Chapter 1

"W-Where am i"? A young man asked as he tried to look around his surroundings. Fire. Fire is all i can see. The young boy was indeed surrounded by fire and the area around him reek with the stench of death. Upon looking around more closely, the boy could see the ground was covered with numerous amounts of bones of different sizes and shapes and most of them not resembling that of human bones. The young man also noticed that the area was covered in dried blood and knew that a battle must of happened around here. The man got up and tried to remember how he got here.

Though the only thing he can remember is his name is Xeos and that he had died in the middle of battle by a sword running through him from behind. Xeos shocked his head and took a few deep breathes and tried to arrange everything he knows which isn't much.

After thinking for a while he realized that due to the surrounding evidence and the fact that he died, that he must be in hell. As if to confirm his theory a terrifying roar came from behind him as well as a murderous aura and a feeling of hopelessness. He slowly turned around an saw a grotesque looking demon. It's skin was a nightmarish dark purple with two beady bright yellow eyes and a nasty set of razor sharp teeth. It's hands has razor sharp claws that he can tell look very powerful and could most likely shred him to pieces if he's not careful. The demons height was very huge and was 25 feet tall with claws being at least 3 and a half feet long.

It's skin was so dark and grotesque that you couldn't even really make out much detail other that the glaring obviousness which he already pointed out. Most people would shit their pants in a situation like this but not Xeos. No he loved a challenge, the more harder the better. He took a moment to look himself over and noticed that he is still wearing the armor he had when he was alive. In his right hand, he was wielding the same katana as well. A sword made of carbon steel that his father had gifted him when he turned 21 last month. It was sharp and scratch free since today was the first day he wanted to use the sword because his old sword broke at the end of the last battle he had.

The demon didn't hesitate to rush at him, ready to rip him apart. It slashed it claws at him in hope of bisecting him in two. Xeos ready his katana and slashed his sword at the claws to block his attack. As expected the swing from the demon was to powerful and Xeos was sent flying back into a wall and ended up coughing out blood and having his ribs puncturing his lungs. He continued to cough/throw up blood while the demon continued to approach him. Xeos managed to get back slowly on his two feet and due to the adrenaline rushing his veins, was able to raise his sword. The demon swung his clawed hand and Xeos instead of blocking since he learned from the last time swung his katana at a different angle and dodged the strike. Successfully managing to cut of two of its claws but at the same time his katana shattered and before he had a chance to recover the demon swung his fist at him and knocked him into another wall right next to the claws that Xeos managed to cut off.

Xeos vision was closing and he reached out to grab the two claws and attached them to his body and before he could do anything else the demons fist came down and thus ended Xeos's life right there.

Darkness surrounded his vision and he didn't know what was going on. He tried opening his eyes only to fail a few times. Eventually he managed to open his eyes and noticed that he was in the same area he just died at except there was no demon nearby. He thought he was hallucinating the whole thing but then felt something sharp poking his leg when he moved it weirdly. He looked down and noticed that he had the two claws he managed to cut off on him from the demon before. He got even more confused about his situation and thought that he had died, so what was going on. A feminine mechanical voice started speaking into his head "Indeed you did die. Host was killed by a Ogre demon and was brought back to life". Xeos was confused and ask for more information since he still can't feel his body at all. "Host, i shall explain, First i am an AI Nanobot who upon your first death in the mortal realm, entered your body in a dormant state and your second death caused me to awake inside you to work along with you".

"Continue" Xeos said.

"Host died in the mortal plane and ended up here in hell. Due to unfortunate circumstances, Host has been cursed with undeath. Undeath doesn't prevent your death just makes sure it's not permanent. Example would be now how you were killed by the ogre demon but are still alive. If you look at the bottom right vision you'll see a number down there" The AI said.

Xeos did as asked and saw the number 2 and above that was the word "DEATHS". Meaning he had already died twice.

"Once host has died a whole month will pass before host will reawaken hence why the demon is no longer here. I'm here merely as a guide and to help you grow".

"What can you do then" Xeos asked.

"I can survey the surrounding area and warn host of any dangers or items nearby. I can detect presences ether alive or dead, Invisible or not. I can also provide information about many different topics like metalworking and different kind of monsters/demons" The AI reported.

"Can you create anything at all" Xeos was curious.

"No. I am merely an information broker basically. I can provide host with knowledge and can give advice but that's it. I am also a sensor but you already know that". The AI explained. "Whatever hosts has on him when he dies will stay with him when he reawakens a month later" The AI finishes explaining a few other things to Xeos and then went back to being quite.

After resting for another hour Xeos manages to get up and decided to look for a place to hide and rest before he runs into another demon. He also needs another weapon since the demons claws broke his katana even though he barely used the thing.