Oliver returned to the hospital to see his father, accompanied by Charles.

'Hello, Dad,' Oliver greets.

'Hello, Mr. Myles,' Charles greets, too.

'Hello, my boys.'

'Dad, the doctor told me that you're going to be discharged tomorrow.' Oliver informs him.

All of a sudden, Mr. Myles' phone rings. It was Ryan. He couldn't answer the call in the presence of the boys, so he dismisses the call.

Charles tells Oliver that they should go outside to talk. They stand up from beside Mr. Myles bed and went outside to the balcony.

Mr. Myles Phones Ryan back.

'You mother fucker, you want to check if your assassin has done your biddings. Bad news; I am alive! Don't call me again. I'll see you when I come for my revenge.' Mr. Myles speaks; infuriated, not letting Ryan say a word he disconnects the call.

Charles taps Oliver on the shoulder. 'Have you made any progress in finding your mom?' Charles asks.

'I don't really know. I found out that my mom was named Chantelle, but I haven't found her yet.' Oliver narrates.

'It's still progress. I'm happy for you. Very soon you'll be united with your whole family.' Charles fakes a smile. He brings out a cigarette box. He hands Oliver a stick of cigarette.

'I take this when I'm sad, or need time to think.' He lights up the cigarette. Oliver gives him back the stick of cigarette.

'I can't smoke and I don't want to learn how to; I am okay.' Oliver states.

They talk for some time, before they go back inside the ward.

Vanya was still thinking about how Oliver had defended her. She started finding him attractive. Before now, she saw a boy she was trying to help, but now, something changed.

'Knock! Knock!' Mrs. Theodore knocks on the door. 'Can I come in?' she asks.

'Sure, you can, Mom.' Vanya answers softly.

'What's on your mind?' Mrs. Theodore asks her.

'Mom, how long have you known Asantel Dion?' Vanya asks curiously.

'I've known Asantel for about… 4 years now.' Mrs. Kate answers. 'Is there anything wrong?' She asks.

'Not really. Mom, sing me a lullaby,' Vanya requests.

'You're getting a bit old for this, but here comes one.'

#Title: Let the dusk see the light. #

# the land may be strongest, but the sky makes it green. #

#the sky may be the finest, but the sea gives it rain. #

#the sea may be the largest, but the land gives it shape#

#what do you have? What do I need? We are all special in this circle of life. #

#we must come together, we must stay together, and we must work together as one. #

By now, Vanya was already asleep. The lullaby was quite boring, but the message was passed. Mrs. Theodore gives Vanya a kiss on her forehead, and then covers her evenly with the blanket, and leaves the room.

The next morning was a Saturday morning, so Vanya woke up late. She called Stanley to her house, so he was waiting in the sitting room. After her daily clean up, she walks to the sitting room to meet Stanley.

'Good morning, Stanley.' Vanya greets.

'You look really beautiful today.' Stanley compliments.

'Please, Stanley, can you tell your mom to come to school on Monday? It's really important that I get to see her.' Vanya requests politely.

'For what…? My mom is quite a busy type. She won't waste her time just like that.' Stanley says.

'Do it for me, please.' Vanya begs.

'Okay, I will persuade her just for your sake.' Stanley says affectionately.

Oliver was at the hospital. He sat beside his father, who was deep asleep. When will I get to meet mom? He thought. What if my mom has become famous and really is Asantel Dion. He shakes of the thought. It can't be; my mom is not Asantel Dion; I'm not even certain her name is Chantelle.

A nurse comes into the ward, immediately.

'Your dad has been discharged; you can go home as soon as he wakes up.' The nurse informs.

Mr. Myles and his son went home, soon afterwards. Mr. Myles was sad about the fact that he was completely cashless. When he reached home, he sat down just to think about how unfortunate his life has been. His son was out with his friend, Charles, who was obviously a bad influence to Oliver in some ways, but Oliver loved Charles so much and he was not ready to end their friendship.

Oliver sat next to Charles on a bench in the basketball court. Charles was holding a bottle of an alcoholic drink. He suddenly brings out a wad of cash and gives Oliver, who was surprised.

'What…? Where did you get such an amount of money from?' Oliver exclaims.

'This is nothing. You can have it, just for being my good friend.' Charles says, feeling cool.

'Charles… You know you're like a brother to me, I can't collect this money; it will look like you're paying for my friendship.' Oliver explains.

'It's from my heart. Go and change your clothing. Buy a nice jacket, a nice shoe; something cool.' Charles insists.

Oliver collects the money and keeps it in his jacket's front pouch.

'Oliver,' Charles calls his attention. 'Have you ever thought of living a blissful life – A pain free life?' Charles asks.

Oliver thinks for a moment, and then speaks up, 'Yes, I've always wished for a life free of pain; we all wish for that.'

'Do you know wishes don't come to reality? You need to go beyond wishing and start working towards a blissful life. You need to be a man of your own if you want to survive. I can easily show you the way to make cool cash.' Charles says proudly.

'I don't want to know how to make money illegally. I know that one day, I will be someone with affluence.' Oliver says.

'You're still a kid. When you become mature enough, then I'll show you.' Charles replies.

It looked like it would rain. The clouds were dark. So, Charles and Oliver decided to part ways. They hug and bid one other goodbye.

Charles was going to his usual spot when Rodney and his gang obstructed the way.

'Hello, Charles.' Rodney smiles as he reveals a dagger. 'You don't mess with me. I am Rodney the ruthless.' Rodney says, ready to stab Charles.

Charles didn't flinch. He walks past Rodney and his gang. Immediately, one of the gangsters pulls him back, but that was a wrong decision to make – Charles nods him in the face, causing him to bleed badly. Now, Charles was very alert.

'If y'all love yourselves, I will advise you to run.' Charles threatens.

The threat didn't scare any of them. Rodney runs to stab Charles, but that was a wrong move; Charles utilizes the bottle he was holding by breaking it on Rodney's head. The second gangster uses a club to hit him on his back. Now, he sensed real danger, so he brings out a revolver handgun he concealed behind him.

'You better run or I'll shoot y'all!' Charles yells, as he cocks the gun. The gangsters ran as fast as they could, leaving Rodney behind. Rodney stood there with his bleeding head; blood streamed down from his scalp.

'I'll get you next time, and if I get you I'll brutally end your life.' Rodney threatens.

The gunshot echoed loudly as the bullet was fired. Charles fired the gun in the air just to scare Rodney.

'The next bullet will be for you.' Charles tells him and leaves.

Rodney was burning in anger, but he couldn't do anything.

On Monday, Oliver was in the schools access strip, waiting for Vanya's arrival. He wanted to hear any news about Asantel Dion. Vanya walks to Oliver as she arrives.

'Good morning, Oliver, how're you?' She greets.

'I'm fine, and you?'


'Do have any good news?' Oliver asks.

'I think Mrs. Dion will come to school with Stanley, today.' Vanya responds.

Oliver's heart could not seize to pulsate faster and even faster. If this was truly his mom, this would be the first time he will see her in real life. This really meant so much for Oliver, Vanya had helped him solve this puzzle; he was truly grateful.

After some time, Stanley's car arrives. Now the air was hot for Oliver, he was sweating. His eyes were fixed on the car. He was nervous, but he stopped himself from fidgeting so much.

The chauffeur driver opens the door for Stanley. Now, Oliver was super tensed.

Stanley comes out of the car. He grabs his back bag from his chauffeur, and walks to the surprised Vanya.

'Where's your mom?' Vanya asks.

'I couldn't convince her; she was too busy. If you really want to see her, you can follow me home,' Stanley advices.

Oliver was disappointed; he was saddened by the turnout of the event. Vanya holds his hands, she knew he was disappointed. She walks with him to the class.

'Don't worry; very soon we'll solve this puzzle.' Vanya comforts the heartbroken Oliver. Oliver cherished every moment he spent with Vanya. Every moment made Oliver feel a strong attraction towards her.

'Thank you, I'll always be grateful to you.' He sits on his seat.

Stanley was really jealous; but Vanya felt that he was too brash. He clenches his hand into a fist and frowns. He had always loved Vanya, and he was not ready to give her up. Why is she acting nice around him? Who is he compared to me? I am Caramel Dion's son and he's nobody. Stanley laments bitterly.

Accidentally, Stanley sees the picture of Oliver's mom, in between Oliver's note book. He quickly snatches it from Oliver.

'Why do have this old picture of my mom in your exercise book?' Stanley asks furiously.

'It's mine,' Oliver answers dragging it from Stanley's hand.

'No, it's not. This is a very old picture of my mom. Give me the picture.' Stanley orders. Oliver refuses, holding tight to it.

'Please, I can't let go of this picture. I need this picture more than you do.' Stanley drags it until it tears into two. Oliver was super mad; he gives Stanley a sweet blow on his face. Soon, it turned into a serious fight.

The two boys were called into the principal's office, subsequently.

'Oliver, we meet again. What happened this time?' The principal asks.

'Sir, he started it, he dragged my mom's picture from me…' 'Wait; did you say your mom?' Stanley interrupts with a surprised look. 'Are you fine or have you gone psycho?'

'Yes, she's my mom.' Oliver replies.

The principal looks at the two boys, confused.

'Wait, let me get something clear. The woman in this picture is Asantel Dion, then why are you fighting over it?' The principal asks Oliver, while he tries to put the torn picture together.

'I don't know if this is really Asantel Dion, but I'm sure this is my mom.' Oliver replies boldly.

The principle couldn't understand, so he decides to solve this issue once and for all: He invites Asantel Dion to the school, for a thorough clarification.

'I've called Asantel Dion; I want her to verify this, herself.' The principal tells the boys. Asantel Dion enters the school with her limousine. The car shimmers as the sun's rays beams on it. A huge guy walks out of the car and opens the door for Asantel. She walks out of the car, full of grace and glamour. The huge guy holds her hand to support her. Two other huge guys walk after her into the principal's office.

Oliver's heart skips when he sees Asantel Dion coming into the principal's office. He wished he could embrace and call her Mom.

Asantel Dion takes her seat. The principal didn't know where to start from; he just looked at the buys.

'Ma'am, there's a mix up, here,' the principal states. 'These two boys fought over an old picture of you. I don't really know why.' The principal shows her the old picture. When she saw it, her mind was flooded with the past.

'Who was with this picture?' She asks impatiently.

'It's my mom's old picture.' Oliver states.

Asantel felt like disappearing. Her lips start shaking, all of a sudden.

'What… what did you say?' Asantel stammers.

'It's my mom's picture.' Oliver says again.

Suddenly, Asantel stands up and runs out of the principal's office to her car.

'Take me out of here!' Asantel tells her chauffeur.

'Where should I take you to?' He asks.

'Take me home!'

The car zooms out from the school premises.

Oliver was quite happy with her reaction; this proved that she was indeed his mom, Chantelle. Oliver wanted to feel her presence once more. He just wanted to sit with her, talk to her; but he was really limited.