Senator Theodore was worried of both his wife in the hospital, and his ill-gotten money. He and Vanya did not sleep early. Vanya wanted to be close to her dad. So, she slept next to The senator. The senator was wide awake when Mr. Myles calls him.

'Hello, Mr. Myles, why did you call this late?' He picks the call.

'It's important that I tell you my plan tomorrow. If it's fine, then I'll proceed with it,' Mr. Myles says.

'Of course; so we meet tomorrow at the regular meeting point.'

'Okay sir, I will see you tomorrow.' He ends the call.

Vanya noticed her father talking on the phone, so she wakes up. 'Dad, you're awake; it's late already.'

'Yeah; I know. I was just checking on your mom. I called the hospital just now,' He lies blatantly.

'Oh! How's mom?' Vanya asks curiously.

'She is getting better. Now, you need to sleep; you're going to school tomorrow.'

Vanya lies down and dozes off as Senator Theodore sings a lullaby with his horrible voice.

In the morning, Oliver wakes up to see his dad dressing up.

'Good morning, dad.' He greets.

'Good morning, Oliver. How was your night?'

'It was fine. Dad, you're going out, where's that?' Oliver asks in an informal way.

'I've found some work, and the pay is fair enough. I am resuming today.'

'Wow! That's good news.' Oliver exclaims excitedly.

'There is more good news. I have gotten your tuition fee, and I am going to pay it today.' He smiles as Oliver jumps up and down happily.

'Thank you, Dad.' He chuckles as he hugs his Dad.

Mr. Myles got ready and left to meet Senator Theodore, who was waiting for him at the old bridge.

'Hello, Mr. Myles. You're a bit late.'

'I'm sorry.' He apologizes quickly. 'I was off to do something really imperative.' He explains.

'Okay. Yesterday you called me late at night; what was so important?' The senator looks at him oddly.

Mr. Myles explains his plan to Senator Theodore; how he planned to smuggle the money and buy a custom made truck. This plan delighted The senator, and he was pleased with Mr. Myles.

'You can go ahead with your plan; it's very creative.' The senator applauds Mr. Myles.

'Thank you.'

The senator gives the attaché cases full of numerous wads of cash to Mr. Myles.

'If you dare steal this money, you'll regret knowing me; you'll be killed like an animal - I run this town. Get that into your brain.' He threatens Mr. Myles.

'I won't do such a thing. I am a very honest person; Circumstances forced me to behave this way.' Mr. Myles leaves with the attaché cases.

Vanya's Mom, Mrs. Kate Theodore, opens her hazel eyes after a day of coma.

'My love…? Vanya…?' She calls out to her husband and daughter. The nurse rushes to her ward. She tries to calm her down.

'Your husband and daughter are not here. You're in the hospital.' She says politely.

Lucky for Kate, Senator Theodore just reached the hospital. The nurse meets him and tells him his wife had gained consciousness. He rushes to the ward.

'My love, you're awake, thank God.'

'Where is Vanya?' She asks.

'She is in school. I hope you are okay now.' Senator Theodore speaks tenderly.