Master Earl pt.2

A man pointed at the canvas exposing the mistakes the painter had made scolding the young boy politely. Earl was a scholar which many disliked, some believe the man was a con artist. Taking the poor villagers' money for his own gain. Which was quite the opposite. He had a long beard and mustache leaving his head bald in the center, wearing a robe with a string tied around his waist. The wrinkles that were on. his face only deepened over time as stress and drinking took a toll on him.

He wanted his students to succeed but very few would meet his expectations. If you couldn't be a painter then you were better off being a lowly merchant. One particular student he had taught was once from a tribe that thrived to survive for many centuries. Yet due to the rise of vampires taking territories, it has died out leaving only a few survivors.

Earl still remembers the day he had cared for the small child treating her as his own. The last thing he remembered was the girl's parents falling ill drastically as it slowly overtook them both leaving the girl alone.

Little Nicole was no older than ten at the time. She ran up to Earl with a small portrait as he taught a lesson to his fellow students. She was stopping his lesson as he knelt down to her patting her head as she smiled brightly.

"Sweet girl, I will have to wait to see your drawing until now why don't you sit and watch me teach "

Nicole nodded as she quickly took a seat watching Earl teach. She wanted to be able to learn and explore the gifts that were taught to her. Earl may not have been her father but he surely took care of her. A voice rang out to Earl as he slowly opened his eyes seeing Nicole lightly touch his back.

"Master Earl? Are you alright?" Her soft-spoken voice echoed in his ear causing him to smile as the young boy that was with him worried at the man's sudden pause.

Earl smiled "I'm alright, I guess old age is getting to me. Lad, we will discuss more about this later you may leave for the day."

The bow bowed his head he left the home as he sat down placing the cane in between his legs. She kneeled down in front of him seeing his eyes hold much sadness.

"How did you find me, Nicole?" He looked down not wanting to look at the girl he had once raised but had also abandoned.

"I had heard that you resided here, I've even met Lord Jasper he was okay to me, have you met him?"

His eyes widened as he looked up at Nicole with fear" You must never meet that man again!" Nicole's expression had turned into confusion " He is just as insane as the Lord Alonso, Jasper reaps nothing but war and chaos. No matter what he did for you as a kind gesture. I had once tried to paint him but he had refused me saying a human wasn't worthy of painting him! That was almost seventy years ago, I remember the look of disgust on the vampire's face. "

Nicole grabbed his hand "Everything will be alright Earl, he might be a changed man"

Earl scoffed "Remember vampires will never accept us as we are nothing but a source of food for them. How have things been in Wallux"

Nicole looked away as she removed her hands from his "It's been alright.. since that day you abandoned me. The home we once lived in started to dilapidate and I don't have enough money to get the repairs done. Why tell me what I can or can't do, you aren't my father."

Earl hummed to himself as he laughed "My intention wasn't to abandon you but to make you stronger as a painter. I gave you my knowledge so you can thrive in this cold world. I am your father whether you like it or not, since your parents died I took the responsibility of taking care of you. If you want to stay here you must help me with my students ."

Nicole looked down not wanting to look up she only nodded as he placed his hand on her head. She started to cry as it was the only emotion she could let out at the moment. She didn't want to go back to Wallux as that was the only home she knew besides the forest. The best thing for her to do was stay with Earl and gain more knowledge.