Oliver was having a blissful time with Vanya. The two talked about the past. Oliver gives her a rose he brought before coming to the mansion.

The air was dry but cool. The cool breeze brushes on their skin. A strong scent of roses overpowered the nostrils of the two. The sun was far enough not to burn their skins; it shined brightly above.

Vanya was ever beautiful. She was perfect, but everyone has his flaws, but to Oliver, she was the world. Watching her talk gave him a chill down his spine. He felt his love for her ever growing, not because of her beauty, but because of her heart... Plus her beauty.

Oliver smiles, then he remembers the title of that book again. 'Bullet, roses and quirks.'

He holds her hands. '3 years passed, and yet my love for you never died out. You became my favorite dream, and every other dream compared to yours was a nightmare.' Oliver gives her a bouquet of flowers.

'I have a gift for you, too. You've always sought after a family. I've gotten you a gift, one you always wished for,' Vanya says. 'Come in.' The Dion's whole family was there. Stanley runs and hugs Oliver.

'Oh, my brother,' Oliver says. 'How dearly I have missed you.'

'Brother, I thought you were dead. We searched everywhere for you,' Stanley says.

Asantel Dion walks to Oliver. She smiles and hugs Oliver for the first time. Tears streamed down her face.

'Years has passed, the time became longer. I always wanted to tell you how much I love you, from the time you were born, but greed was always in me. I didn't want to leave you, but my friends urged me to. I will always be there for you now,' Asantel Dion says.

'I love you, too, mom. I always wanted so much as a hug from you. I always wanted to have a mom, and now all my wishes has come to pass. I always be grateful.' Oliver smiles.

'Oliver, I am sorry for what happened to your...'

'It's okay, mom. If I remember Dad, I'm prompted to cry. I can't hold the pain even if time has gone by. He was always there for me. I shared all my moments in life with him, and yet he's not here in my happy moments.' Oliver says.

'He's gone to somewhere better than here. Somewhere peaceful, away from this world of pain,' Vanya says.

Caramel Dion was also there, watching everything. He simply stared at Oliver. He saw Oliver as a smart young man.

'Oliver, put everything in the past let's see the present. Let's have a party to celebrate your return, my brother.' Stanley says.

Oliver frowns, and then his phone rings. He picks it up.. 'Oliver, where are you? I'm in the US.'

'What the heck! What are you doing in the US?' Oliver asks.

'I came to get you. No worries, I'm fine. I just want to watch over my brother.' Charles says.

'Like seriously? You left your life behind just to check up on me? I've never had such a selfless before; that's why you are not just a friend but a brother, but I as a brother, I am telling you to go back.'

'I will go back as soon as I see you. So where are you?' Charles asks.

'I am in... Senator Theodore's house.' Oliver tells Charles, he gasps, almost collapsing; maybe it was a heart attack or strock.

'What did you say? Oliver, you can make dangerous jokes; I almost lost my heart.' Charles says with a stifled voice. 'Wait a moment let me get rid of this heart attack.' Charles says.

'Where are you? I want to come get you?' Charles asks again.

'I told you the truth; I'm in the senator's house. I figured out the effective ways to get rid of an enemy is sticking close and learning their moves... Hello, Charles. Are you there?' Oliver asks, but Charles had fainted on the floor. 'Can you hear me? What's wrong, Charles?'

Charles wakes up. 'I'm fine, don't worry, I'm alright.' Charles says, and calls Oliver again. 'I'm coming to safe you. I will kill that idiot as soon as I get there; how dare him kidnap you!' Charles says in fury.

'You've got it all wrong. I am living there for the meantime.'

'You sure have guts; thick skinned.'  Charles hails a taxi, and leaves for the Senator's house.

Mãyï came in front of the surgeon. He smiles.

'Hello, Mister Surgeon. I gave you all the informations you needed, I need my reward.'

'I need one more information. Where's the guests you told me about? I need to know who is with the key.'

'My reward first! If not, my mouth will remain shut.' Mãyï says.

'You've no right to order me arround. You've to tell me, if you want to live.' The surgeon reveals a sharp scissors. 'Now tell me, where is the guests?!'

'He went back to where he came from, the US.' Mãyï reveals.

The surgeon smiles. 'I see. What did I say about your reward, again? My reward is equals to the devil's, so I will let you go to the afterworld.' The surgeon stabs Mãyï severally on his stomach. Mãyï falls, and dies.

'Burn this place down to ashes. I'm going to the US, now.' The surgeon says

'Sir, what about the people; the children?' One of the soldiers asks.

'Oh, you would love to join them! Burn them with the place. And hey, thank you for caring so much, but I don't need affectionate soldiers.' The surgeon turns swiftly with a switchblade, and the soldier falls down. His neck has been slit, and blood gushes down. No one tried to help him.

They gathered the people together into a line, and shot them one after the other, giving them a less painful death, compared to burning them alive.