At 4:45pm, Oliver got ready to leave for Stanley's home. Mr. Myles was acting strange all afternoon. He was acting mysteriously. He was made a hostage of his own thoughts.

'Dad, are you okay?' Oliver taps his dad.

'Yes, of course I am. Where are you going to?'

'A friend invited me to have dinner with his family. I will be back soon.' Oliver says.

Mr. Myles had the urge to ask him where he got the strange phone from, but this would alter his plan of blackmailing the Senator, so he evades the thought.

'Have a good time.' He says to Oliver.

'Bye, Dad.' Oliver says, and leaves the house.

As Oliver walked, someone walked closely behind him – a lady with a hoodie. Oliver notices this, and increases his walking pace. He walks very fast, and then hails the first taxi he sees. The lady didn't give up; she enters her car, and drives behind the taxi.

'I'm sure that is the crazy lady.' Oliver thinks out loud.

'I beg your pardon...' the driver says.

'I'm sorry, I wasn't talking to you. Take me to Beverly hills ASAP, please.' The driver zooms off.

When the taxi arrived at the mansion, Oliver dismounts the car, and walks to the gate. The Lady stopped a distance from the mansion. She takes a couple of pictures, and then she calls someone.

'I've something for your blog. It will earn you massive cash.' The lady smiles.

As soon as it was verified that Oliver was invited by Stanley Dion, he was allowed in.

'Good evening, sir.' Oliver greets, as the butler takes him inside the magnificent building. Inside was massive and gorgeous. Every where was of a high luster. Most Furniture had gold carats placed on it. The stairs were made of the finest glasses, and banister of gold. The parlor was large and impressive. The atmosphere carried a strong scent of fragrance.

'Wow, what elegance! What a house!' He gapes around the house.

'Hello, brother.' Stanley calls out from the back.

'Good evening, Stanley.' Oliver turns to Stanley. 'I made it. Brother, Mom don't want to separate us.'

'You're welcome to my house. You're just in time for dinner. Mom will be astonished to see you.' Stanley leads Oliver to the dining room. There was a long dining table, right at the middle of the room. Many aides were all around, setting the dishes on the table. The served different delicacies on the dining table. Caramel and Asantel Dion walk into the room. Asantel's mode changed, as soon as she saw Oliver standing right opposite her.

What is he doing here? She murmurs. Caramel was fairly surprised to see Oliver again, after that night in Vanya's house. 'Good evening, Sir and ma'am.' Oliver greets the couple.

'Good evening, young man.' Caramel greets back.

'Dad, may I introduce Oliver, my brother, to you.' Stanley outbabbles. Asantel felt like the world was closing on her. What are you saying, Stanley?' Asantel winks at him, as she recovers her composure.

'Dad… I... I meant … He's my friend.' Stanley stammers.

Caramel walks to Stanley. He puts his hand over his shoulder. 'Why are you so tensed? It's not bad to call your friend, 'brother'. Or do you have anything concealed in your heart?'

Stanley gulps, and he breathes softly.

'Dad, there's nothing; nothing at all. You said a food eaten while warm is the most delicious; and our food is getting cold.' Stanley evades the question, and sits on his chair. Caramel Dion follows suit, but Asantel was reluctant to sit. She just glared at Oliver, who was edgy.

'Oliver, I heard many amazing thinks about you, from Stanley. He said you're really smart; even on your first day in school, you answered a technical question. Is that true?'

'I answered all the questions based on what I learnt. I'm basically not as smart as you may think I am.' Oliver answers meekly.

'Okay, but I can see you're intelligent; how you answered my question now, is remarkable.' Caramel compliments, and then notices Asantel's uneasiness. 'What's wrong my love?' He asks.

'It's nothing serious; I just feel a little bit unwell, today. You can have dinner without me.' Asantel says, and stands.

'No, love. We always have dinner as one big happy family. Sometimes I cut my schedule, just to make it on time for dinner. It's a family tradition, and that won't change now.' He smiles and stands from his seat to Asantel. I can see worry lurking in your eyes. What's the problem?'

Oliver saw how authentic Caramel's love for his mom was. How he spoke to her tenderly, and how he treated her sweetly, were all evidence of his love.

'Okay. I think I'll respect the tradition. Let's have dinner.' Asantel says.

'Okay.' He draws a seat for her, and she seats, before he goes back to have his own seat. Asantel still had her stare fixed at Oliver.

The aides dish the food for the lot.

After the meal, Stanley took Oliver for a walk, round the garden.

'I noticed how Mom looked at you. She was not pleased to see you eating with us.' Stanley says there was silence. Oliver didn't want Stanley to have any reason to doubt Asantel Dion. So he Prevaricates the question:

'I am going to miss you, even though I just found out you're my brother, recently. I wish I would keep in touch with you, but sadly, I don't have a phone.' Then, Oliver remembers the phone, which Charles showed him earlier. He had not returned yet.

'Oh no!' He exclaims.

'What's wrong?'

'I just forgot to do something, but I bet it can wait. Stanley, when do you leave?' Oliver asks.

'I will leave next week, Thursday.' He says.

It was getting a bit late, so, Caramel instructs his chauffeur driver to take Oliver back home. Oliver bids goodbye to Stanley as he leaves.