Li Chang was wearing a combat armored vest: a garment worn over the torso, which was equipped with clips, a dagger and a holster for his pistols. He stood near a console, watching the screen. 'Have you heard anything?' Is their any unnecessary drama around the neighborhood?' Li Chang asks Chao, one of his brothers (his gang.)

'No. It seems normal. Maybe The senator doesn't know you're out of prison.' Chao says.

'I don't trust The senator; he knows I jailbroke. The pilot would have told the prison. The senator sure has something under his sleeves. His trying to ambush me, but what he doesn't know, is that I'm prepared for anything.' Li Chang pulls out his gun. He blows dust off it, and draws back the slide, cocking it. 'It's going to be big.' Says Li Chang as he smile-smirks.

Charles walked to him. He was summoned by Li Chang.

'You called me; what's the problem?' Charles asks.

'I would love you to do me a favor. It's about senator Theodore. I want an informant, who will spy on The senator everyday. Can you be that informant?' Li Chang requests. 'Don't worry about your pay.'

'I will think about it, for now, I don't think I will speak further.' Charles replies. 'Can I go?'

'You can. Thank you for your time.' Li Chang says.

'Li!' Ruòxi, one of Li Chang's bosom friends, calls out. He was in front of the console, typing on the keyboard.

'Yes…?' Li Chang answers the call.

'I've gotten some information: Senator Theodore is married to Kate Theodore, and he has two children. A girl, who is called Vanya; and a boy, who ran from home.' Ruòxi informs Li Chang.

'… "A boy, who ran from home." It looks like his life is already in ruins, but I will make it worst. What school does his daughter attend?' He asks.

'Give me a minute.' Ruòxi types on the keyboard, then he speaks up. It's Cyberson's Gold Dream Academy!'

'Hmmm…! That's our first target – Get the girl.' Li Chang looks at Vanya's photo. 'What a pretty girl, it will be a pity to end her life.' He smiles mysteriously.

Vanya was at home, when Senator Theodore walked in with Mrs. Theodore.

'Mom…?' Vanya runs, and hugs her mom. She was euphoric to see her beloved mother.

'Mom, please, where did you go?' She asks affectionately. I thought you were in some kind of trouble.'

Mrs. Theodore didn't say anything; she just stared at the teenager girl.

'Mom, please say something.' Vanya pleads.

'Vanya, your mom needs rest. I'll take her to her room. She's really tired.' Senator Theodore takes Mrs. Theodore to her room. Vanya was a little suspicious; her Mom would always answer all her questions in situations like this – she would never leave her daughter in the dark.

In the room, Senator Theodore lay his wife down on the bed. She was still weak. It was all your fault, that I did this to you. You could have stayed away from a business that didn't concern you.

'Who was that?' She asks.

'She's your daughter.'

She rubs her head, and asks again.

'Am I married?' She was quite confused with her husband's reply.

'Yes, you're. You married to me.' Senator Theodore reveals.

'How come I don't remember anything?' She glares at The senator. 'Where am I?'

'You're in your house. Quit asking questions. You've to have a nice sleep.' He covers her with the blanket. 'You need rest.' He says, and leaves the room. Her memories were blank. She could remember only a few things.

Is that really my husband? Am I married? Do I really have a child? She asked herself.

Vanya was so worried about her mom. She walks to her mom's room, but before she could enter the room, Senator Theodore stops her.

'Your mom needs rest,' The senator reminds her.

'I know she needs her rest, but I need to ask her some questions: why did she leave late in the night? I really need answers.' Vanya says.

'It's a long story. I actually lied to you about your mom going to Singapore. I tried to cover the it, but the truth must come to light someday. Your mom had an accident that night. I called her so I could give her a surprise for being a perfect wife.

'It was just a horrible news to hear that she was involved in an accident. A stranger called me with your mom's phone to tell me the bad news. I rushed to the hospital. I couldn't see her because she was in the emergency ward. That night you called me, I couldn't tell you such a news. I kept it a secret. After some time, the doctor came out of the ward, he told me that I was very lucky to still have my wife alive. He gave me the worst news – Your mom's memories had been disrupted. She didn't remember anyone anymore, not even her little girl, Vanya.' Senator Theodore tells a blatant lie. He looked so sad as he spoke.

'No. It can't be; why didn't you tell me?' Vanya asks.

'I couldn't hurt you by telling you this. I saw how sad you would become.' He lies again, then he sobs. Vanya hugs her dad, and cries bitterly. 'So, mom won't recognize me anymore?' Vanya asks sadly.

'No, my little girl; your mom will recover soon.'

Charles stood near the Old bridge when a little boy runs to him with a phone.

'I got this phone there.' The little boy points at a corner in the old bridge. 'I think it's broken; It refuses to turn on.' The boy narrates.

Charles collects the phone. He tries to turn it on, but was out of battery. 'I think it's just low on power.' He explains to the boy, giving him back the phone, but the boy refuses to collect back the phone.

'Take it, I don't want it. My mom said I shouldn't take what is not mine.' He says, and walks away.

Charles inspects the phone. It was quite expensive. He could sell this and get the money.

Charles was still holding the phone, when Oliver arrived at the old bridge.

'Hello, bro.' Oliver embraces Charles, and they clasp hands.

'What's up?'

'I'm good, and you?' Oliver replies.

'Same. Have you met that crazy woman, again?' Charles asks.

'Not really. She hasn't showed up since that day,' Oliver answers calmly. 'What are you holding?' Oliver notices the phone.

'It's a phone; I want to sell it.'

'Let me see the phone.' Charles hands the phone to Oliver. 'It's nice!' Oliver exclaims.

'It's not turned on, but you can take it home to your house, and charge it.' Charles advises. Oliver was really excited.

'Oliver, aren't you tired of living with no money. You can make a lot of money, if you learn my trade.' Charles says.

Oliver was silent. He simply threw pebbles into the canal.

'Oliver, I need you to advise me. That guy you met that day, Li Chang, requests I should work for him.' Charles says.

'Do you know the guy, well enough to work for him?' Oliver asks.

'Please, don't tell anyone; it's top secret. I'm telling you, only because you're my friend.' Charles breathes in. 'That guy is the dreaded Red Viper.'

'What…?' Oliver glances at Charles. 'I thought the news went viral that the Red Viper had been arrested and taken to Russia.' Oliver says, astonished.

'I thought so, but he's out. He jailbroke and now he's in the US. He had his reasons. He isn't as bad as I expected; he's a nice guy.'

'That guy is involved in manor crime cases, like drug trafficking, guns trafficking: that guy is a confirmed trafficker, he traffics anything that he knows of, even diamonds. Don't forget he was also charged for murder.' Oliver says with a worrisome voice.

'We misunderstand people simply because of rumors. You can't tell how a person feels by just making wild guesses. It's good you see through the other person's perspective, in this case, a trafficker.' Charles tells Oliver.

'Since you trust him this much, you can work for him.' Oliver advises. 'But be careful; you can't trust anyone completely without them earning your trust.'

'Thanks, brother.' Charles says in appreciation.

'If I may ask, what type of work are you doing for him?' Oliver asks.

'He said I am going to spy on one senator. It won't be too difficult; I know my way around.'

'Be sure to be safe, brother.' Oliver says.

'I will.' He embraces Oliver. 'Thanks for your advice.'

They both sit and discuss about the weather – It was changing rapidly.