Vanya was in an unknown location. Then suddenly, a man walks to her, holding a dagger. He walked slowly. Vanya babbles, because of the gag in her mouth. She struggles with her tied hands.

'Shhh… ' The man goes to her back. Vanya felt the rope rub hard on his skin. Then the rope falls off – She was released. 'I'm here to help you. I work for your dad.' He releases her, and they both escape the basement.'

It was not too long before they reach a car, packing along the street.

'Enter, my lady.' He opens the car door for her to go in. Then, he enters the car in a hurry.

'Who are you?' She couldn't see his face because he was wearing a hood and a full-face mask.

'Who I am is not important. You need to get to safety as soon as possible.' He turns the ignition key, and the car starts soon afterward.

'Why is my dad involved in this?' Vanya asks, but no reply. The man drives her to an unknown location, where The senator was waiting.

'My daughter?' Senator Theodore rushes to his daughter and embraces the feeble girl.

'Dad….?' She looks at her dad. 'Thank you his Dad; you rescued me.'

'Oh, my daughter.'

The senator ushers his daughter to his car, and then he returns to the stranger.

'Where's Li Chang now?'

'I don't know; I won't tell you anything. I've betrayed a friend this one time; I won't do it again.' The stranger says, reaching for his gun, which was concealed behind him.

'I promised you $1,000,000 for Li Chang's head and the release of my daughter. Don't try to act smart with me, or else…you won't get any of the money.' The senator threatens.

'Okay. I will get back to our hideout as soon as possible, to avoid suspicion. I will personally give you Li Chang's head.'

The hooded man enters his car. I will keep my end of the deal, better keep yours.' He drives off.

Li Chang assembled his gang, the serpent brothers. His eyes were red with anger. His hand was fidgeting, he held his semi-automatic assault rifle. He walked slowly, scrutinizing his gang.

'I trusted you all as my brothers. I told you my secrets, just because I thought we were one. Now, I see how foolish I've been. Someone has betrayed me badly.' He faces Háoyû, the youngest among them.

'Please, I didn't do it. I didn't release the girl, Viper.' He says with fright. His eyes were tearing up, his eyes welled with tears. Li Chang points his pistol at the young boy, with the muffler muzzle touching his lips.

'Can you see; I didn't say anything about the girl, so how did you know I was talking about the girl?!' Li Chang yells. He jabs the boy on his stomach with the rifle's stock.

'I hate traitors.' He puts the pistol's muzzle into Háoyû's mouth.

'Greet the dead for me.' He pulls the trigger, shatters the boys brain with the bullet, and he falls dead.

Li Chang marches in front of his gang.

'Anyone that betrays me will be killed like young Háoyû. Is that girl?'

'Yes, sir.' The gang reply.

Li Chang breathes in, and gestures Ruòxi and Wu to follow him, as he walks to his room.

'Sir, how are you sure it was Háoyû?' Wu asks.

'He was uneasy and he told me what the problem was without me saying it.' Li Chang replies.

'Viper, you could have looked deep into the matter, before killing Háoyû. You know he is just 17 years old, and he's new to the gang.' Ruòxi says.

Li Chang cocks his pistol. He sits near the window and looks through it, watching the sun rise above the horizon.

'I know he's young and he probably did it for money, but a betrayal is a betrayal. Perhaps The senator knows my location. We need to act fast. Let's have a good plan to ruin The senator completely.' Li Chang says with resentment lurking in his eyes. 'I will be more than glad to end his life.'

Mrs. Theodore was sitting on her bed. She just watched the sun rise. Then immediately, her doors squeak open. Angela comes in.

'Good morning, Mrs. Theodore.' Angela greets, taking Mrs. Theodore's laundry.

'Good morning, nice lady. Please, I've not seen that teen girl around, recently. I miss her company dearly,' Mrs. Theodore says. 'Do you know where she may be?' She asks.

Angela was totally mute. She just stopped everything she was doing. She looked really sad.

'I don't really know. She have been missing for the past 3 days. I've been so worried about her. I pray that she's well, where ever she may be.' Angela utters sadly.

'I feel a strong connection with her. If anything happens to her, I fear that something in me will die. Please, as soon as you find her, I would love to see her.' Mrs. Theodore says.

'I believe my faith in God's word will deliver Vanya from every trouble. I will always keep on praying for her.' Angela says. She leaves with the dirty laundry.

As soon as Mrs. Theodore heard the name Vanya for the second time, something happened to her: She was sent on a memory voyage. She was still. She saw vogue memories. It reminded her something, like she was gaining her lost memory.

'Vanya…?' She breathes in, and suddenly falls to the ground, unconscious.

The senator phones the commissioner.

'Hello, my friend. I've gotten my daughter back. I want you to take it from here. Kill Li Chang and the rest of his gang. I've a spy amongst them.'

'Okay, Sir. I knew you had your ways. Do you know his location?'

'No. But I believe his location won't be a secret for two long.'

Then immediately, The senator arrives at his house. Vanya was asleep when they reached; she hadn't rested properly since the kidnap.

'Vanya, my dear.' He wakes her up. 'You're home.' Vanya's face beams with a smile. She was really excited to be home. She ran as fast as she could, inside. She runs to her mom's room, to see her after 3 days. But it wasn't good to see her mom, lying unconscious in the bedroom.

'Mum…? Mum!' She yells, running to her mom. 'Dad, what happened to her?'

'I don't know.' Senator Theodore replies, while he enters the room, behind Vanya.

They soon went to the hospital. Senator Theodore and his daughter were seated at the reception, restless and worried.

The doctor calls The senator for a private conversation.

'What's it, Doc?' The senator asks.

'The damage of that chemical to her brain is just too much. It affected her cognitive; if she tries too hard to remember the past, it may alter her brain functions. This chemical's effect may result to brain cancer, if we are not careful enough.

'Try everything to give her a new life. Meanwhile, she will be taking the drugs which I'll prescribe. This may be the only thing that will save her life.' The doctor narrates.

The senator was badly affected by the news, even though he doesn't care about his wife, he cares for and loves his daughter, Vanya. He knew Vanya wouldn't take the pain if anything happens to her mom. The senator would do everything to avoid hurting his daughter.

'Thank you, Doc.' He stands up from the seat. 'I really appreciate everything you've done for me.' He says and leaves slowly.