Vanya was having the worst day in school. She was having troubles with the easiest assignment given to her.

'Vanya, what is wrong with you?' Charlotte asks with concern.

'It's nothing; I am just having the worst day at school. I don't really know what is wrong; I just feel something is wrong,' Vanya speaks up.

'I think you need rest,' Charlotte advices, and continues her assignment.

After the class, the Principal calls Vanya to his office. He says to her unhappily, 'I received a call from your dad; He wants you to quickly come to the hospital. Your driver is here to take you there.'

'My dad…? What happened?'

The principal takes a deep breath. 'Your mom passed out, just recently.'

'What? Where is the driver?'

'He's outside, waiting for you,' The Principal replies.

Vanya rushes to the car, and the driver takes her straight to the hospital. She meets her dad, who was waiting for her in the reception.

'Where is mum? Dad, where is mom?' She shouts without breathing.

'She has been rushed to the emergency ward,' Her dad replies sadly.

Immediately, a doctor walks to the duo, and says to The senator, Vanya's dad, with urgency, 'Senator Theodore, I need to speak to you.'

'What's wrong, Doctor?'

'Your wife has a miniature heart disease. I wonder why we didn't notice this due to her frequent checkup. It may be that she developed it recently,' The doctor narrates to him.

'I want her to be okay. Do everything in your power to restore my wife back to health,' Senator Theodore says pathetically. He was depressed; he and his daughter.

Mr. Myles was waiting for Senator Theodore at the old bridge, but his wait became longer and longer and a lot longer; until he became tired of waiting and decides to leave. Suddenly, a car arrives to the old bridge. To Mr. Myles relief, it was The senator.

'Good evening, sir.'

'Good evening…' He pauses and tries to guess Mr. Myles' name.

'It's Mr. Myles.' Mr. Myles breaks the pause.

'Of course "Mr. Myles"; Ryan told me all about you.' Senator Theodore fakes a smile and continues speaking. 'The reason why I told you to come is confidential; no one should hear any of it. I will pay you handsomely for your compliance; $15,000 just to buy your silence.'

Senator Theodore glances at the already excited Mr. Myles and say, 'I want you to smuggle $12,000,000 out of the country. I'll pay you 0.01% - $120,000, for your compensation.'

Mr. Myles had mixed feeling about this deal. With this kind of amount he could change his life for good, but it was too risky. Besides, he promised his son he would change for the better. He had to give The senator an answer, either a yes or a no. Without further thinking he says yes to the proposal and they shake hands over it.

'I hope all I've heard 'bout you is true. If you are caught, you'll be the one to be entirely blamed. You do understand, don't you?'

'Yes I do.'

'Good luck, Mr. Myles.' He pats him on the shoulder and enters his car, and drives off afterward.

Mr. Myles was very happy because his life would change drastically if this worked out fine. He went home shortly after.

Oliver was out with his friend, Charles, talking; when he noticed his father happily dancing home.

'Dad…?' He looks at Mr. Myles. 'How was your date?'

'It was splendid; I loved every bit of it.' He smiles ear to ear. 'I wish it'll keep happening,' He speaks joyfully.

Oliver was happy to see his father happy, after a long time. He soon joins in a celebration he knew nothing of.

Late at night that day, Mr. Myles made a full-proof plan on how to smuggle the money which was gotten through corruption and illegal activities. He planned on how he would get books and bore holes in them which will enable him hide the money properly. He would also get a truck with a secret compartment in the wheels. This plan sounded perfect to Mr. Myles and he was fairly excited.