Senator Theodore ransacked his brain thinking of who would possibly assassinate The Red Viper. He phones Ryan his informant.

'Hello, Ryan. It's The senator.'

'I know. It's been a long time you called, though.' Ryan says.

'Please, I need a favor from you. I'm in a dilemma, right now. If I may confide in you, I'm not feeling well at all.' The senator says. 'Someone has proved to be a threat to my happiness. I want you to give me a hitman's contact. I will be very grateful if you do.' Senator Theodore pleads.

'I'm sorry. I won't be able to help you in your dirty works,' Ryan says. 'I now know you for your treachery; I won't ever fall Into your trap. I'm sorry, but don't call me again.' Ryan disconnects the call.

The senator was more annoyed of Ryan than of his situation.

'What rubbish!' He outcries. 'He's an idiot.'

The senator was really frustrated.

'How are you doing, my dearest?' Mrs. Theodore says, coming closer, but The senator was lost deep in the world of thoughts. She taps his shoulder. 'Good morning, love,' she greets. The senator snaps back to reality.

'Good morning.' He greets reluctantly.

'I sense that you're disturbed. What's wrong?' Mrs. Theodore asks.

'It's nothing much. I'll handle it myself.' He says and leaves his wife.

Li Chang, the guy who Charles rescued, was staring at some children playing basketball, in the basketball court, when Rodney suddenly arrives with his gang.

'Hey! Give me that ball!' He yells at the frightened children. One of the children gives him the b-ball. Rodney brings out a dagger and shreds the ball.

'Do you like that?' Rodney asks. 'If you want to be feared like me, you should join my gang.'

One of the children frowns. 'Who wants to be a big bully like you? It's not obviously me.' The child says angrily.

This question made Rodney very angry, he slaps the boy hard on the cheeks.

'You don't talk to Rodney like that,' Rodney says in rage.

'Don't hit that boy again; he said the truth. You're truly a big bully.' Li Chang says boldly.

'Hey, man. You better mind your business, while you can.' One of Rodney's gang says.

'Let the children go!' Li Chang says with a frown.

'I won't let them go; what will you do?' Rodney holds up a blonde boy, one of the children, up with his shirt. Rodney sneers. Rodney didn't see it coming. It felt so painful as Li Chang gives him a kick to his stomach. The pain stunned Rodney, and he falls to the ground. The four guys: Rodney's entourage, run with daggers and clubs to hit Li Chang. The children ran as fast as they could from the fight scene.

'You need more than that to scare me.' Li Chang frowns.

The ambient smell was awful, yet manageable. Li Chang was motionless; he just stared at the gang as they charged forward. He clenched his fist. The first guy runs violently to stab him a dagger, but Li Chang intercepts the guy: He kicks the guy on his jaw. His jaw bone Snaps, and blood splatters all over.

'You want more?' Li Chang asks. Two guys run with clubs to hit Li Chang, but with a swift kick, he disarms one of them, and jabs his knuckles into the guy's stomach. He grabs the disarmed club and hits it on the second guys head, and rivulet of blood ran down his head. The 4th guy runs away. Li Chang smiles.

Li Chang walks out of the basketball court to the old bridge, as surreptitious as possible. Charles was packing some packages as Li Chang approached.

'What are you doing?' Li Chang asks.

'I'm working – packing all this packages into the bag. I would sell it to one of the gang members,' Charles says.

'I would love to buy it – All of it.' Li Chang says seriously.

'Sir, you've a bad sense of humor; that joke is not funny.' Charles says.

'Charles, I want you to work for me. How much does your boss pay you?' Li Chang asks. 'I will pay you more.'

'I work for Ryan, partially. He gives me the drugs to sell with a price; if I sell it more than the set price I get the profit. So, I don't think you can really pay me to stop working for Ryan.'

Li Chang spoke no more. He simply gazed at the birds as they flew freely in the sky.

When the men liberated Oliver, he ran as fast as he could to his neighborhood. He searched for Charles everyplace he thought he would be, and he found him under the Old bridge with Li Chang.

'Hello, Oliver. What happened to you?' Charles asks.

'It's a long story…' Oliver breathes in. '... which I need to tell you.' He looks at Li Chang. 'Who's this?'

'He's a friend of mine,' Charles says.

'Okay. You know I found out who my mom was, did I tell you who she is?'

Charles shakes his head in disagreement.

'It's Asantel Dion. Now, a crazy lady abducted me, and she threatened to torture me if I didn't tell her my connection with Asantel. She carried out her threats, so I told her the truth, but she doesn't believe me wholly. She threatens to do more if I don't show her any evidence,' Oliver narrates. 'I need to tell the police.'

'No. You don't need to get the police involved; they will know the truth about your mom. And do you want that?' Charles asks.

Li Chang was a little lost. He just stared at the two.

'I'm sorry to be eavesdropping, but I'm kind of confused on this matter. You're Asantel Dion's son?' Li Chang asks.

'Yes, I found out recently, so don't be too surprised.' Oliver replies.

'Have you told anyone other than Charles the encounter you had with the crazy lady?' Li Chang asks.

'No, I haven't.' Oliver answers briefly.