Tangled in darkness and Desire pt.3

The days that followed Chantelle's expulsion from Earl's body were filled with a cold, simmering fury. In the deepest reaches of the dark forest, Chantelle, now fully recovered, walked with a purpose. Her every step seemed to make the shadows around her deepen as if the forest itself resonated with her dark power.

She reached a secluded clearing where a solitary grave stood having memories of him while she recovered her energy, marked by a simple, weathered stone. The name inscribed on it was barely legible, but to Chantelle, it was a sacred monument to the man she had loved more than anything else in the world.

Chantelle knelt beside her husband's grave, her fingers tracing the worn letters of his name. "Oh, my love," she whispered, her voice filled with sorrow and regret. "I wish I had been able to protect you from Lord Theodore's wrath. I wish I could have saved you."