Charles arrived at the mansion, and he calls Oliver, again.

'Hello, Charles.' Oliver receives the call.

'I'm outside the mansion, and the guards are threatening to tear me into shreds. If I get angry I might teach them a lesson.'

Vanya walks into the garden, where Oliver was standing.

'Vanya, thank goodness you're here. My friend Charles just arrived at your house. He came into the country just recently.' Oliver says.

'Oh... I would love to host both of you in my house, but I don't think Dad will let him stay. But nevertheless, I will try to convince my father.' Vanya says, and leaves.

Vanya comes back after sometime.

'My dad agreed! Wow!' She says.

The gate was opened, and Charles was allowed in.

'Hello, Charles, my brother.' Oliver hugs Charles.

'Vanya, may I introduce Charles, my best friend and brother. Charles, meet Vanya, my special friend.'

Vanya stretches forth her hands, and Charles handshakes her.

'So you're Charles, I'm delighted to meet you.'

'I'm more delighted. Oliver never really told me that you are this beautiful. It's nice meeting you.'

'Can he stay here for a few days then he can return?' Oliver asks.

'Of course, he can.' Vanya says.

Ivan Yerikvich was in town. He invited Senator Theodore to his party, but why? Vanya asks. If he was Senator Theodore's greatest enemy once, it was unusual. Vanya was ready to vindicate her brother, at any cost, and this was the right time to do this. Oliver had to help her do this, since he was the closest person to her. She looks outside her window, and Oliver was down there. He stood there.

Vanya comes down from her room, down the stairs, and walks outside.

'What are you doing here?' She asks.

'It's nothing, is just that I can't still believe I'm with you after so many years. I just wanted to see you, but I didn't want to disturb you. I can't just... I want to always be with you, that makes me happy.'

'I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here with you. Let me get you to my usual spot. It's actually the best. Come with me.' Vanya walks to the terrace of the house. 'I always look over the city from here. I always watch the sky, it's exceptional. In the night the stars become the jewelries of the sky, the glint. If I stand here the soothing sensation of the cool breeze is fantastic.'

'It's nice. You're so sweet. Standing here is special, only because you're with me. Everywhere becomes special if you're with me. The time becomes slow because I don't really care if I'm with you. Vanya, I haven't ever seen a girl like you, not in a million. I'm sorry I may not be your night in shiny armor, but I love with every bit of me.' Oliver says. Then the thunder rumbles loudly, and it starts to drizzle. The surrounding felt really cold.

'Even the sky is jealous of you.' Oliver jokes, and Vanya giggles.

'Oliver, I need your help. My brother...'

'So, it's true. You've a brother!'

'How did you know?' Vanya asks, confused.

'It's nothing, I'm simply surprised you've a brother.'

'Yes, I have a brother. He's called Maxwell. He thinks he did something hideous to his mom as a child, but I know it's not true. I need you to help me find the truth.' Vanya utters.

Oliver looks at her in a caring manner. 'You ought not to ask. You've always helped me without condition. Now, I promise you that we'll find the real culprit. I will make sure we find out the evidence to vindicate your brother.' Oliver states firmly.

'Thank you.' Vanya smiles.

The rain increased rapidly. The drizzle turned to an intense rainfall.

'I want to tell you something about your dad.' Oliver says.

'What's that?'

'I came back for... The reason why I... I don't think it's important, let's forget about it.' Oliver says.

'No, I need to know.'

Angela walks to the two.

'Vanya, Senator Theodore wants to see you.' She says.

'Okay.'  Vanya says, and back to Oliver. 'I need to know what you have in your mind. I will be back.' She says, and leaves with Angela.

Oliver had to hide the fact that he came back to avenge his father. But he wanted Vanya to know the truth.

Oliver walks into his room, and he was shocked to see Charles on his bed.

'Charles...? Charles,' He taps him. 'What are you doing here?' Charles stretches his hand and hits Oliver.

'Dude, you've a room.' Oliver says, but Charles was fast asleep. 'What a friend!' Oliver brings out a pillow, and lies on the couch in his room, and his back never remained the same; he could hear his back creak.

'Now, please, Charles get off my bed.' Oliver says, but Charles just tossed and turned. Oliver had to stay in the couch, because he didn't want to bother anyone for another room.

He sits on the couch. He could remember his father again. He remembers the moment his father was shot dead. The tears fell off from his eyes. We can never truly forget those we love.

In the morning, the warm sun was up, but Oliver was down on the floor. His back ached, and Charles was there to massage it for him.

'I'm sorry that I slept on your bed.'

'It's okay, I simply had to manage.' Oliver says.

Vanya knocks on the door. 'Can I come in?' She asks.

'Of course, you can.' Oliver says.

She walks in.

'Good morning, Oliver. I wanted to know if you would love to go with me to a get-together party. I think you would love to see your old classmates.' Vanya says.

Oliver smiles. He really wanted to see Maryam and Charlotte again. 'Just give me a minute. I will be with you.'

'Okay.' She walks to her room.

  Charles frowns at Oliver. 'Do you want to leave me in this monster's house, all alone? I can't stay here, it's really frightening.' Charles says.

Oliver chuckles. 'You just have to manage. I'll be back before you know it.' Oliver does his daily routine, and he was ready. He wore a blue suit, and groomed himself, looking nothing but fantastic. He walks out of his room, only to see Vanya who was simply gorgeous; to Oliver everything she wore was gorgeous.

'Vanya, you look breathtaking.' Oliver says.

'And you look amazing, too.' Vanya replies.

'I can't wait to see Maryam, and Charlotte, and my friend Angel.' Oliver says.

They reached the venue, and almost all the old students of CGDC were present. They gasped as they saw Oliver and Vanya walk into the room.

'Look who's here, Vanya, and... Oliver!' Maryam says happily.

'Oliver, where were you?' Maryam asks.

'It's a very long story, and at the meantime I'm happy to see you again.' He hugs her.

Charlotte walks to Vanya and Oliver.

'Charlotte, how's France?' Vanya asks.

'Good. I'm happy to see you.' Charlotte hugs Vanya, and Oliver.

Angel ran to hug Oliver as soon as she saw him.

'My dear Oliver, you're still alive... I thought as much. I really missed you.' She smiles.

The party lasted all day long.

'This is what high school is like. it's nice to meet your old friends, who are all grown up. 3 years seems like yesterday.' Vanya smiles. 'I noticed Angel was all around you. She hasn't changed a bit.'

'She's different in some ways. She told me she has a boyfriend now. I have nothing to worry about.' Oliver states.

The next day, Oliver devised a plan to expose Ivan, if he was truly the one behind the arson committed.

Ivan's party had already begun. Ivan the tycoon who owns the multi hotel chains. He is a man in his early sixties. He held the glass tumbler in his hand, sipping the drink. His eyes were directly on Vanya, who came along with her dad. He looked at her flirtatiously. A waiter walks up to Vanya and gives her a piece of paper sent by Ivan.

'You're even more prettier than I imagined. Your mom is a beauty, but not to compare to you.' He wrote.

Vanya simply frowned. What an old flirt he is. Vanya just turned 18, she would never accept to date a guy, who was apparently her grand father.

Ivan walks to her. He gives her a bouquet of roses. 'Hello, pretty. You already know me, don't you? I'm the one and only Ivan Gaurie Yerikvich. I can only admire a beauty like you. Your father is a close friend, but I want you to know that I can make your dreams come true. I can take you through out the world. I and your stepmom were in love once, but...' Ivan pauses, and percepts that he had said too much.

This guy absolutely had no shame. He was Vanya's step mom's lover once, and now he wants Vanya. So that's the reason why Senator Theodore termed him the greatest enemy.

Then suddenly, his phone rings.

'Who's this?' He asks.

'It's someone who knows a lot about your past.' The caller says.

'What do you want from me? How did you get my no?' He asks

'Hmmm... Let's say I know what you did 19 years ago. The fire outbreak at Senator Theodore's house, and the death of Celine Theodore.' The caller states.

'What? Who are you?' He asks.

'I can't tell you, but what I want is clear. I want money or the evidence against you will be revealed to the public.' The caller says.

Ivan breathes deeply. He was looking completely restless, hinting he was the culprit.

'How much do you want?' Ivan asks.

'Let's say $500, 000.'

'I'll give you the money, and you'll hand me the evidence you've against me; I don't want anyone to know about this. We can be good friends you know.' Ivan says. 'Where do we meet?'

'Let's meet at the park near your biggest hotel. Come with the money.' He says.

'Okay. I will come with the money.' Ivan disconnects the call. Ivan was an amateur in dealing cases like this, he simply don't want his secret to be overt.

The next day, the caller calls again.

'Ivan, I have changed my mind on the location. Come to the location I'll send to you.'

'Why? Why are you making this more difficult for me.' Ivan murmurs.

'Shut up, and do as you're told. It's imperative that you get this evidence of not you'll be a goner.'

Ivan did as the caller instructed, and he went to an isolated forest. He calls the caller again, but the caller refuses to pick up.

Then the caller calls again.

'You murdered a someone secretly, so it's going to be tough to get rid of this evidence. I will have to be sure you've the money with you.'

'Yes, I murdered her, so what? I have your money, just give me the evidence! Stop frustrating me! Where are you?' Ivan asks.

'How can I know that you're with the whole cash?' The caller asks.

'I trusted you blindly without seeing the evidence, simply because I was scared. I don't care if you trust me, but you want money and I brought the damn money!' Ivan says angrily.

'Hush, Ivan. I have the power to tell you to do anything. Take the money and share to the poor.' The caller states.

Now Ivan was simply exasperated. He frowns, and grits his teeth.

'You fucking bastard! You are just playing with me. You have no evidence against me!' Ivan says.

'But now I do; I recorded all our conversations. Do as I say, or you'll land in jail.'

Ivan did as the caller stated.

The next day, he was in his house when the police arrested him. He was charged of arson, and the murder of Celine Theodore. They court found more evidence against him.

He narrated how he came into the house to sexually harass his former lover, Celine. He almost had his way but she slit his thigh with a kitchen knife, since she was in the kitchen. Ivan got really angry and hit her head on the stovetop, causing her to lose consciousness, and eventually die. In order to hide all fingerprints and evidence, he ignited the house up in flames.

So this meant that Maxwell was truly innocent. Now that Ivan was imprisoned, Vanya had surely vindicated her brother with the help of Oliver, who was the secret caller.

Vanya excitedly called Maxwell, and told him about the news, and he was happy that he wasn't the culprit after all. But he was sad that it took so long for the truth to be revealed.

Now the senator knew the truth about his wife's death. He could only wish for his son to forgive him. As soon as Senator Theodore left for his house. the police was already in his house, when he got there. They had the phone which Oliver had lost in that ship. Somehow, someone found it and took it to the police. That was the first evidence against the senator. Scorpion X was also wanted by the police. The police went to his hideout only to find him brutally murdered. His eyes and all his fingers were removed, and put in a transparent zipper nylon bag, which had a receipt with the name "The surgeon" on it. The surgeon was now in the US. But why did he kill Scorpion X? It was a mystery. The police looked for clues to lead them to the person who did this, but they got none. The only saw bullets with the Shéshizú markings. The guy is a clean murderer; He didn't leave any fingerprint, trace or a clue behind. The only thing that wasn't obscure was his signature killing. Scorpion X's guys were lying dead in the pool of their own blood.

'This guy is something else. I will make sure I get this murderer.' The captain in charge of the case says.

It was all over the news about the gruesome murder of Scorpion X and his gang. Fear crept into Oliver's heart as he watched the news. He knew the surgeon was definitely after him. He still had the activation key. This also meant that Li Chang had been killed. If this serial killer could kill the mighty Li Chang, then who is he compared to him? Oliver thought.