Mrs. Theodore was sitting on her bed. She was trying very hard to remember something. She stared at the open space in her room, then the door creaks open. Vanya makes her way into the room.

'Hello, Mom.' She greets.

'Hello,. What's your name, lovely girl?' She asks.

Vanya was very heartbroken that her sweet loving mother, could not remember her, not even her name.

'Mom, it's Vanya.' She answers.

'Mom…? Oh, you're my supposed daughter.'

Vanya walks to the four-poster bed. She sits by her mom.

'Mom…' She grasps her mom's hand. 'Mom, I promise you, that you'll regain your memory, very soon. I will make sure I shower you with all the love in the world; you'll have no other choice than to regain your memory.' She says sweetly.

'Your words are filled with love. You sound sincere. If I'm truly your mom, I would remember you, because love knows no bounds, and if I do remember you, I will be so proud to have a daughter like you.' Mrs. Theodore replies. She looks at the young lady and smiles.

'Mom, thank you. You're still ever sweet, even though you can't remember.' She kisses her mom's forehead. 'Mom, before you lost your memory, you said love can heal wounds. You thought me this poem.

#Title: Love heals all.#

#Your ailments may be bad, but love heals all.#

#Don't give up when love is around you.#

#Hate is only but a cliff, it leads to a fall.#

#Pain fades away in front of love so true.#

#Your ailments may be physical, but love is supernatural; it heals all.#

'Mom, it's a short poem, but the meaning is massive. I believe my love would heal you.' Vanya says hopefully.

'I have this feeling that you're truly my daughter, even if it turns out to be a misunderstanding, I'll always have your memories in my mind.' Mrs. Theodore says.

'Thank you.'

Li Chang was reloading his gun's clip with cartridges. He inserts the clip into the gun's magazine. He was shirtless; different drawings were tattooed on his chest and back. Every tattoo seemed to tell a different story. A story of triumph or of defeat. He didn't let anyone see him shirtless, even his guys.

He holds up his semi-automatic assault rifle, he pulls back the gun's harmer, cocking it.

He Could hear screams. He could feel someone clinging on his hands.

'Save me,' a vogue voice calls out. 'Please, save me.' She cries.

'Mei, please don't let go.' The young Li Chang tries to pull his sister up. 'Please, don't let go.' He tells her as she was holding on firmly to his hands. She was off a cliff. She was overhead the rocky plains. She shivered with fear. She was little, her eyes showed her innocence. She whimpers, sobbing slowly.

'I will help you.' Li Chang tries to calm her down. Then suddenly, someone fires a bullet to Li Chang, piercing his shoulder, and he lets go.

'No! Brother, please.' Mei cries, as she falls to her death. Li Chang was helpless, he was bleeding profusely.

He was snapped back to reality by the voice of Wu, one of his bosom friends.

'You're lost in thoughts, again.'

Li Chang was sad, fear written over his face.

'I don't want to harm any girl.' He says. 'My sister died because of me; I let go. I didn't want to any other girl, not even senator Theodore's daughter.'

'We need to hold her hostage, if we want to get senator Theodore.' Wu says with a strong Chinese assent.

'…Then we get The senator by other ways. We need something we can use to hold him down.' He looks at Wu firmly. 'If you must capture the girl don't hurt her.' He gives him the assault rifle.

'Li Chang, we'll excited our plan today. It will be a simple kidnap. We'll put a barrier in the way of the car, which will take the girl to school. Then we'll abduct her.' Wu explains.

'I'm not feeling too well, go with Ruòxi and the Serpent Brothers.' Li Chang says, lying on the exercise mat.


Vanya was on her way to school. She was thinking about her mom's condition. Instantly, the driver alightens the car. He looks at the car that was parked in front.

'Who is this fool that parked his car, here?' The drive says in exasperation. Immediately, someone places a switchblade on his neck and slides it through, cutting deep into his skin. Blood gushes out profusely, and the driver falls dead.

A guy enters the car. Vanya screams with a shrill voice. 'Help me! Help me!' The guy covers Vanya's mouth, and another guy injects Vanya with a substance, which reduces her energy flow, and she sleeps off.

'We got the girl. Why did you kill the driver?! He's not the one we are after.' Wu scolds the guy, who killed the driver. Then they drive off.

This was the day of the presentation of each groups projects. Every group leader was to come out and showcase their work to the whole school.

Maryam was disoriented; she didn't want to be the group leader anymore. Another member of the group was to represent the group.

Everyone; Students and teachers of CGDA (Cyberson's Gold Dream Academy,) were seated in the main hall.

'Good morning, Ladies and gentleman, children included. The presentation will begin, forthwith.' Mr. Albert says. 'This presentation will be an enlightenment, and the welcome of science innovations. Let the presentation begin.'

The first team was Stanley's team. He was to represent his team.

'Good morning to the principal of this honorable school, also to the teachers, and to the prestigious students, as well.

'Our project is on a solar panel. This is an example of how we can put renewable resources into good use in a way that doesn't harm our planet. This brilliant invention allows us to convert heat energy into electrical energy, and that's recommendable.

'This solar panel is a miniature of what we can do, if we put our mind to it. We made this solar panel in 8 workdays, then what can't we do?' He finishes his speech, and there was a clatter of applauds.

The second group to present was Oliver's. Angel was really nervous; she was having stage fright, and Oliver was to represent the group.

'Good morning to the principal and the school's administrative body, also to our industrious teachers, and to the virtuous students of this great school.

'I am Oliver Sparrow, and I am privileged to represent my group. Our project is based on a magnetic tracker.

'We can attest to the fact that criminal activities just as kidnapping has grown to it's climax. Civilians are opened to threats, so, we thought of a tracker. This trackers can be easily put in our pockets, and when theirs a problem in which you may not have the time to call the police, you can press the emergency button on this device and it will send your location to your loved ones, and they will immediately know where you're.

'We can also put it on any suspected criminal's car, so the police can track this person.

'We have done this project, only with team work. I believe if we work together our lives will be better. Thank you all for your time. Have a wonderful day.' There was a clatter of resounding applauds, as Oliver left the stage.

Several groups presented their project's and the inspiration behind it. It was the last group's turn – Maryam's group. Maryam was ashamed to be in this group. She was in the backstage. She buried her face in her palm.

'Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am John Voelz, I am here to represent my group.' John speaks up, he's German. You could here his impure accent. He stood erect with his head slightly facing down. There was fright in his eye. His mouth shakes a bit. 'As I said I am John Voelz and I… I am here to… to represent my group.' He looks at Maryam, who was at the backstage; she wished it was a horrible dream.

'We made a flashlight.' He says nervously. There was an uproar of laughter. 'A flashlight?' Some student asks humorously.

'Yes, a flashlight.' A familiar voice, brave with no fear, speaks. It was Maryam.

'Yes, a flashlight.' She says again.

'Do you laugh at this invention, just because you've seen it too many times? What you don't know is that, the flashlight you call common was invented with so much hard work and desperation. The light bulb you know of today, wouldn't have been a success if the inventor gave up. Just like us, he could have been frustrated; many people would have demeaned him, but with a lot of bravery he continued; he never gave up.' Maryam breathes in. Now there was total silence. 'Yes, a flashlight. This is what illuminates our world, when darkness rises. This is what shows us our paths when the natural light fails us. This torch inspired me, to stand here brave. I thought hard, I knew you would laugh at me. I myself thought I was a failure, but enough of that. Show me a man who does something phenomenal, without oppositions, and I'll show you a man who is surrounded by hypocrites.

This flashlight is not an ordinary invention. The light you call common would not be called common if it was never made. Just like this flashlight: Some of us conceal our talent just because we think the world have seen it all. But hear this, even the most talented man, if his talent is hidden from the world, he would die without making any impact, and he would be forgotten like every other man. So do you choose to remain hidden or to stand up and face the laughter. To me I'm a winner no matter what anyone says.' Maryam pours her emotions.

There was silence. The crowd were sobbing slowly. All the students were emotional. Soon afterward, an uproar of applauds roared loudly. The students clapped till their was no other sound heard.

After Maryam left the stage. He was a little emotional. He looks over to Maryam, who was walking slowly, down the stairs.

'What a speech… I couldn't compose this kind of speech, when I was her age.' He says humorously. Then he puts on his serious face.

'This is the last presentation for today. So, it's time for the judges to accumulate the scores of all the presentation of each group, accordingly. We'll see which group will be elected Cyberson's Gold Dream Academy's Geniuses for this year. Every students should send their votes.' The students applauds.

The judges were very busy, scoring each group. sometimes later, they submit the score sheets to Mr. Albert, who was standing close to the three judges as the scored.

'Now, in my hands, I've the scores of each group from the school poll, and the judges decision.' He turns to face Oliver, then to Stanley. His face didn't give any information away; it was firm with a glow of smile.

'..And the second runner-up group: 22% of the school poll, and 32% of the judges decision, is… Stanley Dion's group!' All the students applauds. All the groupmates went on the stage and collected their trophy with delight.

'Only one group will be crowned the school geniuses. Now, for our runner-up group: 30% of the school poll, and 34% of the judges decision, is… Oliver Sparrow's group.' Oliver was not too happy, because Vanya was not here to celebrate with them. All the other teammates were really excited. They took the trophy.

'Now, it's time to declare the winners of this year's CGDA geniuses. Without giving anything away, the winners of CGDA's geniuses for this year, goes to the group which inspired everyone. You may call their invention little, but this invention stood out… Give it up for Maryam Dyall's group!' There was a loud clatter of applauds. Maryam couldn't believe it. She jumps, and then screams unconsciously. Her teammates were astonished, as well. They didn't know when the hugged each other. Maryam's face glowed with happiness as they were given the ultimate trophy of the geniuses of the year. It was simply amazing, and Maryam was completely speechless.

'What do you have to say, Maryam?' Mr. Albert asks Maryam, who was stupefied. She breathes in, her heartbeat ever-increasing. She looks at her team, then at the students.

'I don't know what to say; I'm flabbergasted. I didn't have it in mind to win this, not even a bit; I just poured out my emotions. Thank you for voting for me in the school poll.

'Before I drop the microphone, I think I'll have to do something very important.' She faces her teammates, and says, 'I'm very sorry for trying to demean you in any way or if I sounded pejorative; you all are unique and special in your own ways. I don't think I can find any other teammates that are better than you.' Maryam says, and then drops the microphone. Her teammates were very happy. The only smiled as she walked to them.

'Thank you all, especially you John. You may not show it, but you're the bravest of us all; you represented our team even though we lost all hope.' John smiles.

'You're the best; you saved me from a public embarrassment.' John says slowly.

Then suddenly, they hear an upbeat music coming from the loudspeakers.

#Title: Let the winners rise.#

#Let the winners rise.#

#Oh, Oh oh.#

#Let them rise, to the sun, when it shines.#

#Let the winners rise.#

#Oh, Oh oh.#

#Let them rise, to the stars, above.#

Maryam smiled as she heard the song, and then she and her classmates sang along.

#Like the birds, flying really high.#

#Like the flame that can't be quenched.#

#We're rising, as winners.#

#Let the winners rise.#

#Oh, Oh oh.#

#Let them rise, to the sun, when it shines.#

#Let the winners rise.#

#Oh, Oh oh.#

#Let them rise, to the stars, above.#

#Let the winners rise.#

The music ends.