Mr. Myles wanted to expose Rodney, but he was quite scared of what Scorpion X would do to him. He also needed to rescue the girl Rodney took hostage, but he wanted to do it in a way Scorpion X won't know.

His first plan was to find Rodney's hideout, and who would know Rodney's information better than Charles? Therefore Mr. Myles goes to meet with Charles in the street, for the first time. It was an easy search, and Charles was found with ease.

'Hey, Charles.' Mr. Myles calls out to him.

'Hello, Mr. Myles. It's nice to meet you here.'

'I want to discuss something with you – it's important.' Mr. Myles says.

Charles to a quiet place, in the corner of the street.

'What's the matter?' Charles asks.

'You do know Rodney, don't you?' Mr. Myles asks.

'Yeah, I do. What's up?' Charles replies.

'I'm certain that he was involved in a robbery last night, and he held the girl hostage from the incident. I want to expose him in a way I won't get noticed,' Mr. Myles narrates. 'Do you know his hide out?' He asks.

'I don't know where he may be this minute, but I know those who know. I'll ask them,' Charles replies. 'But Rodney is a damn drug addict, if he's alerted, he may kill the girl, that is if he has not killed her already,' Charles warns.

'I just need his location; I've a plan,' Mr. Myles states firmly.

Charles takes him to one of Scorpion X's warehouse. It looked like a spare part center. The place gave off an awful odor of gasoline and smoke.

They saw two guys playing card in the middle of the warehouse. Charles turns to Mr. Myles and whispers, 'Can you, please stay here, I will be right back.'

Charles casually walks to the two guys playing cards.

'Hello, Slit. Hello, Viper.' Charles greets them both.

'Hi, Charles. What brought you here?' Viper, a short guy with a red dyed hair, inquires.

'It's nothing serious; I brought some goods for Rodney, and he told me to bring it to his hide out.' Chares runs his hand through his hair. 'But… I don't really remember where he told me his hide out is located,' Charles lies.

'Are you really sure? Can I see the goods?' Slit, a guy with a full goatee beard, requests.

'Okay.' Charles brings out the drugs he had in his jacket's pocket. 'This is it.' He lies.

Viper and Slit disbelieved Charles story. They now suspected Charles. Viper grimaces and says, 'Hand me the goods; I'll deliver it myself. He'll pay me, then I'll bring it to you.'

Charles didn't like how the conversation was going. He saw that they were not willing to tell him, so he pulls out a revolver handgun and shoots Viper on his chest, and immediately points the gun at Slit, close to his head, the gun's muzzle touching his face.

'If you don't tell me where that fool, Rodney, is hiding, I will brains!' Charles hollers. Slit was not still ready to speak; his mouth was zipped close.

'Tell me!' Charles screams, shooting slits arm.

'Arrrgh,' He groans in pain. 'Rodney is in the…' Slit inhales deeply. He felt the pain so much it was unbearable. 'You know Scorpion X would kill me if I tell you.'

'You shouldn't worry about him killing you, I would do it now, if you don't tell me.' Charles says coldly.

'He's hiding in the black-market…' Slit says, trying to obfuscate Charles.

Charles didn't fall for his lies; Rodney would not dare go to the dark market. He was hunted there for the money he owed.

'Do you think I'm joking? I'm damn serious.' Charles looses his temper and shoots Slight's thigh.

'Arrrgh!' He groans in pain. 'Please… Stop torturing me.' He starts wheezing, holding his thigh. He breathes deeply. 'Rodney is in this warehouse. A secret room. Move that car out of there.' Slit points at a car which was isolated, and on the edge of the warehouse. 'You'll see a trap door beneath.' He confesses. After He finishes speaking, Charles pulls the gun's trigger, the bullet pierces into his skull and bursts Slit's head.

'What's wrong?' Mr. Myles asks, coming out of his cover.

'I know Slit well enough; he'll try to make amends for his mistakes: He would call Scorpion X and tell him that we're here.' Charles explains. 'What's your second?' He asks.

'Let's get out of here, then inform the police of Rodney's hide out. They will take it from there.' Mr. Myles says in a guilty tone.

'No way. I'm going to kill Rodney myself.' Charles says in rage.

'What problem do you have with Rodney? Why do you want him dead?' Mr. Myles asks.

Charles looks completely different. He wasn't so bold as he was few minutes ago. He was deeply saddened, his eyes were portals to his smoked soul.

'That son of a bitch killed Annabella, my sister. When my Dad died, we were left all alone, in the street, defenseless. I didn't know much about life, but I wanted to be a cool guy. I met Rodney and he offered me and my sister a place in his cool gang. Little did I know, he wanted to have his way with my sister.' Charles sniffles. 'He said we will join if we passed a test. My sister was the first to take the test. I waited, and waited for her to come out from that locked room, but she didn't ever come out the same. I hit the door severally but to no avail. Some time after, Rodney and his gang came out of the room, but it was too late for me. I entered that room; what I saw was truly heartbreaking. I saw my sister laying on the floor, over dosed by different drugs. I didn't know what to do, she was lifeless. The guys used her as they wanted, although she was little. And Rodney was their leader. The enmity is real, I hate Rodney! I would have killed him if I had the might to, but I didn't have that, but now, I have a chance to avenge Annabella.' He says in exasperation.

Charles grabs the car key, and moves the car. Underneath there was a trapdoor; he opens it. A dark room was revealed. It was spooky, but he climbs down the ladder, inside, using his phone as a flashlight. When Charles was down, he saw an empty room full of sacks of illegal bullets, drugs, et cetera. This was the real goods Scorpion X sold. He looked around, then he perceived a stench, as he walked closer to a door. He opens the door and he sees the little girl, amongst several bodies, which where already decaying.

'He's a savage! A heartless monster.' Charles closes his nose with a handkerchief. 'I told you he wouldn't spare the life of the poor innocent little girl. He's a monster.' Charles tells Mr. Myles, who was bewildered by the dead bodies he saw. They were lying scattered around the room.

'Let's get out of here, now.' Mr. Myles says hastily as he makes his way out of the room, and Charles follows suit.