Senator Theodore was in a jacuzzi when his phone rings.

'Hello, commissioner. What's the matter?' The senator asks.

'I've the perfect hitman for you,' The caller says. 'He's a bit expensive, but he knows his job. While I look for the red viper with the police team, I want you to do your part.' The commissioner says.

'You have solved a major issue, now it's time to kill this guy, once and for all. Give me the contact.' The senator requests.

'He's a perfect assassin. He's called Scorpion X.'

'Nice!' Senator Theodore exclaims.

The commissioner texts the contact no of Scorpion X. Consequently, Senator Theodore calls Scorpion X. The phone rings severally, but Scorpion X refused to pick the call. The senator calls again and again, and then Scorpion X picks the call.

'Hello, who's this?' Scorpion X asks with a cold blooded voice.

'Scorpion X, I've a job for you. Where do we meet?' He asks.

'Who recommended me?' Scorpion X asks.

'The commissioner.'

'Okay. We will meet in the dark market.' He says.

Senator Theodore knew nothing about this dark market, not even it's location. On hearing it's name, he instantly knew that that this place was an felonious place. His reputation would be tarnished if he's seen here. Therefore, Senator Theodore suggests: 'let's meet at the old bridge, instead.'

There was silence in the part of Scorpion X. Soon after, he breaks the silence.

'At 00:00 (12 o'clock.) We meet.' Scorpion X ends the call.

Senator Theodore breathes in. He drops his cellphone.

'Finally, this scumbag will be dealt with. He should die; I don't care.' He says with resentment. Silently, Mrs. Theodore was eavesdropping on the conversation. She knew her husband was up to something mischievous. She marks the location – The old bridge; Time: 12 O'clock, on a Piece of paper.

In the night that day, by 10 O'clock, Li Chang wakes up from his sleep. He picks up Charles' phone and dials some numbers. He calls someone.

'Hello, it's The Red Viper: SC.' Li Chang says.

'What…?' Viper, you're out of prison?' The caller asks.

'Yeah. It's a long story. Come pick me up from the old bridge. I'll be waiting.' Li Chang ends the phone call. Charles was not completely asleep, he had his ears open. Is this really The Red Viper?' Charles ponders.

By 10:35 two flashy cars arrive at the old bridge. Two Asian men come out from both of the cars. They were all dressed in black and red outfit: A black overcoat and red trousers, with a black hat and a red holster, where they kept their pistols.

Li Chang walks to the two with delight. He was smiling cheek to cheek.

'Hello, Viper.' The two men greet.

'Hello, my brothers,' He embraces them. 'I'm truly happy to see you,' he speaks joyfully.

'We're actually surprised to see you. How did you escape from the most secured prison in Russia?' One of the guys asks.

'It's a long story. Now, what I need is to feel like The Red Viper again. After that, I'll have my fair share of revenge against The senator. He shall feel my wrath.' He speaks in pure aversion. Charles was listening to their conversation while in hiding, then suddenly an insect stings him on his leg. He cries out, 'what the fuck!'

'Who's there?' They ask, going closer to Charles' cover, with their guns at fixed aim and ready to shoot.

'Charles…? His my friend; don't shoot.' Li Chang says, as he sees Charles groaning in pains. Charles held his injured leg.

'What's wrong, Charles?' Li Chang asks. Charles just kept moaning in pain. 'We need a medical attention.' Li Chang lifts Charles and conveys him to the car. 'Take me to the dark hideout; Dr. Young is staying there. Li Chang says and they drive off.

Immediately as they drove off, Senator Theodore arrives at the old bridge. It felt like he missed something. He just parks his hatchback car. He checks his wristwatch; the time was 10:54 pm.

'Oh! I came pretty early; I lost track of time.'

At 23:00, Scorpion X arrives at the old bridge. He calls Senator Theodore.

'Where are you?'

'My car is parked at the center of the bridge.' Senator Theodore says, and he looks at his side mirrors. 'You're close to my car, just move a little bit closer to my car – a hatchback.

Scorpion X drives to The senator. He alightens the car.

'Hell's smokes!' He exclaims. 'It's senator Theodore! Hello, man. What work do you have for me?' He asks.

In the hatchback, Mrs. Kate hid in the trunk. She couldn't see clearly, consequently, she uses her phone to videotape it, and zooms it to see clearly.

The senator had no idea that Mrs. Theodore was in his car's trunk. He looks at Scorpion X.

'Yes, it's I, senator Theodore. You shouldn't be shocked that I'm standing before you. I want you to assassinate The Red Viper. Do you know him?' Senator Theodore asks.

'Yes I do. Who doesn't know the deadly Viper? He was the head of the Serpent brothers. He was arrested 7 years ago,' Scorpion X narrates. 'Why do you want him dead?'

'It's not for you to know. Find him, and kill him. No traces. Don't worry about your payment,' The senator says. 'I want a clean slaughter. He should die immediately as soon as you spot him.'

Mrs. Theodore could not believe that her husband was this heartless. She fidgets a little as The senator faces the car. The car felt hotter than usual. Sweat drops made it's way down Mrs. Theodore's face. There was silence, but abruptly, her cellphone rings loudly; it was Vanya. The ringtone alerts Scorpion X and The senator.

'Oh God!' She dismisses the call, her heart was beating irregularly. She fidgets badly as The senator walks back to his car.

'Who's there?' Scorpion X asks The senator.

'I don't know.' The senator replies.

Mrs. Theodore was now tensed than ever before. She couldn't breathe, the air was more choked up than usual. She wanted to put off the phone, but another phone call comes in, again. The ringing tone seemed more louder than usual.

'Who's there?' Senator Theodore rushes to the car's trunk. Mrs. Theodore, out of fright throws the phone out from the car's window, and The senator didn't see it fall.

'I'm sure someone is hiding in this car. Show yourself!' He yells.

He opens the car's trunk, then he sees Mrs. Kate Theodore. She wished she could disappear, but wishes don't come to reality.

'What are you doing here?' The senator asks with a horrid voice.

'Please…' She inhales deeply with fright. Her lips were fidgeting without control. 'I didn't see anything, please, let me go home.' She begs.

'You didn't see anything?' He asks.

'I saw absolutely nothing,' she says with fear lurking in her voice.

'Darling, you could have stayed at home… you could have quenched your curiosity, but now… It's too late to say sorry.' He says with a cold blooded voice.

'Please don't hurt me.' She begs.

'Quit begging!' The senator yells. 'Well, I'm sorry, too.' He grabs her by the head, and bangs it on the hatch, causing her to loose consciousness.

He faces Scorpion X. 'Take her hostage; She must not say what she have seen. Kill her if you must: I must save my reputation, at all cost,' He says wickedly. 'We'll talk about your price later.' He enters his car and drives off. While Scorpion X puts her in his car's trunk and covers her with a piece of clothing. He enters his car and drives off, too. Both The senator and Scorpion X were unaware of the video