Start of the school year

Words: 1936

Posting on my phone. Sorry if spacing is messed up. Join the patre0n and discord, yadda yadda, yall know the drill.


(4 months later)

For the next 4 months Akira settled into a stable routine. He would wake up at 6am, getting in some light exercise to wake his body up, followed by some breakfast. From 9am onwards, Akira would spend his hours on the job, saving citizens and saving crimes. He loved every second of it.

His evenings were spent relaxing and spending time with Eri, making the end of his day a happy one. After that he went to sleep and repeated the process. It was a familiar routine day after day, but Akira liked it that way.

He had the day off on Sunday's in which he spent doing a variety of things such as studying medicine with Auntie Chiyo, playing games, or even gardening which he found relaxing and calming.

Contrary to popular belief, heroes didn't work everyday.

Working 7 days a week, 8 hours a day nonstop year after year is never good for anyone's mental and physical health, no matter how much you like the job. This isn't even taking into account the hours you spent in overtime, such as with emergencies or high alert situations.

Heroes were more productive when they had a day to relax, so everyone happily took them. Except for All Might, that guy was a different breed.

"So, what do you think of the participants, any of them capture your eye?" Nezu asked. He had been invited to watch the entrance exam for the new first years.

Akira scanned the screen, shaking his head,  "No. We'll have to see what they've got."

"Agreed," Nezu smiled sadistically. "Now let's start the exam!" He shouted. The 2 large metal doors open, and it wasn't until President Mic started shouting at them did the examinees rush into the site.

Akira surveyed the screens with a slightly bored look. After reading the manga, he had enough of seeing the robots which seemed like canon fodder at this point. He glanced across the screen again, looking for a green haired kid, but saw no sign of him.

'Looks like my presence prevented Midoriya from getting OFA, hence taking the exam. I always thought he would take the exam without a quirk, but then again… ' Thinking back, he recalled Izuku's personality and the times he had met with the main protagonist, 'But is that really a bad thing? In a world which is possibly an AU, someone else deserves it. If you entrust the world to a socially awkward bullied boy with no fighting experience, then it is truly doomed.'

Akira would need to help All Might find a new successor for OFA. Mirio seemed good, Kirishima maybe too.

"That kid with the explosions…I like him, he's got spunk!" Midnight said, smiling estactically.

The rest of the teachers, and Akira sent her a weird look.

"He looks alright. His personality could use some work. With a quirk like that, he would be the best suited in my class, Nezu." Aizawa dryly said.

"Done," Nezu said without hesitation. He turned to Vlad King, "Is there anyone who has caught your eye?"

Vlad King let out a strong puff of air, "Maybe the orange haired girl, that's it really."

"If only that grape haired child had a bit of a better attitude, I may have trained him." Gunslinger said, visibly sad.

"The one with the purple hair and bags under his eyes isn't using his quirk it seems," Aziawa pointed out, "Bring up his file for me."

Nezu nodded, bringing out a book and flicking through the pages until he stopped at a certain one, "Hitoshi Shinso, 14 years old. Quirk: Brainwashing."

"Hmmm, that explains it. Hopefully he passes, it would be good to teach him some hand to hand combat."

"Playing favourite now are we?" Nezu joked.

"Of course," Akira said, "I mean they're practically related. Their dead eyes are the easy giveaway."

Nezu started cackling, "Looks like this year's participants aren't half bad! Anyway, let's get onto the best part of the exam!" Nezu slammed his paw down on the big red button, "Summon the zero pointers!" He said like a child.

At each exam site, a massive robot towering over everyone made itself known. The participants had many different reactions, some panicked, some ran, while others could only stand in terror. Now in the original series, one participant stupidly charged at the zero pointer to save a certain gravity girl, destroying the robot in an amazing spectacle while injuring himself in the process.

However, due to Akira's interference, that person wasn't here. So when the ground haired girl with pink cheeks got trapped under some rock, no one was there to save her.

"It's not stopping." Nezu said, spamming one of the buttons on the control panel, panic visible in his voice.

"What the hell! The girl is going to die!" Powerloader shouted.

"Hahh…" Akira sighed. Just as he was about to get up and save the girl, the robot stopped.

"Kidding!" Nezu said, laughing with glee, "I'm sure I gave all of you a fright. I'm offended, did you really think UA, the best hero school in the world, would make a mistake like that?" He laughed, "If we did, then we wouldn't be the best."

The teachers let out a sigh of relief as they relaxed into their chairs, all tension leaving their body.

Akira also sat down, relaxing in his seat, 'That's right, this isn't fanfiction where UA is the most incompetent school in the world. Fucking fanfiction man…'

"That ends the examination, teacher's, let's review the footage and hand out rescue points and sort out the classes." Nezu said. He hopped off his chair and onto Aizawa, climbing onto his scarf.

"Akira, if you'd like, you can join us?"

Akira shook his head, "No thanks. Got some stuff I need to do. By the way, Nezu, you still haven't forgotten about my suggestion?"

"No I haven't. I think it would be good for both classes to have a go at it, and would give them a good ego check. I'll sort out the details with you in our next meeting, ok?"

"Ok," Akira nodded, smiling.


(3rd person pov)

"All the tests have been done, here are the scores." Aizawa pressed a button on his phone, displaying a holographic projection with a list of scores.

Momo, Todoroki and Bakugo were in the top 3, in comparison to Shinso, Toru and Mineta in the bottom 3. The person last had a horrified look on his face.

"Nooooooooooooo!" Mineta screamed, running over to Aizawa and clutching on his leg, "Please Sensei, i'll be better. I still ha–"

"Don't worry. What I said was just a lie to get you all to try your hardest. No one is getting expelled…for now."

"It was a lie?" Ochaco asked, letting out a breath.

"Phew, that was intense!" Kirishima cried.

Momo put a hand to her mouth, "It was quite obvious in hindsight. There was no way he was going to expel someone."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." A strong voice said from the side, "Aizawa expelled everyone in my class but me during my stay here, so trust me, if he thought any of you were unworthy of staying at UA, you would be gone."

Akira walked into view, greeting the students with a wave, "Yo!"

"Wow!" Mina exclaimed, pointing at Akira with her pink finger, "That's Akira, one of the new up and coming heroes. Oh my god, he's so hot!" She squealed.

"..." Todoroki somehow spoke his silence.

"More like so manly! I saw that footage against the shark villain!" Kirishma chimed in. He turned to the person next to him, "Ain't that right Bakugo?"

The explosion user merely scoffed, looking at Akira with a weird look.

"Kero, please excuse me Akira, but aren't you meant to be at work right now?" Tsuyu asked.

"Bah, I booked the day off, don't worry about that. But there's also a reason why I'm here right now. I'm just gonna say it straight up, I want you all to fight me!"




"Yep. Now I was invited here by the principal himself to give you guys some advice on being a hero and what you'll have to go through in the coming years, but I'm sure none of you want that on your first day, that can wait. So instead let's talk with our fists!" Akira said.

"Yeah!" Kirishima cheered, Bakugo grinning beside him.

Mineta, who was still clutching onto Aizawa's legs, had a scared look on his face, "Wait, I've just barely recovered, at least give me 5 minutes before we…" Akira punched Mineta in the stomach, causing him to drop to the floor, "...start."

Akira grinned, "That's one. We're starting now."

"Perfect! I can't wait to blow your face off!" Bakugo charged at Akira with a malicious smirk, rearing his hand back as it cackled with light explosions.

"You should really watch where you're going." The next moment Bakugo tripped up on a slightly out of place piece of dirt. He fell to the ground, eating the ground as his explosion withered into the muddy soil. Before Bakugo could get up, Akira had already chopped his neck.

A variety of projectiles including tapes, laser beams and sound waves were launched at Akira the next moment. Erecting a pillar of dirt, each of the projectiles were stopped cleanly in its tracks.

"Watch out, he's got an earth manipulation quirk!" Momo said, making a metal pole out of her skin.

Akira appeared from below the ground, phasing through the floor as he flashed beside Momo, "Are you sure about that?" Akira asked.

He delivered a powerful blow to her unprotected stomach, rendering her out of the fight.

"Poor choice of costume," He said.

A pillar of ice tried to engulf Akira, but he permeated through the ground again, calculating his trajectory and launching himself behind Todoroki. The son of Endeavour caught on quickly, turning around quickly to directly face Akira, but he had already closed the distance.

He delivered a blow to Todoroki's stomach and chopped him on the neck, knocking him out completely. Akira looked at his hands as Todoroki dropped to the floor, they were covered in tiny bits of frost and ice.

"We managed to injure him, keep it up!" Iida pointed out.

"Again, are you sure about that?" Akira smiled as all the ice and frost around his arms began to disappear. His hands now emitted steam, warming his body up.

"What is this guy's quirk?" Sato said, visibly shocked, "Phasing, earth manipulation, heat manipulation? He has it all!"

Kaminari's lip quivered, "He beat the top 3 scorers easily! We stand no chance!"

Akira laughed, "On that, you are right, but try your best. Let's see if you can last over 5 minutes."

They lasted 2.

When all was done, Akira patted the dust off his clothes and looked towards class 1A who were all groaning in pain.

"I defeated you in under 3 minutes flat. Take that fact how you will. Use it as motivation, to control your inflated egos, I don't care. Just use it to make yourself a better hero and stronger. This is just a minor setback, you could be as strong as me one day." Akira said, "Anyway, I need to go and do the same thing with class 1B. Thank you for having me Aizawa."

"No problem. Are you coming over later? Eri wanted to show you her progress with her quirk. She seemed very happy." Aizawa whispered, making sure the students didn't hear.

Akira gently smiled, "Tell Eri i'll be there."