Oliver was looking for something more about Asantel. Something that will show Asantel's personality. Due to the picture, Oliver found out that she was an introvert.

'What are you doing?' Sleepy Mr. Myles asks.

'It's nothing, Dad.' He quickly puts back the pictures, and covers the box. 'Dad… would you ever get back to mom, if you had a chance?'

'Why do you ask?' Mr. Myles looks at him curiously. 'Have you found her?' Mr. Myles asks, but no response. 'She's Asantel Dion.' Mr. Myles reveals.

'What?' Oliver exclaims. 'Dad, you knew all along?'

'Yes, of course. I knew Asantel Dion was my Chantelle. She married Caramel Dion, right in front of my eyes. I was heartbroken, but she didn't care a bit. He was rich; he would make all her dreams a reality. She always wanted a good life, and I couldn't give that to her.' Mr. Myles pauses. 'She treated me cruelly, do you know how that kills me deep?'

Oliver could feel the pain through his dad's voice. It was apparent that his heart was in flames.

'Dad, I am sorry, I opened up old wounds.' Oliver says.

He knew he shouldn't continue the discussion. He still had feelings for Asantel, but this love is a poison to his soul.

I really loved Chantelle. She was all I wanted in a woman. She was beautiful, always cheerful and smart. She also loved to visit the church, most times. I can remember her tapping me on my cheeks. She would tell me to wake up and prepare to go to church. I would always resist going to church. She always loved to see me smile. But now, she probably will love to see me on my death bed.' Mr. Myles utters sadly. Oliver couldn't say anything; he just stared at Mr. Myles helplessly.

Vanya was really worried about her mom. She searched every part of the house, but her mom was no where to be found. Her dad was a busy person, so she didn't care about his whereabouts. But her mom was always there to talk to her, so this particularly made her restless. Why late at night? Where did she go? This questions made her even more timorous. She checks the time, it was 1:48 am. It's morning, already; and mom is not yet back. Vanya says to herself. She phones The senator.

'Hello, Dad,' She greets.

'Hello, my little girl. Why aren't you asleep by now. It's late go back to bed now.'

'Dad, Mom is not at home. I don't know where she may be.' Vanya reports.

'You mom isn't home? Oh dear!' he says in an astonished tone. 'I'll talk to you later, tomorrow. Till then, you should have a good night sleep. Don't worry too much; I think she's okay, and if she's in any sort of trouble, I will handle it at the break of dawn.' He pauses. 'It's late and I couldn't make it back home: I got caught up with work, so I stayed in a lounge. Don't worry about me,' He says.

'Okay, Dad. But it's not normal for mom to leave home without informing anyone, and in the night at that.' She says the fact.

'Don't worry I've told you, your mom is safe.'

'Okay, Dad. If you say so.' She disconnects the call. 'I pray she's safe wherever she may be.' Vanya prays. She was not really satisfied with her dad's words. She sat in the Living room waiting for her mom. After sometime, her eyes were heavy. She didn't know when she dozed off, only to wake up to see the bright morning light.

'Mom has not called yet.' She rushes to her phone. She calls her mom Instantly, but she still didn't pick the call.

What's wrong? She asks herself. Mom never leaves the house so late at night, then why the sudden change? She sits on a couch.

'Hello, Vanya.' Angela greets as she resumes her daily duties.

'Good morning, Angela. Did my mom perhaps tell you anything about her location?' Vanya says, waiting eagerly for an answer.

'No. Are you looking for her?'

'Yes. I can't fathom where she could have gone, so late at night. It's not normal. My mom doesn't go to clubs, it's not her stuff,' Vanya grumbles.

Mrs. Theodore wakes up from her unconscious state. She was weak, and for some reason her head hurt badly. She looked around the empty garage. Scenes of the previous flooded her mind. She would have thought it to be a dream, if she didn't see Scorpion X standing right in front of her, with a pistol.

'You've woken up, aye? If I start with you, you would wish you hadn't woken up.' Scorpion X smirks. 'But you're a one fine woman. I don't understand why Senator Theodore would be so hard-hearted to tell me to do whatever I want with you.' He looks at her lustfully.

'What will you do to me?' She asks.

'I will do what every man would do to a pretty lady like you.' He says irritably.

Mrs. Theodore was disgusted by this man's guts. On the other hand, she was awfully frightened.

'Don't worry baby, I'm coming back for you, as soon as I deal with The Red Viper.' He draws an invisible line on her neck, with a dagger. He stands up, and then blows her a kiss, and leaves. Mrs. Theodore was exasperated by everything which was going on.

'What a butthole.' She says.

It was a bright morning. The birds chirping loudly. The wind whistling. Oliver wakes up immediately as his alarm starts to beep.

'It's morning, already?' He says in an insipid tone as he sets off the alarm clock. He takes his towel; he was going to have his bath, when he sees through the window, two police officers were approaching his house. He was curious to know what prompted such a visit.

Mr. Myles sat on the couch, reading a couple of newspapers, then he sees 2 uniform men approaching the house. As soon as Mr. Myles saw them, he was frightened. He knew of a fact he would end up in jail for selling drugs, if the policemen really came for the drugs; this meant he was a goner.

'Ding-dong' The doorbell rings loudly. The police were outside the house. They waited outside, inspecting the surrounding with their eyes. All of a sudden, the door creaks open.

'Good morning, Officers. How can I help you?' Mr. Myles asks.

'Good morning. Do you happen to know the owner of His house?' The police officer asks.

'I'm the one you looking for. Do you've a problem?' Mr. Myles says.

'Can we come in?'

'Of course, please come.' Mr. Myles opens his door wide for the officers to come in. Mr. Myles offers them coffee and takes his seat.

'What's the problem?'

'You're aware of the recent shootings in the neighborhood, aren't you?' One of the officer, a porcelain Skin toned lady with green eyes, asks.

'I am.' Mr. Myles answers.

'We've done a lot of investigations, and now we need an eyewitnesses. Perhaps, you could now know something Important.' The officer says.

Mr. Myles was quiet for some time. At first, Mr. Myles didn't want to tell on Rodney, but he saw the threat Rodney posed to him and the neighborhood. If Rodney was the robber that shot him that night, making him a leg less – He should be punished for his crime, he thought.

'I might know the armed robber that abducted the little girl.'

'Do you know him? We need all the information we can get. We need to safe the little girl's life,' the officer says. 'Please, tell us what you know.'

Mr. Myles takes a deep breath. He knew that the girl was already dead and that made him more angry. Then Mr. Myles speaks up, 'he's called Rodney. Before the incident that night, I saw him put on the mask. He broke into the house. I called the police as soon as I saw him enter the house.'

'Do you know his facial looks?' The officer asks curiously.


'Thank you for your cooperation. We will visit you again with a sketch artist,' One of the officers says. If you see Rodney around, please call us.' They hand him their card, and handshake him, and then leave.

After the left, Mr. Myles was relieved and happy that they didn't come for the drugs he had in his possession.

'Oh! Thank God.' Mr. Myles sighs in relief. He was also sad that the police was just too late. He saw the girl's lifeless body in that Scorpion X's warehouse.

'What's going on with the police officers?' Oliver asks from behind, as he walks to the door, to his father.

'Oh son, there was an armed robbery at our neighbor, Liam's house. The robber abducted Liam's little sister.' Mr. Myles narrates.

'Oh my goodness!' Oliver exclaims. 'So how are you involved in this crime?' Oliver asks.

'I'm not involved with it, but I'm an eyewitness. Rodney is the culprit; I saw him without his masks.' He divulges.

'Really? I knew Rodney as a gangster, but I didn't think he was this bad. Dad, please, don't get involved in all this stuff. I know how bad Scorpion X is. We have enough problems of our own.' Oliver stands up, and continues dressing up for school.