
Nicole was in awe looking at the fine jewelry that the merchant had presented to her, something that wasn't too much on the eyes. Though he said she could pick something from the merchant she had to be careful with the vampire not wanting to do anything that may kill her.

Jasper took a look at the jewelry inside the shop to get a closer look at the lavish pearls. Meanwhile, Lord Vicar was also in the market trying to find clues to Jaspers's possible corruption. It wasn't his business to mingle in the young lord's affairs but for corruption to take place on a pureblood vampire was rare. 

When Vicar was talking with Jasper he noticed that his eyes were pitch black He must be thirsty of some sort he assumed but his eyes flickered in color which wasn't normal at all. The last conversation he had with Jasper wasn't as good as he had hoped, he trained and taught the boy how to be a proper Lord besides Lord Alonso. It was ten years ago when he noticed something was wrong.

Vicar and Jasper sat across from each other as they started to talk about the possible war between the two kingdoms. Snow and Cloud were Allies as they would go to war for each other.

"Why don't we get you a glass of blood your eyes are rather black"

Jasper touched his face "Really? Ahhh It must've been something I drank earlier. I will take whatever you offer me"

Vicar snapped his finger as a maid came in and she poured the blood into the wine glass handing it to her master and the guest"This would help with the hunger "

Jasper gave Vicar a suspicious look as to why he needed blood in the first place it wouldn't do much. He grabbed his throat feeling the pain wail up inside him, hunger. Jasper told himself to never drink human blood again he didn't want the raging man that lingered within him to take control he wouldn't be able to stop himself when the temptations ran too deep. Luckily he was on a diet that restricted him from drinking human blood.

Jasper took a small sip from the glass, the taste of blood gave him pure satisfaction he kept drinking and drinking until there was nothing left in the cup. Jasper couldn't help but smile full of sanity that was taking a toll on him, the taste of blood drew him mad but he wanted more. He set the glass down on the table as he raked his hair frustrated but the urgency of blood. Black veins began to show under his eyes as his hand formed a fist.

"Jasper you need to calm down "

Jasper looked up at Vicar who frowned at him; he sat up from his seat and walked up towards Jasper holding a bottle of blood tablets.

"I figured this would happen you can't just drink from the source Jasper you need to control your hunger before it consumes you completely. Someone gave you this corruption, it seems like they want you dead. I'm surprised you handled the corruption with ease some can't even do that."

Jasper laughed wickly " When I find the person who did this I'm going to rip their head off their body a feed them to my wolves."

"That's why I bought the blood tablets this can control hunger and fight corruption temporally. Hmmm, your eyes are still black give it some time and it'll go back to normal.

Jasper took a deep breath as he crossed his legs deep in thought, if he asked his older brother for help would be able to help remove the corruption completely. Not saying much of anything Jasper took one of the tablets placing it in his mouth as it dissolved quickly. It tasted bitter but it would. Subside the hunger he had been feeling recently.

"I will let you know when I need more blood tablets I'll let you know. I have recently noticed that I can't keep certain animal blood down it just usually comes right back up. It seems like the corruption is getting worse than I thought."

Vicar shrugged his shoulders "Stick to what you know, I'll try and look further into this situation. The only people I know that can do corruptions like this are witches but it seems it came from the comfort of your own home. I'd watch who you trust even humans can be very difficult even sneaky. They both work together to cause mishaps. Be on your guard at all times."

"Though there's some humans that are kind in their way. "

Vicar could only nod as Jasper did the same. When he opened his eyes he saw Jasper carefully place his hand on the girl's back whispering in her ear. So this was the one that was taming his cold heart, Vicar felt a tug on his sleeve causing him to look at the girl who stood beside him watching people closely.

"Whatever is the matter, dearest Ruby"

"Forgive me milord but I'm awfully cold, when we will be returning to the castle?"

Vicar tilted his head "Once I finish an investigation here in the snow so be a good little knight and stay close. Danger lurks here"

Ruby nodded as they started to walk deeper into the market.

Meanwhile, Jasper rubs Nicole's back as she looks at the jewelry carefully. The jewels sparkled and shined like fine diamonds in the moonlight. She felt this was a bit much for a dozen portraits. The duty was filled but he's rewarding her for simply doing her job.

The old man spoke to her as he explained and tried his best to decide what piece would be better for her skin"What will you pick sweetie, we have here a necklace that was crafted from Edessia"

"This is a beauty, I think I will take that one. How much will it be?"

Before the man could say anything Jasper had a pouch of coins he started to give the man more than plenty. She deserved the necklace as he saw the dedication and true passion in her work.

"W-Why did you buy it for me? That was rather expensive you didn't have to do that you know"

"I did it out of kindness, I can return it and you can get nothing at all."Nicole looked down not saying a word to him only for Jasper to lift her chin with his index finger.

"no need to get too emotional Little Lamb, that is your reward." Jasper took off her old necklace to replace it with the new one he bought her, putting the gemstone through the loop. She turned around letting him put the necklace back on her neck, once he did that he smiled at her slightly.

"How does it look on me?"

"It looks fine, that should seal the deal for now, we should walk around the market a little if you like."

Nicole nodded with a smile "I would like that very much, Milord"

"Alright let's go then"

Vicar couldn't help but watch them closely as he looked at the pocket watch. Jasper's past is terrible yet sad blood was the only solution to solve the pain deep within him but he never told Nicole the full story of his past being a vampire killing innocent people for his father's sake; he did his dirty work as a son and a prince. Indeed he was saved by his older brother Edward but he felt brainwashed not having the power or will to leave his home, so he took it upon himself to go out to the forest which was a secret exit outside the Snow Palace.

Though he didn't have to have such taste when it came to women it ends up being a human that he admires. In their way Vicar always thought of Jasper as a good close friend; Jasper told him secrets that he wouldn't tell the council even to this day it would have been death no better yet betrayal.

Vicar still to this day keeps his secret deep in his heart but eventually he would have to break down his dark secrets to her, she saw an angelic man with a heart of gold but it was all on the outside on the inside he hidden feeling's which only Vicar knew about a satanic man who could wipe out an army in one second willing to kill people for his people and someone he loves, it was something he considered a crime that's just how dangerous he was but since he has with Nicole he was slowly starting to be calmer.

Over the years he grew fond of her loving her and wanting to protect her though he was forbidden to go outside the kingdom he made it his mission to be hers, to claim what was his for all these years. He finally found someone he could take an interest in. To whom he held dear he would give her anything that she wanted and needed hell he would move an entire mountain for her. This type of love is forbidden but Jasper didn't care he needed to make sure he could put a claim on her. Only time could tell as his heart started to become full with nothing but her in it.


Vicar opened his eyes seeing a watch in Ruby's palm holding it out to him. She couldn't just spend the money on herself she decided to spend half of the money on Vicar though it was his money after all. He told her to spend money wisely on herself.

"Is the watch for me Ruby? You didn't have to buy me anything."

"Yes sir it is, It was expensive so I made a bargain with the woman. So this is for you"

Vicar grabbed the watch from Ruby thanking her for it. As they decided to head back to Castle he glanced over the window in a daze of everything that's been happening. Vicar himself was once a court member along with his family members. The lies and dirty work of killing those who were innocent changed his life better yet his humanity towards humans it simply became his life mission to protect humans and all those different.

Vicar would have to break the curse himself in if he wanted to save Jasper and keep harm away from hurting anyone.