Brothers Conflict pt.2

Part 2

Edward's blade slashed through the air, fast and deadly. Jasper sidestepped at the last moment, his reflexes sharp, even though his mind was still clouded with fragmented memories. He hadn't expected Edward to be this aggressive, but he wasn't surprised either. Edward had always been filled with rage—a fire that burned through him at any hint of disobedience.

Nicole stood frozen, her heart racing as she watched the two brothers circle each other, their movements precise, lethal. She knew she should run, find somewhere to hide, but her feet wouldn't move. Jasper's words still echoed in her mind—his promise to get better for her, to regain his memories and bring her back to the Snow Kingdom. For a moment, hope had flickered inside her. Now, as the tension between the brothers mounted, that hope felt fragile, as if it could shatter at any moment.