2- Faraday

Once our deal was done they really did send someone to come and pick me up, again i can't just ignore the weird feeling about all of this.

knowing that what i'm about to go to is a secret government facility one could think they would have put a bag over my head the moment i got inside the car, but again, adding to the weirdness of the situation, no, not at all, in fact the car driver was a really kind and good person, only talked to me to ask if i needed the AC to be more or less cold, and even offered some water (i declined, i'm not that stupid)

our trip was fairly long, enough for me to think about all this. mostly thinking about the key word "girl".

How? never in our history have we had a galaxy level soul that is not a planetary size monster, or an eldrich abomination.

if this is for real we could have the first human being with the power level of a god, that is really dangerous, the mere fact that they keep it alive is an impressive thing.

Even weirder, why do they need to contain it if in their own words "its a kind person and wont hurt you" and apparently they CAN'T contain it and she is still with them to help them search for a way to contain herself... why?.

I don't think this girl knows whats going on, or they just made her think that being with them is best solution for her situation, well i mean... knowing what she could be capable of... i think it is the best option that she is the hands of people that could deal with her if anything goes wrong.

The sudden stop to our trip, and mostly that i hit my head with the front seat, wake me from my deep thoughts

- We have arrived ms. ceclile.

I hear from the front of the car as the driver barely turns in the direction of the building to our right

a 1 story little building mostly resembling an abandoned grocery store with broken windows

yeah im dead ain't i?.

-Excuse me but are you sure this is the right direction? i thought we were going to the divition 7 facility.

-Oh and we are ms cecile, this is the entrance.

- Oh so it is a secret entrance then.

-Yeah something like that.

Im dead.

As i exit the car the driver goes away, not in a rush but slowly, making me a little bit less nervous abut this whole thing.

As i approach the store a shadow figure emerges from the window. i immediately back off and try to prepare my body to run, but im interrupted by the figure calling me

-I assume you are cecile, good, i've been waiting for you.

Yeah im dead.

My body can't deal with this kind of situation, i start to tremble as i try to fight my urge to beg for my life. My legs don't repond and im stuck standing in the outside of the store. my thoughts are interrupted by the figure again.

-Please come in, i assure i don't mean you harm.


-There is no way in hell i can believe you won't kill me.

-Oh, ms cecile let me assure you something

as he says that a purple portal appears in front of him, then he goes inside it and another portal appears in front of me, his face comes from it and approaches mine, i back off and feel shivers down my spine as i expect my life to disappear in an instant.

-If i wanted you death, you would have died long ago.


-Now- his face goes back inside the portal and reappears inside the store, waiting for me- shall we proceed?.

-I uh.... yes i-i suppose

My heart skipped a ton of beats and i can feel my legs surrender to the pressure of my trembling soul. I just experience one of my first near death experience and i-

-Excuse me.


-Are you going to be on the ground all day, i can't stay here for a long time you know.

I really really hate this guy.

I try to stand up and regain composture and walk inside, there is no going back from this, i really did mess up this time and ended up in this situation, if someone like this is behind all this there is no way i can flee from this job, i have to do it right or they'll definitely kill me.

As i enter the store the guy opens a new portal, this time i can see the inside of were it will lead me. i see a bright white hall leading to security check up, that is what i assume is the entrance to the facility.

-Wait so the entrance-

-Yes, there is no entrance, only way in and out of the facility is using one of my portals.

-That is... quite smart but hold on what happens if you die?

- I won't.

-How are you so s-

-I won't

sure bud.

As i enter the portal i sense a change in atmospheric pressure, enough to tell me this is an artificial atmosphere, this is either deep in the ocean or somewhere in space, if it is the later then that explains the need for a portal making soul, but also just tells me the day he dies everyone gets trapped inside this facility. They're betting a lot by relying in one guy alone, so i suspect he must be as good as ge thinks he is, as i fully enter the hall the portal disappears and with it his maker. I end up alone near de entrance of the long hallway, i see at the end of the trip two guards watching me and waiting for me to go their way. Alongside them machines that scan both body and everything anyone could bring with them.

I approach them being careful not to make anyone mad . Turns out to my surprise that the guards are really friendly, but I can see that it's not because they're like that everyday at every hour, I can tell how they're trying really hard to make me feel at home, most likely they were told so by whoever contracted me here. I kinda like the detail but really makes me feel like I'm not supposed to be here.

They check my bag for anything that could be used as a weapon, I really don't use my bag for anything that isn't my earphones or my cellphone, but even then they take away my stuff since those could be used for something bad, I accept that, mostly because of the fear of what they could do If I don't comply.

-Im sorry ms Cecile but you'll have to go inside without these. Protocol I'm afraid.

-Oh.. it's ok I understand, oh!, I'm looking for the chief of the.... Let me see...

Moments prior to me ending my call with Alan he told me to look up the chief of the facility, he would "explain everything to you"

- Oh yeah chief of the F Wing.

-Huh, ok go down the hall then turn to the left and go straight until you see the Big F in the entrance of another hallway, at the end you'll find the boss's room, he'll see you right away.

-Ok thanks for the info

-Good luck!, You can have your things again once you're done.

Weird way to say goodbye, but ok.

As I walk throughout all the halls in the facility I hear screams of pain and terror, gunshots and sounds of plasma and sounds of droplets of something falling, the experiment chambers are separated enough from the entrances for me to not see what is going on inside them but close enough so I can hear glimpses of what is going on in them.

This is nothing but a reminder that I'm not here to make friends or to deal with shampoo bottles again, I'm here to deal with supernatural beings capable of star anihilation and scientist so used to violation of human rights that they have their moral code completely shattered.

I don't feel safe here at all.

The screams and suffering stop the moment I reach the F Wing. I continue thru the hall, uncomfortable and at the edge of my fight or flight state during what most felt were a couple minutes but for me felt like hours of none stop hell.

The hall is empty, there is no containing cells, no displays of cosmic horrors, just neverending concrete walls and peaceful silence.

This hall feels completely alien to the whole facility, feels like this whole area was just made to contain a single being.

The girl.

Just how much do they want her here?.

As I reach the end I see a single door, the kind you would see at the vault of many banks in the world, hermetically sealed.

I see a microphone pad at the left of the door. when I press the button a familiar voice greets me from the other side


-Oh, Alan, it's me Cecile

-Oh wonderful, you arrived come in please, let me open the door for you.

The moment he finishes that sentence the vault door starts to move in long lasting seconds, the moment it pops out of its socket pressure goes wild near its corners and I sense the previous void been filled with air as I see Alan standing on the other side of the door frame, standing in front of what from afar looks like a complex system of buttons and little levers in front of a closed window frame with metal, at the corners of the metal curtain I see little sporadic light blue flashes that barely illuminate the room as they happen. To the right of what is once open a window it's a door, having the same mechanism as the vault door used to close this room from the exterior. I can see it's sealed just like its counterpart.

Alan then moves forward to greet me.

-So, you finally arrived, I'm glad!. You look fine, how was the trip?

-It was... Ok I guess. Is this your office?

-Nope, it WAS my office, but now it's yours. See, this is where you're going to be working from now on, if you need something else added to the room don't doubt asking me or the facility personnel.

-waitwait hold on this is where I work?

-Yep that's right

-But....like... Right now?

-Yes, you'll be starting today, congrats, the work is yours

-But I thought my job was with a subject and-

-That is exactly where we are Ms cecile. See for yourself

As he says that, he then presses one of the bright buttons laying on the desk below the metal curtain. Making said curtain to start folding itself to the top of the window, revealing what lies behind it to me.

As the window gets more and more open I see a big white room, almost thrice the size of the control room I'm in right now that in the middle has a big metal cage having inside it furniture you would see in any regular house around the world. Even a bathroom, that would seem like not a big thing but considering most if not every subject inside this facility is treated like an experiment and as a prisoner instead of a human being speaks volumes about how much they care about this one.

-Wait where is the subject?

-Right there- says Alan as he points his finger to the top of the cage.

I see a girl seating peacefully on top of the cage eating what I can observe to be a metal plate full of food while moving her legs at the rhythm of some cheerful music, as I note that I see that in her head rest a pair of headphones connected to what I can assume to be a music player laying near herself in another bar of the cage. What picks my attention the most is her hair, having a beautiful black hair in combination with what I can only describe as an inner side light blue bright color.

She doesn't look older than 20, in fact she looks even younger than that.

I have a ton of questions to ask

-Is that her?

-Yep, that's her, be kind to her and don't do something awful

-Wait you mean that-

-Yes you will interact with her, and guess what, you'll be the first human she ever sees, congrats on being first I guess (?)


-You see we only talk with her thru a microphone, all tasks are asked to be made by herself, and let me tell you she is good at them, although we kinda got ourselves in a bad state here because she literally thinks the walls are speaking to her so...

-She hasn't seen a person before?!

- yeah, you didn't see the dossier?

-Wait no what dossier

-Oh yeah... Eh my bad I think I forgot something important, here, take this

He passes down to me a dossier with what I assume to be all the Info I need

-Yeah sorry about that, if you read that you'll be just fine, it explains everything. No needs to worry. Also if you happen to have a question or a problem you need an answer for anything be sure to call for me with one of the guards, I'll be sure to reach you as fast as I can.

-I uh... Yeah sure

I really don't want to do this anymore, I just want to go home

-Oh come on, don't be sad, there is no need to doubt, I now you can do this mate, everything will be alright!

He says as he puts his hand over my shoulder, and I fall hard for his motivation speech.

Wich tbh wasn't even that good, it was literally 2 lines of dialogue but dude you really need to see his face, he knows how to make you happy I swear

-Yeah I'll be fine I guess. I say with a smile on my face, a genuine one, and a tired one too

Good, I'll leave everything to you, good luck- he says as he leaves the control room closing the door with him as he leaves.

I stay alone in the room, only light I see is coming from inside the containment cell.... Containment... Oh yeah the girl that's right.

Since apparently I am already on work I suppose I should read this before I start.

Containment cell #2478


Subject :F

Height: 1.62 cm

Age: 20 years old

The subject F as of the writing of this document is a 20 years old human girl capable of electrical [REDACTED], the limit of her powers remain a mystery to both personnel and the subject herself as there is no capable testing method to yet reach a level she can't complete. For now the subject is to be kept in containment until division 7 can find a new place to allocate her or discover a way to make use of [REDACTED] The containment cell is to be closed all the time and never be opened unless is extremely required (examples being critical medical conditions and repairs for the cell itself). If there is a need for an opening the subject is to be asked to remain still in her bed and close her eyes until the repairs are complete *if she doesn't comply just say you'll leave a cookie once you're done.*

As recommendation from doctor Alan Marco the subject was provided with a cheap mp3 player, filled with what dr Alan says to be her favorite music. If the subject asks for it, the music player is to be retrieved and filled with new music to keep the subject in a good mood. If at any instance of observation it is to be noted that subject is bored or in a bad mood, personnel at the control room is tasked with asking what the subject needs or desires so her requests are to be fulfilled

* If she asks for Mr wall call me pls*

Alan left some notes in this, I can tell by how it's different colors, also why did he give me info for it to be redacted with ink?

Also "Mr wall"?!

Subject is to be fed 3 times a day with high nutritional food to maintain her constant use of caloric supply.

* Add some dessert if she wants *

The mention of subject [REDACTED] is prohibited at all time inside, near or in the presence of subject F unless it's part of an experiment previously authorized by the high government council, and is to be made only in the presence of at least 2 of the members of the high council. In the case someone breaks this rule, the responsible personnel is to be dealt with and subject F is to be gaslighted until she forgets the mention of subject [REDACTED]. in the case of subject [REDACTED] personnel at their facility will deal appropriately with the matter.

So she is related to someone apparently... And it's not a good thing as I see



-as of today we don't know how her powers work. They appear to resemble electrical currents but completely different from what a lightning is capable of since we know she can be even faster than light and that's fiscally impossible for an electric current. More research is to be done once we find a suitable environment.

-the brightness that comes from her hair appears to be caused by electric currents flowing thru her hair. only being visible in the inner fibers of it. via observation I can tell it doesn't interact with materials around her, even conductive ones, but the question if it interacts with human flesh or souls is to be tested, we already had cases like that so we can't be sure. More research is to be done.

-the lack of human interaction made the subject start to seek attention and comfort from inanimate objects and the little to no interactions I have with her thru the speaker, she seems to like when I talk to her. Also started to call me "Mr wall".

-Subject responds to the name Faraday

Faraday huh.