Rumors Of War pt.1

Nicole woke up from her deep slumber. She realized she was back in Jasper's room, she couldn't forget the fur blanket that was snug on her body. It was a luxury bed something she never had. Nicole couldn't help but slightly pull the covers back away from her body to see a few bandages wrapped around her chest and legs.

"How are you feeling? I know a lot happened yesterday but I will explain to you later. Later this evening you will be taken to Lord Vicar's castle you will stay with him for the time being " A butler of the name Rowland came in with fresh clothes for Nicole to change into; seeing three maids behind him."These maids will help you change your bandages and clothing."

Nicole nodded " Why can't I just get back to the mainland millord? I know it must be tiresome having to bring a guest such as myself here in your room. "

Jasper's eyes narrowed as he sat in the plush chair" That isn't an option, since you are here with me now people are starting to get suspicious as to why you are so important to me. I only want you to paint me no one else. You are in my domain you shall do what I say"

"For now you will get dressed, If you need anything please let one of the maids know," Rowland said as he handed the maid her clothes. Leaving Jasper to walk out of the room so she change for the day

"Thank you." Nicole weakly got up from the bed as the maids walked to her bowing. Once the maids were finished with their task, one of the maids guided Nicole to the dining room as she sat in front of Jasper looking away.

"You aren't going to say thank you." he looked up at her as he sipped a bit of blood wine.

"Yes thank you so much, Lord Jasper I'm thankful for your kindness!" Nicole said with a voice of glee that made Jasper slightly upset at her tone.

"Do you truly think I am insane Nicole? What Lord do you know will go to such links to keep to a fragile human content? You say you want to go home but I want you to stay right here with me... I'm wrong for thinking that way. You are my painter now, you shall look at no one but me." Jasper poured more glass of blood wine into his glass as his eyes grew dark in color.

"No Lord Jasper you are kinder than most, I don't understand your ways but I must accept that's who you are. Before you make me go to Lord Vicar's kingdom I would like to ask if I could maybe go to the valley in such of a chief. I want to properly bury my father. " Nicole started to tear up as her emotions got the best of her, her goal was to survive and live peacefully. If that meant she would have to stay with Lord Jasper to make money then she would do what she could. 

Jasper sighed at her command "To the valley to speak with a chief, If I go there in your stead will they lend an ear."

she shrugged" I'm not sure, When I was a child I used to go there a lot but the valley is far from the mainland. You are a lord of a kingdom I must go... If I don't my father will not be at peace-"

Jasper raised his hand stopping her from speaking any further "Let me handle this Nicole, I might know of this chief that you talking about. Eat your will and we discuss this later. I need to go to lilth as rumors of war have been spread."

Nicole tilted her head" Rumors of war? Don't you get tired of fighting battles and killing people..."

Jasper laughed slightly as he set the glass down looking at her as she noticed his eyes were as dark as the night sky. " You tell a lord who is built and trained for war if I'm tired of fighting battles. Oh darling you don't know half of what I'm capable of. I'm the best swordsman of all the kingdoms with a large army and wealth. One day I will settle when I'm dead"

He laughed wickedly at himself which she found somewhat disturbing as tears came to his cheek which happened to be blood. Jasper took out a blood tablet putting the small pill in his mouth as it dissolved right away easing the hunger he felt. 

Nicole got up from the chair and walked towards him as she kneeled down wiping his cheek with a handkerchief from the blood-stained tear " Millord are you possibly facing corruption, your eyes were very dark I've never seen you like that"

Jasper frowned " How do you know what corruption is, you must've seen it before. I guess you can say I'm trying to fight the corruption but it gets harder every day. Blood tablets control my hunger and keep me together."

Nicole hummed at his answer"All things will work out milord I have faith in you."

Jasper ignored her words of encouragement but he considered it "I won't be accompanying you to your trip to Vicar Castle but I will make sure Slade watches over you for the time being. He is my eyes so I see everything. The carriage is waiting for you outside. I wish you a safe travel my dear" Jasper grabbed her hand as his lips kissed her palm sweetly. 

She blushed at Jasper's gesture not wanting to waste any more time, The butler Rowland had excused her from his master's presence. Having already grabbed the items that she needed for the trip he guided her to the carriage. His master would have killed him on the spot if something happened to the human painter as she was under his care. It was already bad enough with the bird but now a human came into play as she was a talented human with all the skills acquired from the great scholars but does she stand a chance with his master he thought.

Once he led her into the carriage he wished her a safe trip as the carriage set off to Cloud Kingdom.

Hours had passed and she finally made it to Cloud Kingdom every building she had passed was huge and bright, she never seen anything like it. The carriage stopped as the coachman opened the door for her to get out which she did making sure to grab her belongings as she made her way to the castle entrance. The castle was as big as Lord Jaspers, the home seemed warm and cozy which fits the Lord's personality nicely.

She was greeted by a butler who took her items and guided her to see Lord Vicar. Coming inside the castle she was surprised by its beauty, everything was breathtaking. Once Nicole made it to the drawing-room she bowed her head to see Vicar give her a slight nod as he extended his hand to a small chair for her to sit in. The rain suddenly began to pour as the raindrops hit the window she closed her eyes hearing the sound of rain and wind.

Lord Vicar poured hot coffee into a cup as the fire kept them warm from the rain that poured heavily in the castle. Nicole couldn't help but look around the castle's drawing room it was like a big ballroom made for those to dance in. Lord Vicar handed her the cup of tea, she smiled taking the cup from him. 

"Sorry that my place isn't warm enough for you, I like sticking to my traditional culture. The fire in the chimney should keep you warm for now. I will get your room ready ....wait here."He said in a low husky voice making her wonder in delight of his gentle soul.

Lord Vicar walked away from her as she sat close to the fireplace rubbing her hands together to keep her hands warm from the cold manner that lingered. She looked down and saw the necklace that Jasper had given her; it sparkled & shimmered in the light of fire.

"Nicole your room is ready sorry for; the wait. I was having a little argument with Prince Percy's Assistant Sir Eur. He makes me sick for reasons I don't need to explain, I'm still looking into his files once I find out who he is then he'll be gone out of Percy's life for good. Please excuse me for my sudden change of behavior. I have hard a time trying to control my third. I do not want to be a deranged vampire, blood tablets keep our blood thirst under control." Lord Vicar's eyes were gentle but his facial features said something completely different giving off an angry tone in his voice.

Nicole smiled as she got up from the floor following lord Vicar to her room. The castle was getting colder as they headed to the top floor of the castle. She shivered trying not to show him that she was cold, sadly that was a failure. He stopped taking off his jacket placing it on his shoulder as she thanked him.

"Why is it so cold in your home Lord Vicar?"Nicole rubbed her arms walking beside Vicar. She never thought of Vicar's home to be so cold and unsettling.

"Well....It's the temperature I prefer to be in but I'll change it once you get in your room and make yourself comfortable. "She noticed light bags under his eyes as she saw him stagger walking her to the room holding his head tightly.

"Lord Vicar are you-"He stopped, turning around and placing his index finger on his lips. She was very much startled by his sudden action. Why did he suddenly shush her?

" Do not worry about me Human. I'm trapped by the darkness that consumes my body the same as Jasper. I'll make sure to keep that beast that lingers in me under control. Don't worry about me please...just yourself..."

Lord Vicar looked down as he grabbed the key from out of his pocket. Placing the key in the keyhole opening unlocking the door. He allowed Nicole to go inside and see the simple elegant room that was made just for her, though she doubted that she would be staying there for a long time. Lord Vicar closed the door as she sat down on the bed. Nicole grabbed the note that her father Earl had written to her before his death. She prayed that Jasper kept his word as going to the valley was very important to her.

She puts the note in her pouch as she hears a knock on the door." come in please!"

Lord Vicar came in with a silk blue nightgown for her to wear." I guess you can say this is a present to you. I hope you enjoy your stay here for some time Nicole I'll let you I wish you a good night. " Lord Vicar puts her nightgown on her nightstand as he slowly walks out the door.

Lord Vicar closed the door behind him as Prince Percy waited for him to get Nicole settled for bed. Vicar had this unsettling feeling in his chest noticing how her eyes had grown darker like she something that he couldn't explain.

"So you put the human to sleep how amusing.." Percy hissed.

"This human is different than the others you should know that. What are you doing here? I have things to do. Why aren't you with your little brother Charles"

"So many things mean such as killing people and feeling guilty about it seems about right. I can't upset the great Lord of the Cloud Kingdom...Charles is fine I came to see you anyway"

"I believe you are mistaken Lord Percy I simply was going to do my nightly walk through the town. You don't know anything about me or my leave my Castle; how did even get in here you weren't even invited you pest...."

Lord Vicar pulls out a sword from a wall as Lord Percy holds up his hands in surrender."Oh Lord Vicar don't be like that...I mean no harm. I simply need to discuss something with you about the werewolves...They are trying to start a war with vampires and humans. Just like the old days."

"How is that possible, we signed an agreement and that was that. They don't cross our path and we on cross there's.."

"It's because Nicole...they'll use her as a sacrifice for their clan. Remember the day when lady Lori died she was put up for a sacrifice. Sadly Nicole will go through the same thing as Lady Lori. They are tribal people, after all, Charles was never the same once she died. All the anger and hate is towards the humans."

It's been two thousand years since they came across the corrupted vampires working together with humans. The Lords of the Kingdom held a meeting right away to figure out a way to convince the humans about Sacrificing her. The humans working together with corrupted vampires would play out badly for the kingdoms. Nicole secretly followed lord Vicar and Lord Percy about their little conversation that turned into a little ordeal that made her quite frightened. People always wanted to hurt her and she didn't know why. She overheard The Lords of the kingdom discussing the matter as Nicole heard her name making her the center of the discussion.

"Nicole's tribe is the most powerful vampire hunters alive today. She doesn't know about her family's history but maybe they can help us out if the war ever comes down to it. I know the tribe has died out but I heard there are a few of them out there. However, they'll kill every last one of us in the process even the humans that joined with the vampires. They want us extinct from the world, we just gotta convince them that we aren't bad people...Yet we killed their people and they still hold a grudge decades later. "

Percy Sighed "From what I heard they had claimed you get their power or strength from the gods but that might be a myth. Quahneah and the Salani tribe are the only one that carries those abilities with them but again it could be a myth to scare people away. They use sacrifices to increase their strength and get better at killing our kind. The thing is we don't know where they're located entirely they could be anywhere hiding."

Nicole's eyes grew wide, this was all very brand new to her. So her tribe is vampire hunters, the information she was told from her father was that they were humans simply trying to survive. Suddenly the door opened as she looked to see Percy giving her a cold look as he excused himself from the meeting as he forcefully grabbed her wrist slamming her against the wall.

"What are you doing out of your bed human ...are you that curious to know about your family history? Yes, people are trying to kill you but we're going to try our best to prevent that. You are rather an important piece to the puzzle."

Percy let go of her wrist as he gave her a look of disgust. Lord Vicar walks out of the room as he sees Nicole and Percy he walks up to them.

"Nicole may you go back to your room it's not a good time to be out..."

"I'll take her to her room just head back inside..."

"I don't think so Percy I will take her to her room and you can leave starting now"

A smile left Vicar's face as he walked away while Nicole followed right behind him. She could sense that the man was pure evil. If she had stayed with him god only knows what would've happened to her.