The champagne flutes glitters and shimmers, as they were raised with merry. The slow-paced classical music made the room blossom with cheer. The guests laughed, smiled, did anything that suited them, as their hearts were filled with delight. The gorgeous cake was brought out. Different delicacies were served to the guests. Senator Theodore was happy to see his guest smiling, as he made his way down the stairs.

'Happy birthday to your sweet daughter, sir.' Caramel Dion says with a smile.

'Thank you, I really appreciate your presence.' Senator Theodore says, as he kept on moving towards his guest.

'Where's the celebrant?' Aliyu Dyall, son of Mohammed Dyall, asks with curiosity. Senator Theodore was not able to answer this question, because he was unaware of Vanya's location, too.

After sometime, Vanya appeared before the crowd. She was really, really pretty with her pink dress, and adorned with jewelries.

'Wow…' Many exclaimed. 'She's a true beauty,' some said. She walked down the stairs, gracefully.

'Happy birthday to you, Vanya,' Asantel Dion says.

'I wish you a happy and wonderful birthday.' Charlotte says with a smile.

'Thank you. Thank you all.' Vanya smiles as she sees Oliver. She had thought that Oliver wouldn't come.

He walks to her calmly. 'Happy birthday to you, once again.' He tells her, and gives her a box. 'Don't open it till midnight.' Oliver says.

The senator clears his throat.

'Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,' Senator Theodore greets, getting the attention of the guests.

'We're here this evening to celebrate my lovely, most wonderful daughter, Vanya Celine Theodore.' The guests applaud.

'Today marks her 15th birthday. Fifteen years of delight and splendor. Through out these years, I know the love I have felt being a father. I'm really proud to be the father of my little girl, Vanya.' The guests applaud again.

'We thank you all for honoring our invitation, and coming. Enjoy the rest of the party.' The finishes speaking, and an upbeat Hip-up music takes the ground.

During the party, senator Theodore phone ring and he picks the call.

'Senator Theodore, we have bad news. The Red Viper has escaped the prison,' The caller says with a fright on his voice.

'What? Can we talk later, maybe, tomorrow.' Senator Theodore ends the call. With the frown in his face it was clear he was worried.

'What's it, Darling?' His wife asks him, starting him a little.

'Uh…? I'm fine.' He fakes a smile.

'Are you sure, darling?' She asks again.

'I said I'm fine!' Senator Theodore yells. He turns around and leaves the party to his room.

Mrs. Theodore was shocked at the manner her husband replied, but she just shook it off, and joined the party.

When Asantel saw Oliver. Her heart yearned to hug him and check how he was doing, but her hands were tied. She went close to him, but she couldn't show physical affection.

'How are you?' She asks.

'I'm fine, thank you.' Oliver replies.

Then suddenly, Caramel Dion walks to Asantel.

'Who's this?' Caramel asks.

Asantel couldn't tell her husband about Oliver, so she lies.

'He's Vanya's friend in school, he helps Stanley with some mathematical problems which Stanley can't solve alone.'

'Oh… Hello, young man.' Mr. Dion greets Oliver.

'Hello, Sir.'

'Thank you for helping my son. He's quite having problems with school work, in spite of the numerous lesson teachers he has. I appreciate your support.' Caramel Dion handshakes him and leaves with Asantel.

A lady was staring at Oliver. She looked at him oddly, this made Oliver uncomfortable. The strange lady smiles at him, and she walks to him. Oliver felt the urge to walk away, but he stayed back, as the stranger approached her.

'Hello, young man.' She greets.

'Good evening, ma'am. How may I help you?' Oliver asks curiously.

'It's nothing hard. I really want to know why Asantel Dion was talking to you.' She says.

Oliver looks at her interrogatively.

'I'm sorry ma, I can't help you.' He tries to walk away but she holds his arm, and draws him back.

'Name your price. I know Asantel Dion had been hiding a secret which you know of. I saw you when I visited her in her guest house. I saw how she hugged you passionately, and now you're here talking to her. Tell me and I'll pay you handsomely.' She says seriously.

'Please ma, I really don't knew what you're talking about, and I've to go.' Oliver forces his arm out of the lady's grip, and walks towards Maryam, Charlotte and Vanya.

The lady stayed at Oliver with an angry look.

'Your brother is really built-up and tall.' Charlotte tells Maryam, who chuckles.

'My brother, Aliyu Dyall, is world's most eligible bachelor.' Maryam brags. 'He is the ladies man.'

'Wow! He is truly the "ladies man".' Vanya says, pointing to Aliyu Dyall, who was talking to 6 ladies, making them smile and grin.

Immediately, Oliver joins the girls.

'Hi.' He waves at them.

'We were talking about the "ladies man", and here comes a very handsome dude.' Charlotte says, which makes Oliver nervous.

'Hello, Oliver,' Maryam greets.

'Hi.' Vanya waves at him.

'Your birthday party is amazing.' Oliver says excitedly.

'Thank you,' Vanya replies.

Then they start a conversation on the group project.