A Broken Home

The pale dawn cast long, mournful shadows across the desolate landscape as Nicole stood before the remnants of what was once her home. The thatched roof sagged under the weight of neglect, and the wooden walls bore the scars of time and abandonment. Weeds had claimed dominion over the once-trodden path leading to the crooked door, swaying gently in the cold morning breeze as if whispering laments of forgotten days.

Nicole's heart felt as dilapidated as the structure before her. The weight of Jasper's absence pressed heavily upon her chest, each breath a reminder of the void he had left behind. The memory of his final moments haunted her relentlessly—the way his form had disintegrated into dust before her very eyes, scattered to the winds like so many unspoken words and unfinished dreams. It's only been few days and no one came to her it was as if she was no one but of course, she was nothing more than a lowly painter that fell in love with the Lord of Snow.