Asantel was in her garden. She walked gracefully round it, taking pictures of herself.

'Mom!' Stanley yelled, as he enters the garden.

'What is it, son?' Asantel replies.

'Mom, is it true?'

'What? What are you talking about?' Asantel asks, confused. Then, Oliver appears slowly from concealment. He walks to Asantel, who immediately starts to grasp for breath, and she pretends to feel faint: She falls.

The two boys run to check on her.

'What's it, mom?' Stanley asks, but no reply.

Asantel knew that the revelation of her son would risk her marriage, career, and her reputation. She just couldn't take the humiliation of being called a heartless mother. She lay there until she was revived by Oliver who sprinkled water on her face.

'Mom, please wake up.' Oliver says affectionately.

Mrs. Asantel didn't expect any form of affection from Oliver. She opens her eyes and sits on the bench, in the garden. The butler offers her water.

Stanley was still inquisitive to know if Oliver was truly his brother.

'Mom, please, answer me. Is it true that Oliver is my brother?'

Asantel had remorse lurking in her eye. She knew she had wronged Oliver in many ways; She didn't want to deny him, once again.

'It's true; he's your brother.' Asantel says contritely.

As the news came to Stanley, he couldn't hold the shock. He stood there with his eyes wild open. Oliver couldn't believed that Asantel revealed this supposed secret to Stanley. It took some time before Stanley was revived from the shock. He looked at Oliver, as he sits on the bench.

'So it's true… You're my brother.' Stanley states. He stands and walks to Oliver, and hugs him. Unexpected! Oliver says to himself.

'How I've wished for a person who I could call my brother. I always felt lonely; but now, I've gotten what I always wanted — A cool, smart, and wonderful brother, like you.' Stanley speaks emotionally, as he hugged Oliver tighter. Oliver was perplexed; he couldn't speak, he just felt really, really happy.

Mr. Myles was waiting patiently for Oliver to return. He was really worried about Oliver. He didn't know what was happening to Oliver. He was still thinking of Oliver, when he returns home.

'Hello, Dad.' Oliver greets.

Mr. Myles was extremely happy to see Oliver back to his old self.

'Hello, Oliver, my dear son.' Mr. Myles replies to the greeting.

Oliver walks to his room and sits on his bed. He was excited about what happened, today. Finally his life was going in the right direction.

Oliver lay on his bed smiling. He imagined how Vanya would get really excited as soon as she ears this. He hugs his pillow, imagining it was Vanya.

'Thank you, Vanya. You've helped me to this point, I'm very grateful to you.' Oliver says, and then giggles.

Mr. Myles was outside the house. He was thinking of possible ways to sell the drugs Ryan gave him, but he was scared of being caught. He picks up his cellphone and calls Ryan, but Ryan didn't pick the phone call.

'Ryan, pick your call, please.' Mr. Myles says, feeling a bit frustrated. He calls Ryan, but he didn't pick his calls.

Suddenly, He sees Rodney walking stealthily and in a suspicious manner. He walks to one of Mr. Myles' neighbor's home. He immediately puts on a mask, and holds up a pistol, unaware Mr. Myles was watching secretly. He forces the door open, and shouts, 'your hands in the air!' He kicks a lady down. 'I'm gonna burst your brain if you do anything funny!'

All of a sudden, Rodney hears the police's siren wailing loudly. Fear overwhelms Rodney's soul.

'Who called the damn police?!' Rodney yells. He sees a little girl by her mother's side. He holds the girl up and points the gun at the girl.

'please, don't hurt her.' The girl's mother begs. He walks outside the house, holding the girl hostage. The girl cried, but Rodney didn't care.

'Shut up!' He tells the girl; and to the policemen, who were stationed, he says, 'No funny moves, if not, this girl will die.'

'Please, let her go, it's not late yet.' A policeman says, coming out from his cover.

'You don't tell me what to do.' Rodney says, and immediately shoots the policeman 3 times, reflexly. He continues shooting at the policemen, as he made his escape, still holding the girl hostage.

'No!!' The policemen shouts, and runs to the wounded officer. Rodney disappears from the sight of the police; he had escaped.

In the morning, Oliver arrives school early. He saw Maryam and Cherry standing in the hallway.

'Good morning, Maryam and Charlotte.' Oliver greets.

'Good morning, Oliver.' The two girls greet.

Oliver noticed that the girls were smiling suspiciously. He knew something was at the back of their minds.

'What's up with the smile?' Oliver asks.

The two girls giggles, and keeps quiet for some time. It was Charlotte, who broke the silence.

'Today is Vanya's birthday.' Charlotte reveals.

'Wow! I never knew.' Oliver confesses.

'It's not too late to do something. She would be happy if you would give her a surprise present, and her favorite color is pink.' Maryam says.

Soon after, Vanya arrives school. Everyone acted normal.

'Good morning.' Vanya greets the three.

'Good morning, Vanya.' They reply.

Charlotte and Maryam excuse the two, so they would have a little private chat.

'What happened yesterday?' Vanya asks.

'It was amazing. That was apparently the best day of my life,' Oliver says. 'Stanley is in no doubt my brother – He accepted me as part of his family.'

'Wow! That's good news,' Vanya states. I'm very happy that everything is turning out fine.'

Oliver hugs with sheer affection. 'Thank you for everything. I really appreciate every single time I spend with you. I'm grateful for everything.' Oliver says.

Vanya was really emotional. She felt good helping others. 'You're welcome,' Vanya says warmly.

She definitely forgot it was her birthday. During the lunch break, Vanya sat on a bench, talking to her two best friends: Charlotte and Maryam, when they heard screams coming from the hallway and the school's lobby. The trio walk briskly to the hallway, and to their amazement, the whole place was decorated with pink balloons, which had Vanya's name written on it. There was a banner on the wall which read, 'happy birthday, Vanya.'

Oliver was dressed beautifully. His outlook was superb, with a red glossy jacket and matching pants. He wore a dark shade of sunglasses. He was looking, so, so handsome. He made the girls scream as he took hold of the mic.

'Happy birthday, Vanya.' More girls scream. 'My friend, a true friend. She's all in one; beautiful, glamorous, intelligent, I could go on and on and not get tired; she's really perfect.' Oliver says. All the girls scream as Oliver walks to Vanya with a bouquet.

'Happy birthday, once again, to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, Vanya Celine Theodore.' He gives her the flowers.

Vanya was really emotional, she smiles as she collects the flowers, which smelled really nice. She was really delighted that Oliver gave her a pleasant surprise. She hugs him with passion.

'Thank you, Oliver.' She says.

'No, thank you for everything; You deserve something better.' Oliver answers. 'I wish you a memorable birthday.'

Stanley walks to the two. He embraces Oliver. 'I'm proud of you, brother.' He says, and to Vanya, 'Happy birthday to you.' He hands her a wrapped box.

'Thank you, Stanley.' Vanya replies.

Maryam and Charlotte gave the presents the concealed in their backpacks, to Vanya.

'Happy birthday to my best friend, Vanya.' Charlotte says.

'Happy birthday to my BFF.' Maryam says.

'I think this is my best birthday ever! Thank you all.' Vanya comments, and then she brings out a poem she wrote for BFFs, before now.

'I've always looked for an opportunity to read this poem to you, my best friends.'

#Title: My best friends#

#How lucky am I to have friends like you?#

#I love to be enclosed by your presence#

#and surrounded by your love that's so true#

#we differ, but there, a strong compresence…#


#My true friends, you are irreplaceable.#

# Your friendship is cozy, it keeps me warm#

#I love you, and our friendship is unbreakable.#

#You're the best friends in the entire universe!#

Everyone applauds, as Vanya finishes.

'Awwwwn! Thank you,' Charlotte says.

'You're the best friend ever,' Maryam comments.

It was a wonderful day. The teachers also wished Vanya a happy birthday, and gave her presents, as well.

At the closure of school, Oliver met Stanley.

'Thank you for your financial aid; I wouldn't have done all this without you.' Oliver says in appreciation.

'I got it from Mom; I'm your brother, so what's mine is yours.'

'I know you did a lot for my sake, I am grateful.' Oliver says.

'It's no problem, What are brothers for? I noticed, Vanya really likes you, therefore I wish you both luck.' He embraces Oliver, then he leaves.

Vanya meets Oliver, few minutes after Stanley's departure.

'You're cordially invited to my birthday party at my house.' She hands him an invitation card.

'Thank you, I'll be there.' Oliver says and holds Vanya's hand as they walk together.