Vanya didn't trust her new body guard. He looked really wicked, the eyepatch made her fears worst. Vanya wrote on a piece of paper, and passes it to Maryam.

'Please, I want to lose this guy the call my bodyguard. Distract him or something, I want to go outside without his knowledge.' Maryam reads it. She frowns at Vanya.

Wu's attention was strictly on Vanya. Then suddenly, Maryam walks to him.

'Hello, one-eyed captain.' She says.

He looks at her angrily.

'Wait, let me show you a magic trick I learnt last summer. Watch carefully.' She brings out a card stock and writes a number on it. She puts it in front of Wu, and the number disappeared.

Wu was surprised. How did the number disappear? He though, as he looked at the card stock. Vanya sneaks and runs from Wu's sight.

'Good!' Maryam says happily. 'The trick is simple, get two…' Maryam narrates, still looking out for Vanya.

Vanya sneaked out to meet her brother, Maxwell. Senator Theodore told Vanya strictly not to do so. Maxwell called after several years of no communication. She was curious why he called.

'Vanya, my sister!' Maxwell calls out running to hug her.

'Maxwell!!' She embraces her brother. 'Where have you been?'

'Let us speak in my car.' They both walk to the car and enter it.

'Vanya.' He breathes in. 'I am so happy you're okay. I called mom some weeks ago. I told her about the senator.' He says.

'You called mom? Mom, hasn't regained her lost memories, and what did you tell her about Dad?' She asks.

'I knew something like this would happen; I just know it. Did Mom go out with Senator Theodore on the day her memory was wiped out?' Maxwell asks.

Vanya pauses for a moment, and then she nods.

'Oh God! What did he tell you happened to her?'

'He said she was involved in an accident. Why the questions? You are scaring me.' She says.

'Dad is not who we think he's. He's not a saint, but a criminal. I'm certain that mom found this out, and she was unlucky to get caught. Please, Vanya, be careful.'

'You're wrong. Dad is a nice person.'

'No, he's not. He may act nice to you, but not to others. He's not a person you can trust. I'm going back to the UK, soon.'

Vanya remembered she was kidnapped some weeks ago. She had accepted that it was her father's political opponents, but on second thought, her brother can't hate his own dad without a reason. Now, she was thinking hard about the truth.

'Maxwell, I'm not sure you've the right information about Dad, as well as yourself. You live with the guilt that you killed your biological mother.'

'How did you know I killed my mom? I want to speak about that.' Maxwell states.

'No, you didn't kill her. A small cigarette wouldn't have gotten the whole house burned. It's not the cigarette that killed your mom. You're not the murderer you think you are. The guilt You bare is not your own.' Vanya says.

'What are you saying?' Maxwell asks.

'Angela told me everything about your past: the reason you left home.' Charles states.

'She didn't know the reason why I left. I left because Dad hated me to an extend he didn't want to see me happy. I loved playing musical instruments. I wanted to be a musician, but how can a person who detests you, trust you? He said I lacked the talent, and he told me to study science, but I had no interest for that. I studied hard, and became a professional musician. He called me names, and said I was a failure. Hearing from Dad was very hurtful, but not as hurtful as finding out that my Dad sold illegal substances, and stolen diamonds. I wanted to go and start my life all over again, because I got tired of living like this. With the sole help of Mrs. Kate, I went to UK. She tried to stop me, but I had made up my mind.' Maxwell explains.

'Mom knew what was going on?'

'I told her, but she had a hard time, believing, just like you. But she still supported me, she thought I wanted to be free.'

'Is Dad this bad?'

'He's worst. That guy who was all over the news for trying to cause mayhem in Mr. Williams' manor, is actually the victim. Senator Theodore almost got his eyes removed.' Maxwell explains.

'Oh no! Dad can't be this horrible!' Vanya outcries.

'I want to meet with Kate Theodore.' He states. Then suddenly, Wu walks out of the classroom in search of Vanya.

'Oh no! That's my bodyguard.' Vanya ducks, so she isn't seen.

When Maxwell saw Wu, he remembered seeing him in the Manor with Scorpion X.

'What the hell! This guy was there. I think he's the Senator's accomplice. I can't stay here any longer, it's looking dangerous. I will return to UK ASAP.'

Wu walks past the car, without seeing Vanya.

'You have to get back to the class. I will keep in touch with you.' He says.

Vanya walks back to the class, as fast as possible.

'Oh Gracious me!' Maxwell drives out of the school.

Oliver sat on a big rock, just viewing the drawings. He was yet to figure it out.

'I was much more younger than you when my family was wiped out.' A voice speaks from the back.

Oliver turns to see who it was, and it was Li Chang.

'I know you may be finding it very hard to adapt, but life don't always give you what you have.' Li Chang sits beside him.

'I was a young boy. I only knew that my dad was a chieftain but I never truly knew the clan. They came to wipe out the clan.' Li Chang says.

'Who's the "they" ?'

'This are the people who wants to ruin this world. They want to cause chaos by breaking the peace. We have something that they want, but I can't tell you what we have; it was kept as a secret for two generations.' Li Chang says. 'Enough of the questions. Curiosity isn't always good, it can land you in a mess.' Li Chang stands and leave.

'Take this money and run,' Oliver heard his dad's voice. It was coming again. He heard a sound whirring loudly. His head was aching badly. He whimpers, as he covers his ears.

'You will die like your father, you can't achieve anything.' He heard.

'I'll never die unfulfilled!' Oliver breathes deeply, as he proclaimed this, the voice left him and he was fine, except a slight headache.

Oliver knew he wasn't fine, the trauma was eating deep into his soul.

Charles walks to him, and sits beside him.

'I want to make some money, and I can't, because no one takes drugs here. It seems they're all monks or something. I don't even know why Li Chang changed so much. He's a king, a monarch, whatever, he should at least have fun.' Charles says.

'You're talking out of selfishness. You want others to damage their lungs, just for monetary gain. Not everything is for cash.' Oliver says, he stands up and walks back to the house.

'No one is like minded to me.' Charles murmurs and frowns.

'You want to sell drugs? I'm like minded.' A strange guy says. 'I'm Jiäohuà, Li Chang's cousin. I noticed that Li Chang a lot as he returned. He had never been devoted to his people, he is now devoted. But I love money; let's do the business together, we'll grow in wealth, and Li Chang will be dethroned by me.' Jiäohuà says.

'What the heck! Jiäohuà, you're not in your right senses. I don't want to dethrone anyone, I just want cash.' Charles says.

'You'll have your cash, and I'll have my throne.' Jiäohuà tells him.

'Please, I don't know who you're and you don't know me either. I'm Charles, Li Chang's guest. I can't start plotting against him. I also work for him, or worked for him. Sorry buddy, I can't do it. Thank you.' Charles leaves him alone. Jiäohuà laughs and stares at Charles as he leaves.

Li Chang sat near the stream, when two ladies walk to him. They looked very official with black suits.

'Li Chang, the council wants to see you.' One of the lady speaks.

'The council can still remember us; what a relief!' Li Chang says scornfully. 'I don't understand. Why do they need me to come. I begged them just to see them, but they refused, even though my family was gruesomely murdered.' Li Chang says.

'You can complain to them when we reached the council. For now, you must obey.' The first girl speaks again.

'I refuse to come with you.' Li Chang frowns.

The first girl reveals a whip, and the other, a club.

'You must come with us; either peacefully or forcefully.' The girls say to him.

He looks at them with a scowl. He didn't want to go, but he had to. He knew this girl's were specially skilled in fighting. And he didn't want to fight of which will reveal his greatest weakness – anger.

'I'll come with you.'

Li Chang entered a cave, which was the exist from Shéshizú. It was an underground path. They walked for a distance, then they enter an elevator. The elevator was guarded by guards, which had the Shéshizú markings (The curled up snake coming out of the skull,) on their faces. It was a rough ride up. The elevator reaches its destination, and opens. They were in a building outside a mountain. No wonder Charles couldn't have climbed outside.

Shéshizú was surrounded by mountains. it was just in the middle.

Li Chang reaches a skyscraper. It looked like it was touching heaven. The ladies usher Li Chang inside and leads him to an elevator, and up they went to the top floor. The elevator peeps as it reaches its destination. Li Chang walks out of the elevator into the magnificent room. 20 military generals were seated behind a horizontally curved table. There was a large printing of the Shéshizú markings, on the glass wall, behind them.

'Li Chang, son of Häo hàn Chang, the Chieftain of Shéshizú, you're welcome.' One of the generals speaks.

The two ladies leave Li Chang, and walk back to the elevator and leaves the room.

'You've grown so much; 16 years has passed by.' An elderly woman, Näinäi, says. – A true son of Shéshizú.–

'Greetings, the council of Shéshizú, the snake clan.' Li Chang greets.

A man in the middle of the seat, who had a long white beard. He was wearing a tuxedo with a marking of Shéshizú. He looks at Li Chang with a frown.

'Son of Häo hàn Chang, you've proved to be weaker than your father, who fought hard to protect Shéshizú. You came to Hong Kong without visiting the council. You can't stay in Hong Kong; your presence is dangerous for Shéshizú and the world.

'We arranged this meeting, so that the council will make your quick travel back to the US as soon as possible.' The man says.

'The head of Council, I am sorry I won't go back to the US. I can't go back. I've come to lead and protect my people.' A grey haired woman says.

'No, you're not. You're doing this for your own selves. What did you do to help Shéshizú when we were in trouble? My dad and family died because of your silence. I will lead my people; and this time, I won't need your help.' Li Chang pours out his anger.

'This is the council's decision, and it's final. Go against the council at your own risk. We'll stand on our word, as long as we live.' The head of council, the man with the white long beard, states firmly.

' … " As long as you live"?' Li Chang snickers. 'This is my people, and I'll do anything for them.' Li Chang says, and walks away, but the council guards block the exist, and they hold up their guns, ready to pull the triggers.

–Outrageous!– The grey haired woman says in Chinese. 'Li Chang you have insulted the council by walking out. You deserve a death sentence. But you're the chieftain of Shéshizú; I will let you live for this reason. Disobey the council at your own risk.' She gestures the guards to put down the gun.

Li Chang leaves the room, livid. Anger was tearing deep into him.