Chapter 2

After several hours of walking and doing his best to avoid any demons or monsters that maybe lurking around in this eerie forest that he happened to stumble upon. He managed to find a nice hollowed out tree and after watching it for a while figured it was unoccupied. After carefully walking towards the tree, he noticed that there was a hole with a make shift ladder and decided not to mess around and look for another place to rest. A couple more hours went by and he had come across multiple places to hide but they were not safe at all and now he is beyond exhausted.

Luckily he did find a cave earlier but wanted to see if he could find one that was more hiding. Not that the cave wasn't hidden but still. He managed to make his way back to the cave he scouted out earlier and this time walked in confidently since he covered up the entrance really well. After heading inside he took his time to sit down and relax for a bit before he tries to make a weapon out of the claws he got earlier and the info AI managed to provide for him. He hopes he can do at least a decent job because even though he has the knowledge doesn't mean he has the experience and expertise to make a first class weapon.

He asked the AI earlier how to make various weapons and even though he gained the knowledge, he did suffer from a headache that didn't go away for an hour. He decided to make a few throwing knives for range weapons and a knife to skin things with one claw and make a sword out of the other claw. He tried with the rocks first so that he doesn't waste his only real weapon material he can use. It took quite a while but he just took his time and relaxed and eventually managed to make a decent throwing knife. He also made a regular knife out of rock of course and decided to get some practice in.

He went outside and grabbed a slab of wood that he found earlier and made it into a target for practicing his throwing knife. To better his accuracy and strength. He did this for another hour and decided to eat some berries that he found earlier after making sure they were safe from AI. Xeos was never really the social kind of person but even he appreciated having someone to talk to even if it's an AI. He would most definitely died a few more times if not for it and he wouldn't have come this far that's for sure. He loves trying new things though and he decided that was enough for now and decided to get some sleep. He covered the cave entrance with the leaves and vegetation around the cave to make it blend in and laid down on the bed of leaves he gathered earlier when he grabbed the wood slab.

It's literally just a pile of leaves but better than the hard ground. He knew he had to improve and quickly so he spent the next 6 months hanging out here and exercising and getting better with his accuracy. He ended up gaining quite some muscle but not overly so. His aim is very good and can hit targets with pin point accuracy from 100 feet away. It might not be the best but for only training for 6 months, he figured it was good enough for him. He did have a couple close calls with demons but he managed to hide and escaped before they found him. He knows that even though he has more knowledge and skills, he still lacks actually combat experience and that was a huge glaring weakness.

One he knew would end up killing him several times before he manages to even kill a demon. Luckily monsters are weaker than demons but even then, they should not be overestimated. He also kept a journal filled with all kinds of information that he learned and gathered by his own experience and with AI's help. Just in case he forgets though he figured AI would remind him about it. Oh yea that reminds him that he ended up naming the AI, Azumi since it did have a slight feminine tone when speaking and he rather hear a girls voice in his head than a guys. Azumi didn't really express much and for good reason but he feels like she appreciates it giving her a name than calling her AI.

Azumi can only give advice and work as a sensor so he can't rely on her for making him stronger strength wise. Xeos also learned how to meditate so that he can have a clear mind. He is more of a hit it till it dies guy than a strategist but than again he is a battle genius and can adapt to a battle if he fights long enough to understand his opponent. He decided that today he will leave his shelter behind and move on. It served it purpose for a good while but he'll never grow if he doesn't risk his Un-Life? He doesn't know what to call it since he can't actually die or stay dead at least. He packed up his things that were important enough and headed out back into the hellhole quite literally.