Vanya was restless. She was waiting for Oliver. When it was time for lunch, she couldn't eat; she was worried he might get into trouble.

'Vanya, why aren't you eating?' Charlotte asks, but Vanya was quiet.

'She's worried about Oliver.' Maryam concludes. Vanya still kept quiet, she couldn't get her mind off Oliver.

She remembers one of her mom's poems:

#Title: The pain of friend. #

#the world may turn, the sea may rage, but the pain of a friend is like an eternal cage. #

# A true friend should protect another's emotions – That' why friendship exists. #

#, one who loves you, is one who wipes the tears of your cheeks. #

#, one who hates you, is one who creates more flames in your heart. #

# the pain of a friend is pain for all. And the sorrow of a friend is borrowed sorrow #

#, don't let a friend feel pain. Be the one who wipes off tears#

Oliver walks to Vanya, who didn't see him coming.

'Vanya, I found my mom!' He shouts, startling Vanya.

'Oliver…!' She hugs him unconsciously. Oliver wraps his arms around her, with delight.

'Thank you, Vanya. You're a true friend.' Oliver says. 'I found my mom, all thanks to you.'

Vanya was so happy for Oliver. They take their sits after the celebration.

'She's Asantel Dion, isn't she?' Vanya asks. 'Your mom is Asantel Dion?'

'Yes; I'm certain she's the one. The way she rushed out of the principal's office was like she was hiding an overt secret.' Oliver narrates.

'I really wish she would give you the love she never gave you.' Vanya says.

Oliver could not just hold how he felt for Vanya anymore. His heart was taken away by this girl; pretty, good hearted and smart.

The day was a nice one for Vanya, as well as Oliver. They had fun playing a lot of games and doing some class work together.

At the end of the day, Oliver was about to go home, when Stanley stood in front of him.

'What was that you were saying earlier?' Stanley asks with a scowl on his face.

'What I said was the truth. Chantelle Sparrow is my mom.' Oliver says confidently.

'Hey! You son of a bitch, you think you can say whatever you want?!'

'Correction…' Oliver interrupts. 'I am no son of a bitch' Oliver states, and leaves Stanley in the class.

Mr. Myles sat lonely in the pitch dark room. The light bulb in the sitting room, had been burned out, and he didn't care. His mind was blanketed by what he thought Ryan did to him. He was boiling in anger.

'Ding-dong,' the doorbell rang.

Mr. Myles walks to the door. 'Who's there?' Mr. Myles asks feebly.

'It's Ryan.' The person says.

Mr. Myles opens the door immediately, and grabs Ryan by the shirt.

'How dare you show your face; after everything you did?!'

'Let me be; If not I'll leave with what I brought!' Ryan yells back.

Mr. Myles loosens his grip from the shirt, slowly. Ryan pushes off his hand, and straightens his shirt.

'I brought 30,000 bucks, and some drugs worth 35,000 bucks. I'm here to fulfill my promise.' Ryan says calmly. 'I said I will give you 40,000 bucks if we get busted; and we got busted, but I brought more than I promised – Sell the drugs and get the profit.'

Mr. Myles was now confused. If Ryan was truly the one who tried to rob him, he won't be here. So who shot him that night?' He thought

'Dude, your life is getting worst; you should do something about your light bulb,' Ryan jokes, 'but, seriously, Mr. Myles, why were you acting harsh towards me?' Ryan asks, confused.

'Someone tried to rob me, that same night I gave you the $40,000. I lost my leg due to the incident. I seriously thought it was you, so I really hated you.' He narrates.

'Little wonder, you were behaving… very irrational. I can remember vividly.'


After the conversation between Mr. Myles and Ryan; Ryan enters his Coupe. Through his side mirror, he sees Rodney hiding at the side of a building. He thought Rodney was just there by coincidence, so he drove off… End of flashback.

Rodney was now the major culprit. He must have been the one; he was obviously listening to the conversation of Mr. Myles and Ryan. Rodney was known to be a drug addict, a rapist, and a drug peddler. He is the son of an infamous gangbanger, Scorpion X, who is very notorious – he practically killed for a living.