what's the emergency that you have to call for us?" Carson asked.

"Well... follow me." Dr Morliva said he lead the group into the SCP containment facility.

"Alright, so Dr Morliva, can you please tell us what happened?" Lawrence asked as they walked through the various hallways.

"Well it all began around yesterday..."


"It was a normal day for us, we were just doing our normal routine, until it appeared."

Suddenly there was a rumble, a rumble that shakes the entire facility.


"What's going on?"

"Quick, protect the SCPs!"

"Everyone was panicking, except for me." Dr Morliva just looked out the window and saw a massive ruin that just appeared there.

"It completely shocked me and after the rumbling stopped, we sent our available personnel to investigate."

"So we just need to go in and investigate and get out, seems easy enough right?" The MTF leader spoke to the walkie talkie.

"Yes and please remain cautious, if you find anything that is anomalous, get out as soon as possible." Dr Morliva ordered.

"Sure thing Dr Morliva." The MTF leader said as he and his team walked into the ruin.

"It took about two hours until they find something that left even me surprised."

"Uh, Dr Morliva? Are you seeing this?" The MTF leader spoke as they are looking at a giant pillar.

"Yeah, but wait what's that?" Dr Morliva looked into the screen, and the MTF leader walked closer to the pillar and saw a mask.

"Is that... a mask?" The MTF leader said as he picked it up.

"Be careful Andre, that mask may contain some anomalous properties."

"Got it, hey Manny why don't you hold on to it." Andre ordered as he hands over the mask to a man who had dreadlocks.

"Yes sir." Manny took the mask and watched as his team looked at a man imbedded in the pillar.

"Woah, look at the size of that thing. Whoever made this must be a great sculptor." One of the MTF operatives spoke as they were looking at the pillar man.

"But as always, something always gone wrong." Suddenly, he was shot in the head, as he fell to the ground, dead.

They all gasped as they all turn to look at Manny who was wearing the mask and pointing a gun at them.

"We never expected to have a traitor in our ranks. Imagine our surprise that Manny was from the Chaos Insurgency."

"Ahahahaha! You utter fools!" Manny laughed as the rest of the MTF team pointed their guns at him.

"Manny what are you doing! Have you betrayed us?!" Andre yelled as he couldn't believe that a member of his squad was a traitor.

"Yes! You wouldn't believe how it was so easy to infiltrate the SCP Foundation. All this talk about 'Containing SCPs' and 'Keeping the world safe' ,ugh boring!" Manny shouted as he held a knife.

"Now with the stone mask at my hand, you and your little squad are doomed." He slit his own throat, much to the others surprise.

"We thought that he was insane slitting his own throat, until he revealed the mask's true power."

Blood continued to spurt everywhere, and a huge amount of it splattered all over the mask.

Suddenly, the mask began to shine bright, in fact it was so bright that Andre and the others have to shield their eyes.

"Argh, w-what is this light!" A MTF operative shouted.

"Somebody stop him!" Andre ordered as one of the MTF operatives acted quickly to try and get the mask off of Manny.

But then spikes began to popped out and it stabbed into Manny's skull. Manny began laughing like a lunatic before he suddenly collapsed onto the floor.

After recovering from the flash of light, one of the MTF operatives went over to inspect Manny's body.

'Huh, is he... dead?' He wondered before he started to kick his body.

"Pietro! What are you doing!" Andre shouted.

"What, he's dead isn't he?" Pietro yelled back but not before he noticed Manny's finger twitched.

"What?" He looked at him again only for him to suddenly stand up.

"He's alive!" He yelled in shock as he stumbled back from Manny.

"What are you idiots doing! Kill him!" Andre ordered as all the guns fired upon Manny before he collapsed to the ground again.

But much to their surprise, the bullet holes slowly closed up and the knife wound around his throat also sealed up.

"Ahahaha..." There was laughter coming from Manny before he stood up once more.

"Aahahahaha!" The stone mask retracted its spikes and fell to the ground. But everyone in the area noticed that Manny was different from before. Not only he had pale skin, but he also had sharp fangs at his mouth.

"It worked hahahaha! I can't believe it worked! I'm a vampire now! Ahahahaha!

Manny laughed crazily as the group are in shock at what they just saw.

"W-what?" Pietro uttered before Manny tackled him to the ground.

"Pietro!" Andre cried out as Pietro screams in pain as Manny grabbed him by the throat and what happened next... unnerved everyone. Manny then sunk his fingers into Pietro's neck, causing his veins to pulse violently.

If that wasn't bad enough, it also caused Pietro to violently choke for air.

"Hmm, your blood will help the Chaos Insurgency's cause." Manny said as his face changed into his early 20's. And his muscles began to swell until he looked like a bodybuilder.

They all gasped at the sight as he threw away Pietro's dead body who have been turned into a husk, drained out of his blood.

"Now then," He grinned as he saw the rest of his former comrades shaking in fear. "Let's dance!"

Flashback over

"Ever since Manny killed the MTF Team single-handedly, he didn't come out of the ruin. Probably because he's can't walk in sunlight anymore. And he destroyed all the cameras so we don't have any clue of what he's doing there."

Dr Morliva said as they were right outside of the ruin.

"Have you tried sending in a priest? Maybe he can I don't know, purity him?" Carson suggested.

"We tried that but... he never came back. Manny killed him and he doesn't seem to be affected by holy water or the cross." Dr Morliva said solemnly.

"So we're dealing with a vampire who's a member of the Chaos Insurgency and we have no clue on what he's doing right now. This is a really tough situation." Lawrence said.

"Kinda like the time that you saved Agent Green in SCP-2191 right?" Carson nudged him.

"Right." Lawrence nodded

"Oh that means you have some experience in dealing with vampires, that's a relief and before you go, please take this." He showed them three devices along with an instruction manual which he handed to Lawrence.

"This is something that we have come up with for an occasion if Manny refused to cooperate, wear these on your shoulders." Dr Morliva instructed.

They did as he asked and he said "Now these are the Ultraviolet Shoulder Cannons. If Manny is really a vampire, then he's weakness is the sun or ultraviolet rays. They're designed to specifically deal with any undead enemies ever since we come across SCP-2191."

"So we just have to fire UV rays at him, seems easy enough." Carson said.

"However if you managed to capture him, you should interrogate him for any information that he had, if you didn't then I give you permission to kill him."

"But why are you telling us to kill him if he doesn't comply doctor?" Drake asked.

"He's not the thing that we want, it's the stone mask. That is the most important thing in this mission, if that thing can turn ordinary humans into vampires. Then we must prevent it from falling into the Chaos Insurgency's hands."

"Now, I wish you good luck, you're gonna need it." He said as he walked back inside the facility.

"So do we just..." He was about to ask but Lawrence and Drake went into the ruin.

"I guess we go inside then." He said before he joined them.

A few moments later,

"Alright everyone, be very quiet." Lawrence whispered as they were hiding behind a column as they see Manny... doing something to the bodies of the MTF Team.

"What is he doing?" Drake asked quietly.

"It's looks like he's spreading blood onto the pillar." Lawrence observed.

"Uh, should we call for backup? I mean if what the doc said was true, then we need more men who can deal with the situation." Carson suggested.

"No, Carson. We don't need backup. Not yet at least, don't call for them until I give the order."

"Ugh fine." Carson huffed.

But suddenly they heard a growl and it was coming from... above!

They looked up and are surprised to see the priest who was also turned into a vampire snarling at them.

"Ah great looks like we've been found, eat sunlight bitch!" Carson said as he turns on the Ultraviolet Shoulder Cannons and fired at the former priest, it immediately eradicated him. All that was left of him was his ALB.

Unfortunately, the sound attracted Manny and he stopped what he was doing and turned to face them.

"So, the SCP Foundation sent more of their rats to face me?" He stretches a bit. "I hope you guys give me a good time before I kill you."

"Guys now!" Lawrence yelled as they fired their guns at him but he deflected them easily.

"Hahaha, do you think that's gonna work?" He said as he grinned maniacally.

"No, but this is!" Carson pulled out a shotgun and shot a bullet right at his face.

Manny couldn't block it in time so he gets shot right at his face, leaving a large hole right at his head.

Of course that isn't enough to kill him, but that was all they need for Drake to go and shove a taser right into his neck.

Manny's body twitches before he slowly crumbled to the floor, knocked out.

"Way to go Drake." Carson complimented him.

"Anyway guys, we should tie him up before he wakes up." Lawrence said as he held some chains.

A few hours later,

"Hey wake up!" Carson shouted as he slapped Manny's newly regenerated face which woke him up.

"Hey watch it!" He growled as he struggled to break free.

'Tch, if only I haven't sacrificed all of the blood to the pillar man, then breaking out of here should be easy.' Manny thought as he continues to struggle with the chains.

"Hey, we caught some questions with you bud!" Carson said as he held him by the neck.

"How did you know about the mask?"

"Heh, like I ever tell to a bunch of the foundation's dogs like you." He sneered but all that got him was a punch to the face.

"Tell us or we will kill you, you freak." Carson yelled as he began to activate the machine.

"Go ahead then, I will die for the Chaos Insurgency." He answered with a smile.

"Why you-" Carson wanted to punch him again but was stopped by Lawrence.

"That's enough Carson, I'll take care of this." He said.

"Ugh, fine." Carson relented as he dropped Manny and goes to collect the stone masks. "Stupid Chaos Insurgency." He grumbled.

"I'm sorry about that, he always gets jumpy whenever the topic of you guys were brought up." He crouched down so he was at eye level with Manny.

"So, can you tell us about what are you guys have been up to?" He asked.

"Are you trying to sweet talk me? To let my guard down? Well jokes on you, you sons of bitches! You will have no idea on what's in store for you!" He soon laughed as the pillar began to slowly crack.

"What is It? What's in store for us?" He asked grabbing his neck.

"Ohoho! You will soon see..." Right after he said that the pillar soon spray out blood. In fact there was so much blood that it completely drenched both Drake and Carson who were in the middle of moving the stone masks.


"W-what's going on?"

The two cried out as Manny began to laugh uncontrollably as more and more blood began to seep out of the pillar.

"W-what is this?" He let go of Manny but that was his mistake as Manny immediately kicked him between his legs.

As expected, he flinched and falls to his knees as Manny finally manages to break the chains and ran to the pillar where a man begins to escape from the pillar.

"Hahaha! Now mankind will face its greatest threat!"

The man finally manages to escape from the pillar and the first thing he does is... pose.

The pillar man looks like a tall and muscular man possessing long, fair hair and two small horns at the top of his head. His only clothing is a small loincloth. He has a painted or tattooed symbol on his right lower eyelid shaped like a gear.

"The pillar mannnnn!!!!"

After which he's done posing, the pillar man begins to slowly walk towards Manny who was still laughing.

"Ahahaha! With one of the four pillar men who has been awakened, there's no way that the SCP Foundation could ever defeat it! Ahaha-" He was cut off as the pillar man was slowly eating him alive.

"Bwahahaha! I can't believe that I get to be sacrificed for one of the great pillar men! I think I will give it a name! How about-mmm!" He was interrupted as the pillar man shuts him up by shoving his head into his body.

It wasn't long before he was eventually devoured by the pillar man and he said his first words in this new world.


The rest of the group are surprised to see that Manny was taken out by being devoured by this 'Santana'.

"Hmm..." He examined the room only to find out that three more humans stand in his way.

"S-stay back!" Drake yelled as he activated the Ultraviolet Shoulder Cannons and fired at Santana.

Santana who didn't know about the device had taken a direct hit and was surprised to feel like he was at the sun as his skin was beginning to evaporate.

He tchhed and immediately jumped up to avoid getting killed.

Then, Carson fired his Ultraviolet Shoulder Cannons and aimed at Santana's direction.

To his surprise, Santana dodged by shifting his body into a pancake before he grabbed hold on one of the stalactites with his tiny arms.

"W-what! Did he just transformed?!" Carson said surprised that he dodged the attack after getting hit just once!

Santana was grabbing a dozen rocks with his other hand and threw it at the trio.

They surprisingly didn't feel any pain as Santana's target was not them, but their weapons.

They all broke rather easily, much to the three's shock and Santana shifts back to his original form before landing down from the stalactite.

He slowly began to walk towards the three and Lawrence just shouted and unleashes every bullet that he had on his M16 rifle

Of course, that was proven futile as Santana just absorb the bullets with ease.

Once Lawrence had run out of bullets, he said "Well, I guess this is it guys."

"Not quiet." Carson said as a voice yelled "Get down!"

Out of nowhere, a grenade rolled into the ground and Lawrence immediately leaped out of the way while Santana just stand there as the grenade exploded, sending shrapnel to his body.

As the smoke clears, a MTF Team wearing the Ultraviolet Shoulder Cannons appeared and their standing in front of the trio.

"Our backup! But when did-" Lawrence look to Carson as he held a walkie-talkie.

Lawrence sighed before he smirked, for once glad that Carson disobeyed his order.

Santana just sneered as the MTF Team activates the machine while he punched the wall, revealing it was night time.

He then soon fled into the night, just as he narrowly escapes the blast radius.

"Damn, we missed." One of the MTF member said in anger.

"Alright, can anyone tell us what just happened?" Another one asked.

"Sigh, it is a long story." Lawrence said as he told them everything of what happened.

But unknown to everyone, Drake held a stone mask behind his back and it quickly shrinks down and he put into his pocket.

At the same time, third person pov,

"You ain't getting it... You ain't getting it..." A drug addict holding a coat in one hand and a blood-covered knife in the other said, walking towards a man with long pink hair with leopard spots which parted in the middle with a zig-zag pattern, he also wore a shirt of sorts made from mesh wiring that attaches to the belt with long chainlinks across the torso, and his pants also stand out with their vibrant purple color, with matching shoes and a stab wound slightly below his chest.

"I-I can't... Not here..." The man with long pink hair said, forcing out his words.

Despite his current situation, he was the mob boss of one of the most powerful organizations in Italy, Passione. His identity was Diavolo, the man standing at the top! Despite that, not many people know about his identity as the most powerful mob boss in Italy due to his secretive nature, so much so that almost no one knew his identity!

"I'm Diavolo!" The man forced out once more, but he could do nothing against the man walking towards him with a knife. His energy was so spent that he couldn't move his body in any way after that stab.

"Not at the hands of a guy like him!" Diavolo said, denying that he was going to die at the hands of this worthless drug addict!

"Don't worry, Diavolo. You'll be perfectly fine." A voice came from nowhere, startling Diavolo.

"Who said that!?" Diavolo said, attempting to look around, and then saw a hooded man wearing a business suit.

Wait, where'd the drug addict go? No, even the other drug-users by the small fire earlier had disappeared! It was as if everyone but him and the person in front of him had completely vanished!

"It's fine. You'll be okay." The man said, walking towards Diavolo.

"S-stay back!" Diavolo said, still not trusting him.

"So distrusting of people. I suppose that's how you're the mob boss of Passione." The man said, half-kneeling beside Diavolo's lying body. As he placed his hand onto Diavolo's hand, all of Diavolo's wounds, the shaved-off flesh, the hole on his hand, and even the stab wound reaching his liver was completely healed, and all of his fatigue had gone, too.

"W-wait, my wounds are all healed?" Diavolo said, slightly struck dumb that his horrible wounds and terrible condition- all of it was gone in the blink of an eye? And from just a touch? Was this man another Stand user? Even so, he didn't recognize him! He wasn't in Passione, as far as he knew, yet the person in front of him fully knows about his identity!

"Who are you?" Diavolo said, summoning [King Crimson.] All of his wounds were gone, his fatigue relieved, yet he could not help but feel nervous before this man.

"Don't worry, Diavolo. You'll soon see."

Suddenly, there was a bright light that forced Diavolo to cover his eyes.

"W-what is this light?"

When it was over, he was surprised to find out that he was in a room, along with five more occupants.

The first man is a dark-skinned man of average to above-average height and slim to fit build. He has very short white hair with shaved lines forming two elongated hexagons of hair between his scalp and his temples, each joining the corresponding eyebrow with a zig-zagging strand of hair. He wears a slim, black gown, in the style of a priest's vestment, closely resembling a cassock, or a soutane. A gold cross is printed on top, spanning his chest and running his length, with two golden double crosses at the wrists of his sleeves. He also had a belt over his gown. The gown is accompanied with a pair of pants and some loafers.

The second one has an extremely muscular build, He has long golden hair and wears pants with suspenders, boots, shiny cuffs on both wrists, and heart-shaped knee guards He also dons a jacket with a tight tank-top underneath, as well as chaps with an exposed crotch. His face is now in full-view, and on his head is a heart-shaped circlet to match his knee guards. He also wears a necklace and heart motifs above his feet and on his pant legs.

The third one is similar to the second person but he is a young man of below-average height and slim to medium build. He has golden blond hair, dark eyebrows, and light, sharp eyes.

He wears an equestrian helmet with the letters "DIO" loosely mounted on bending pins emerging from a small ribbon tied at its front, a turtleneck jumper patterned with a diagonal grid, light, mid-forearm-length gloves, light, wide-legged breeches, and tall, dark riding boots. He also dons a smooth, uniform outfit, including an overcoat closed to the end of his torso. Under which he wears frilled garments and a pair of gloves with a net pattern on the upper half.

The fourth one has long, fair hair, curled at its ends in a number of thick, well-defined rings. He also dons a uniform outfit, including a padded overcoat closed at his torso, he wears a pair of gloves with a net pattern on the backs of his hands and fingers.

And the fifth one appears to be a slim man on the shorter side. He has curly hair styled in an afro on his head, with two white swirls on either side. He has thick eyebrows. He wears a dark vest over a sweatshirt that ends halfway down his torso, leaving his lower abdomen exposed. On the right breast of the vest, there's a symbol for the letter "S" with a sun surrounding it. A similar yet smaller "S" can be located on the crotch area of his pants. On either shoulder of his sweatshirt are two teddy bears. His pants have a floral pattern on them, showing what appear to be grape vines and leaves.

"Well, you've brought all of us here. Explain yourself. I, DIO have no time to waste." DIO commanded.

"I agree, you must have brought us here for a reason." The DIO lookalike said.

"Patience Diego." The hooded man assured him. "First, we need to do some introductions." He said with a smile. Everyone looked at him with a confused expression. "Most of you don't know each other so before we continue I want you all to become acquainted. One by one I want each of you to tell everyone your name, race, and your ability so that everyone can be on the same page, understand?" Everyone nodded, though they were a little intrigued on their abilities. "Okay then, let's get things moving otherwise we'll be here all day." And with that everyone proceeded to introduce themselves.

"I'll go first!" DIO said as he walked first.

"My name is DIO and I am a vampire, unlike the rest of you insects." He laughed making the majority of the group surprised, except the man with the curly hair and the hooded man.

"Hey, what about your ability?" Diavolo asked.

"Hoh," DIO looked at him before he suddenly appeared in front of Diavolo, making him fall to the ground.

"That's my ability, try and figure it out yourself." DIO said before he goes back to the black skinned man.

Completely ignoring what happened just now, Diego goes next.

"My name is Diego Brando! I am human and my ability allows me to transform into a dinosaur." He said and his name got DIO's attention.

"Hold on, you are a Brando? As far as I know I'm the only Brando left?" He glared at him, in response Diego glared at him back.

"Oh I think I know what's going on? You are from an alternate universe? Are you you monster?"

This makes DIO triggered and proceeds to attack him but the hooded man stopped him from even getting close to Diego.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold on DIO! You can't get close to him!"

"Why not?" Dio asked.

"It's because of me." The pink coat man stepped up and introduced himself.

"My name is Funny Valentine. I am the 23rd President of the United States of America. And my ability is to travel between alternate dimensions." He stated and once again everyone is shocked by his ability except Diego and the hooded man.

'N-nani! H-his ability is to travel between different worlds! He's dangerous! Unless he's on my side.' Diavolo began to think of a plan that involves his ability.

"Oh! Interesting. But that still doesn't explain why I can't kill this imposter for insulting me!" He pointed his finger at Diego, making him scoff.

"Sigh, if a same person from an alternate universe were to be in close contact with each other, they will instantly die." He said staring at DIO's eyes, wondering how did he became a vampire.

"I see." DIO stepped back and that was when Diavolo decided to make his move.

"My name is Diavolo and I'm human and my ability is to skip time." He introduced himself, making the others skeptical about him.

"Really?" DIO had his attention, "And how do you know 'Skip Time' per say?" He asked wanting to make him his servant.

"I won't tell you that! In fact, I won't tell anyone about how it works!" Diavolo declared making DIO get angry.

"What do you say?" He said taking a step forward but was pulled back by the hooded man.

"Now now DIO. No killing is allowed in this place." He warned him.

DIO glared at him before scoffing and waited as the dark-skinned man decides to go next.

"My name is Pucci. I am a loyal servant of God, my ability is to produce illusions and acid that slowly digests anything like stomach acid." He said hiding his primary ability, just like DIO did.

His answer did gave the result he wanted, as the rest of the group, except DIO and the hooded man were a bit relieved that he was not a threat.

And finally, the last member of the group stepped forward and introduced himself.

"My name is Tooru, I'm a rock human and my ability is to manipulate the flow of calamity." He said calmly like he rehearsed it.

The others were a bit confused as to what he said.

'The flow of calamity? What's that? And what is a rock human? He must be dealt with in order for my country to be safe.' Valentine thought as the others had similar thoughts of him.

"Now," The hooded man clapped his hands and said "It's time I told you all why I brought you here." Everyone nodded, already thinking of various possibilities.

"Well, for one you guys are connected to the joestars as you were killed by them. Except for Pucci but he's a special case." He said making DIO wondered if Pucci completed the 'Heaven Plan'.

"And the second reason is that all of you are dead." The hooded man said, smiling.




"We're dead? A funny joke. We're standing here, healthy before you, are we not? You saved us yourself." DIO said, looking at the suited man.

"Well, not technically dead. Just considered 'dead' in your original world. You won't be returning any time soon, after all." The man said.

"Wait, what?" Valentine said, unsure if he heard correctly. Did he just say, 'You won't be returning?'

"You won't be returning back to your original world. All of you are effectively deceased in your original world, and bringing you back would cause some... complications. Thus, you guys may be alive, but in your original world, you're as good as dead." The man explained.

"Then, why do I still have [White Snake] instead of [Made In Heaven]?" Pucci asked making everyone confused as if he had another stand.

"Well, due to the fact that you are responsible for creating a universal reboot, I had to pull some strings to bring you back to life." He explained, making Pucci nod.

"Same goes for you Valentine. Your D4C: Love Train is no longer with you." He said as Valentine was disappointed but he quickly got over it.

Now, seeing as you have nowhere to go, you are all free to explore this new. universe. He gestured as suddenly there were pictures of famous landmarks and places and everyone looked at it with interest.

'What in the world is that?' Tooru asked to himself as he sees giant rooks that look like faces all lined up next to each other.

"Now, what you're seeing is the present, it is the year 2017 after all."

Now, everyone was taken aback by this as they didn't know that they were in the future.

"Uh question, Valentine said. Who is the current president of the United States?"

"Donald trump. And in my opinion, he is a very bad president."

Valentine seems shocked by this. Whoever this 'Donald trump' is, he's dragging the name of America to the ground. He must take action against him as soon as he get out of this place.

"Oh and also, there are no stand users, hamon users, rock humans in this universe either."

That piqued their curiosity. Hmm, there are no stand users or hamon users here huh, perhaps conquering this world will be too easy. Dio thought with an evil grin.

He isn't the only one that has that thought, as everyone is currently thinking of that their plans will go a lot smoother.

The hooded man was just say something bit then he stopped, and then his face morphed into the most unsettling smile Diego, DIO, Pucci, Valentine, Tooru and Diavolo had ever seen.

"My time seems to be cut short due to an unfortunate accident. You all are free to leave and explore this new world, oh and don't worry DIO, it's night time outside, goodbye, and good luck."

And thus, without warning, all of them had disappeared into thin air, or rather, into the new world that they were transported to.

"Now..." The man's smile morphed into the most menacing scowl he could possibly muster. "This better be important."

As the man than snapped his fingers and disappeared having to deal with an irksome bother, while the six arrived at their destinations. Determined to accomplish their own goals.

Night time, somewhere nearby New York, third person's pov

'If only I didn't trip and fall then maybe I wouldn't have fallen into her hands.' A Korean man thought as he ran straight through the forest with these thoughts, scared to death, the moon was shining brightly but in the moonlight, a silhouette can be seen moving behind him. The person's clothes was dirty on one side of his body. It was in fact his own blood from a wound on his shoulder. The man had been shot by his partner, who was now dead.

The man stumbled again, and rolled head over heels on the ground. Luckily, this fall ended up giving him a few minutes head start as he sat up and stared in horror as he can see something behind the trees. The man started to crawl backwards and almost fell into a pit, his brain worked frantically trying to figure out what to do, he was lucky enough to lure his pursuer into a trap adm and he remained alive.

But he didn't stop there as he stand up and started running again, after a few minutes the man was so exhausted that he accidentally fell into a river, the current knocked him off his feet, threw him headfirst into the rocks and dragged him about half a mile.

The man glanced back at the shore, and a few hundred meters from him stood an incredibly beautiful Asian woman, she was wearing only a semi-transparent dress that barely concealed her perfect figure. She can easily be recognised as a human but if you look closely, there were nine tails sticking out of her.

When he saw the beauty, the man was terrified and tried to scream but the river won't let him. Soon after, the man finally reached the end of the river, and as he struggled to get up, only to find out that the woman somehow managed to catch up to him and she pulled him up by squeezing his throat.

"P-please... no." Those were the last words he spoke before the woman stabbed her fingers into his chest and grabbed his liver.

"Ah delicious." The fox human said in delight as she swallowed the liver in one gulp.

Then she heard on her victim's walkie talkie that more of the SCP foundation pests are on their way.

With a snarl, she transformed into her fox form and leaped away from the scene, afraid to get spotted.

"Damn them, damn those humans! They'll pay for what've they done!" She vowed with fury in her eyes.