3-Close encounters of the faraday type

As I read her name I stop to settle on a though, I'm dealing with a person, not an experiment . I shouldn't be reading about her like she is just some kind of gone wrong experiment. I stop reading and focus on what is In front of my, I look inside the window and notice she is still atop the cage, she didn't notice us even when the metal curtain was lifted? I guess this is a one way window, makes sense.

So... hold on how do I open this door?


Guess I do have to use this dossier after all. I hope there is instructions for the buttons in here.

Control room 2.678.

-If you need help controlling this thing I added some tags to the buttons, I hope that can help, if you still don't know how does it work there are inputs and commands written in the next page, good luck!

There's the Alan I just needed. let's see.

Ok I see... a chicken leg.... and a sun and- ok did a kindergarten little boy ran this before? because It surely feels like it. ok this is dumb i'll see the manual.

While I was absorbed in the dossier trying to figure out how to make sense out of a smiley face in a red button my eyes detect a glimpse of movement and I turn my eyes to the window in front of me and I see the girl fall from the cage, not in an accident but In a elegant and fast paced way. Expertly bouncing from tube to tube being careful to not let go of the plate she was using to hold her food Wich was empty now.

When she arrives at the floor I finally get to see a closer look at her.

She was using a fully orange attire, mostly resembling a what a test subject would use. her hair was indeed glowing with a skyblue tone, it was oddly beautiful and alluring.

In a scientific way I mean. I want to explore what causes that phenomenon. I know it's mostly due to a paranormal phenomenon due to her having an awakened soul. but even in things that are not supposed to happen in science you can find some kind of sense hidden beneath it.

As I stumble again in my thoughts I see her reaching for one of the big white walls in the room, she then puts her hand in it, and a hole appears at the wall, she then puts the plate she was using inside the hole and closes it again with another press then proceeds to speak in a soft voice I'll never forget in my life

-Mr waaaall I'm doneeee.

I uh..... what?.

-Mr waaaaall you there?.

This is going to be a long weekend (clueless)

I approach the microphone near the center of the table, there is a microphone sticker on the button right next to it, so I think I can make this work.

-Yeah eh hello?.

She then backs up surprised with a spark of light blinding me for a split second, and I can barely but surely notice the big lightning question mark atop her head. I'll have to check on that later because I swear to God if that is real I.... never mind

-Hello? eh I think you're supprised by my voice but- I notice she is looking unblinkingly at the wall where she left her food all tensed up and alert. I can see the resemblance between her mood right now and what a frightened cat would look like. I need to calm her down.

-Excuse me I think you name is Faraday

as I say her name I see her shoulders loosen up and her eyes relax, but still going alert. I have the right direction but I still need to keep going.

-Excuse me Faraday but your... uh... Mr wall had to leave, I'm here in his place, I assure you I don't mean you harm.

she then almost fully relaxes, she just looks doubtful now.

-I don't know you - she says with a quite sad voice, mostly disappointed by the fact "Mr wall" had to leave, I ended a problem and got another one

-Sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is- wait, how is she going to react to the realization that humans exist, the fact that this little room is not the whole universe.

- My name is Cecile, I'm not a wall like you think, I'm actually a human... just like you.


She then looks down on the floor en backs up even more, this time in a slow and sad pace. The brightness in her hair turns Down almost to 0 but I can barely still see a dim grey blue light, I can confirm now that the brightness and color of her hair is proportional to her mood.

She is clearly sad, and I can't blame her for it, she was lied to for her entire life and I suddenly came to brake her illusion of life and take the place of what I could tell was her father figure. I fixed the alert problem but now I need to deal with another one, but still, a step in the right direction.

-I'm really sorry about this but I assume I do have to Introduce myself to you, as I said my name is Cecile, I'll be taking care of you now, I've been contacted by the "wall" to work alongside you and I'll be the one to take care of all your need from now on. it's... I suppose it's nice to meet you

She then looks back at the wall and then turns to the windows, she now knows the mirror inside her room it's a lie. and with what I could only describe as what a sad-puppy-would-look-like-face finally answers to me.

-Yeah... I....I think my name is Faraday, that is what Mr wall used to call me

-Its nice to meet you Faraday, I'll be sure to treat you well, any questions be sure to ask them to me.

-wait so that means Mr wall is also...

-Yes, he is a human too, his name is actually Alan, he is a nice guy, and he'll surely will come back to say hello once in a while.

As I finish my sentence the light from her hair come back in a dim flash, oddly enough that flash wasn't blinding like the last one, in fact It didn't affect my eyes at all. I guess she really does like Alan huh.

-Also there is a thing about our work

-Oh yeah you mentioned a work before, what is it about?.

Now that I think about it... should I tell her my work is to find a way to contain her inside this box.

- I suppose the best way to describe it is that i...we have been tasked to find a new material for the future.

A question mark suddenly pops out of her head and then rotates her head a couple of degrees to the left. I FUCKING KNEW IT SHE CAN SPAWN LETTERS FROM HER HEAD I AM NOT CRAZY.... oh sorry.

-Is that even possible?

- Well I guess, they hired me because they think so at least

- But wouldn't that be impossible? since science already knows every possible combination of elements in the periodic table?


Wait hold on that's right how does she know like.... anything at all? since she didn't even know what a human is.

-Wait a minute how do you know about elements, and... anything?

-Oh the wall played me videos about stuff when I was little, it showed me science, math and a bunch of crazy stuff

-Oh yeah! - she says as her excitement grows and a smile appears on her face

-Ok I get it, I guess they did teach you well, I'm actually impressed. anyway, I know it seems impossible but that's is why we need to work together as a team. will you help me with it?

-Huh yeah sure, sounds fun!

as she finishes her sentence she then stands still confused about what to do next, so I jump to try and help her out in what I can assume to be a lack of knowledge on a... matter?

- Is something wrong?

-No I'm... I'm just happy and i don't know what to do haha it's weird sorry

-Oh it's ok don't worry about it

- You're the first person I've ever met and haha I'm... I'm happy

oh... this is getting weird really fast

- Ok soooo... anyway, since we are officially working together I think our best approach to the situation is to meet again but now in person since-

a wild exclamation point appears once again and once again I'm interrupted. I think this is like the seventh time in only 3 chapters



-You're coming in?!

- I mean.. yeah we're going to be working face to face in the next days so is best for you to get used to seeing another person in your room

-bububut is it really ok to open the room? they always told me to close my eyes when the door opens because bad things would happen

-Oh yeah don't worry about it. it was just part of a protocol, nothing bad will happen.


-Look, I'm here, alive and well outside the room, and I'm pretty well as far as I know so come on, you can trust me , ok?

-Yeah I guess... Go ahead

She then backs away from the window and walks slowly and carefully towards her cage, looking like a cornered little animal. I then.... wait I was reading the manual before all this I... I don't know how to open the door yet.... I ruined the moment

-Eh Faraday I.... I think this will have to wait a little bit

-Oh ...you don't want to see me anymore?

-No no it's just that this stuff is new to me so I don't know how to open.... yeah I don't know how to open the door

- Oh hahaha

I really didn't expect to be laughed at by the subject I'm supposed to be working with

- It's ok Ms cecile you can take your time, I'll just wait here

a spark of light appears surrounding her and the I see her on top of the cage once again, sitting in the corner and putting on the headphones she was wearing before. and starts to hum an unknown to me song while swinging her legs one by one.

ok I need to deal with this for real now

let's see...

-Hi you probably don't know how to open the door, yeah there is no button for it, we forgot to add it and adding it now that the building is complete is quite... troublesome, if you need to open it you can do it by pressing the button near the window, the one that has a hand sticker put on it, I don't have door stickers, sorry :(

Oh... ok

I press the button and the vault door inside starts the opening sequence. my vision is focused on the door but I can still see in the corner of my eye another blue blink, without even looking I know Faraday came down from the cage and now was expecting me in front of the door. while the vault was spinning I really question what am I doing

isn't this a bit to convenient? isn't this really suspicious? what I'm trying to do is make her trust me enough so I can work with her, but I'm trusting her already so I can open the door to something so powerful the most important division in the universe has to keep it locked down justo to be sure that nothing wrong goes down with her. isn't she faking all this little cutie face of hers and luring me to open the door so she can escape? or... is she going to kill me once the door is open... I guess I deserve that If that is indeed the case.

as the door finally opens I close my eyes and expect the job to be done quick, for my life to end in a quick flash that will be the last thing I ever saw in my life.


I don't see anything, nothing happens, the only thing I hear is the short gasp coming Infront of me, followed by babbling of what I can tell is a really ashamed girl. once I hear the slow steps going away from me one by one I finally decide to open my eyes, then I see a blushed Faraday looking deeply into my eyes, her blue eyes shining in joy in symphony with her hair, my thoughts were all wrong, she is indeed a really kind girl. this is a face I will remember for the rest of my life, either I want it or not...

but let me assure you, I want to.


September 7.

Dear diary, today I met my first friend, is another person just like me, I didn't really understand what she was telling me but she is really kind and I hope she will become my friend in the future, after a while and before she left I saw her face

I think she is really pretty too